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Erie co fair/OVH

Troy bilt

Regular Member
Sep 28, 2012
Just wanted everyone to know that within the past month i have been helping Erie Co get into compliance with their gun buster signs. The Co has taken down all their signs that they had posted in their parking lots, the Co dump, and yes even The Co fair grounds.

I have also been talking with the OVH in Perkins Twp. They have reluctantly decided to agree with me and take down all their sinage that they had posted on all their entrances.


Regular Member
May 10, 2009
, Ohio, USA
I've sent letters to Lorain county Ag. Society trying to get their signs down. Erie was next on my list. One fair at a time. Good job, thank you!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Down in the southwest part of Ohio a number of us peons have had signage removed and rules fixed so that many of these city, townships and villages are in compliance. And what's amazing is us little old peons got the job done without the help of any of those so called great and powerful gun organizations that claim to support and defend open carry because it is the right thing to do.

Even when us peons do open records requests of these city, townships and villages none of them have that powerful "TO WHO IT MAY CONCERN" letter in their records. That's right "to who may concern" letters are like "Dear Resident" or "Dear Occupant," solicitation letters that get round filed.

All I can say is - peons - keep up the good work.....


Regular Member
May 10, 2009
, Ohio, USA
Down in the southwest part of Ohio a number of us peons have had signage removed and rules fixed so that many of these city, townships and villages are in compliance. And what's amazing is us little old peons got the job done without the help of any of those so called great and powerful gun organizations that claim to support and defend open carry because it is the right thing to do.

Even when us peons do open records requests of these city, townships and villages none of them have that powerful "TO WHO IT MAY CONCERN" letter in their records. That's right "to who may concern" letters are like "Dear Resident" or "Dear Occupant," solicitation letters that get round filed.

All I can say is - peons - keep up the good work.....

Praise, so much better than, 'what you do is beneath us'. On behalf of all the peons that help me, thank you.


Regular Member
Mar 28, 2007
, ,
I just noticed this thread, Troy bilt. Good job and thanks for putting forth the effort!