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Eastern WA OC Report


Regular Member
Jul 30, 2009
Spokane, Washington, USA
Bennie, coffee is a great idea. I have family in town this weekend but my brother-in-law likes guns and donuts. Would you guys be up to meeting at Mike's Donuts in the valley, say 7:30 am? That is kind of a long way for Orphan. Another option would be lunch downtown one day this week. I am flexable for lunch so you can set the time, Mon and Tues are out for me.

I only get 30min for lunch so that probably wont work. Saturday morning would work I just dont know where that place is.

Jeff Hayes

Regular Member
Mar 10, 2009
Long gone
Are we talking lunch on Saturday or coffee & donuts, either is Ok with me, Sunday is most likely out I am going to try to make the Willow Lake meet. We should start another thread so others can attend if they want to.


Regular Member
May 2, 2009
Spokane Valley, Washington, USA
Are we talking lunch on Saturday or coffee & donuts, either is Ok with me, Sunday is most likely out I am going to try to make the Willow Lake meet. We should start another thread so others can attend if they want to.

My bad, they are closed all week for vacation. Still looking for better option, may have to postpone.
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Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Spokane, Wa., ,
I was at the Highland Games, Saturday, at the Spokane Co. Fairgrounds and saw a guy OC'ing in a kilt. Though almost everyone there was in kilts, I saw only one person OC, but did not get a chance to talk with him.


Regular Member
Jul 9, 2010
Eastern Warshingtun
This wasn't on the East side, but since I am an East side guy now, i'll throw it in here. I was back home for the weekend on the West side, over on the Peninsula. Was riding with my mom, heading to the gas station. This particular station is right across the street from the Court House. We were coming down the CH side of the street, just about to pull into the turn lane to the station, when a dog(Chihuahua) jumped out of a parked car on the CH side of the street. Mom jumped on the brakes and swerved to avoid a squish situation. There happened to be a parking spot just two spots in front of the parked dog car. She whipped in, and I jumped out to track this dog down. It was half a block away by now and moving. Luckily it stayed confined to the sidewalk, until it crossed a side street and continued it's getaway. I tried to calmly pursue it as to not scare it, but it was moving so quick I had to start running after it. It made it's way into a parking lot that happened to be a School district building(note, this was not a school, just an administrative building). At this point I lost the dog. So far I had made my way by the Court House, coffee shop(with on lookers as they saw the dog), hair salon, and now was standing in the school district buildings parking lot. I was carrying at 3-4 oclock IWB with my shirt tucked in. I decided that I better go concealed at this point for several reasons. The patrons in the coffee shop had clearly noticed my sidearm, being that my strong side was toward them, and they watched as I tried to gain on the dog. This would not normally concern me, but add to this the fact I was near several Government buildings, including the police station and city hall, and I am now standing in a school district parking lot, granted it is not a school, just an admin building. I started to wander around, behind buildings, crossing to the next street cutting through several parking lots, back and forth trying to locate this dog. The last thing I needed was a MWAG call. after all, all that was separating me from the police station and city hall(same building) literally was a chain link fence.
Unfortunately, after about 10 minutes of wandering within this block, I did not end up finding this dog. Mom left a note on their vehicle, and we proceeded to go fill up.

I didn't break any laws, the only one I was questioning myself on was the school dist. admin building parking lot....but I am pretty sure I was good there based on it not being called out in the RCW's. It specifically says schools....not school dist buildings. the only reason I went concealed, was to avoid a MWAG call based on my surrounding areas.

anywho, OC after work today should be a lot less exciting. :lol:


Regular Member
Jun 1, 2010
Spokane, Washington, USA

OC at Walmart in Airway Heights... I couldn't believe there were almost no people there and I didn't hear any screaming children...

Anyway.. bought a bunch of ammo for competition this weekend (www.inas.us) with my daughter and no one said anything... Don't know if they didn't care or didn't see... I didn't ask...


Regular Member
Jul 30, 2009
Spokane, Washington, USA

OC at Walmart in Airway Heights... I couldn't believe there were almost no people there and I didn't hear any screaming children...

Anyway.. bought a bunch of ammo for competition this weekend (www.inas.us) with my daughter and no one said anything... Don't know if they didn't care or didn't see... I didn't ask...

My buddy was asked to leave that walmart before... he was already on his way out LOL! I was asked to leave the north point walmart before. I called and complained and the manager called back after researching policy and apologized.


Regular Member
Sep 7, 2009
Richland, Washington, USA
Lump post:

Can't quite recall how many times I've hiked up Badger Mountain while OC'ing. Couple of joggers and fellow hikers. Never got a second glance... well, except when I was swearing at my GPS. Haha.


Regular Member
May 2, 2009
Spokane Valley, Washington, USA

OC'd to dinner, Peking Palace, Spokane Valley. Waitress brought our menu's and says "Police Officer?"

"No" I replied.

:shocker: "Oh, you just like to wear it?"

"Yes." :D

She then throws me a big smile, "Cool" and walked off to get our waters. We had great service the rest of the night. Just wish I had a pamphlet to leave her.


Regular Member
Jun 12, 2007
West Plains, ,
Let's see,

Holiday gas station in the Valley on Argonne....no issues.

Azteca restaurant in the Valley Mall.....no issues

The new Hobby Lobby close to the Valley Mall....no issues

Then I went so far east I ended up in another state :)

Cabela's in Post Falls, other than being asked by the firearms checker if I was planning on removing
my pistol from the holster, I said no, she said have a nice day.......no issues

Harvest Market in Post Falls....no issues

The only real issue I had was at Cabela's. For the last 3 times I have been out there they have not had .400 Hornady XTP bullets in 180gr or a set of dies for 220 Swift. If those are the only types of issues I have when carrying.....then all is OK.



Regular Member
Oct 15, 2009
Spokane, Washington, USA

Home Depot at the Y - - no issues.

Picking up the kidlets at the Howard Street entrance to Riverfront Park - - guy coming up from an angle behind me, noticing the little big Glock "Is that a weapon?" Me "Yes it is." Him "Are you aware of the park rules prohibiting weapons?" Me "Yes I am and I'm also aware that those rules are void. Look at RCW 9.41.290 and .300" Him, walking off, muttering "You can't bring a weapon in here" - - at least I think that's what he said. What I thought to say 5 minutes after he was out of sight "Well, why don't you call 911 and see how far that gets you." Probably a good thing I didn't say that. :)

Picking up and dropping off the kids at RFP all week, not a word from the YMCA staff or anyone else at the park and it's just been too darned hot to keep the blazer on and CC.


Regular Member
May 2, 2009
Spokane Valley, Washington, USA

Went to a short meeting at church tonight. 20 min. in one guy leans in and says "What is that?" looking at my sidearm.
"That is a Ruger 9mm." I replied.
"So I assume you have a permit to carry that?"
Here we go!

Long story short, I am taking him and his two boys shooting for the first time soon.