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Condolences to Colorado


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
He just keeps moving up the "pile", doesn't he? Mayor of Denver, governor, and now what?
A senator?
Or a "representative"? If this, just WHO is "representing"?
Hickenlooper has screwed you folks yet again.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Hickenlooper is one individual who is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable and Coloradans should ask why he has been their favorite son over the years...
1. As governor, he introduced unversial bkgnd cks and banned hi-cap mags!
2. Having initially opposed 421 use but has gradually come to support it.
3. Failed to assist denver's huge homeless population
4. Oil/gas supporter above all other interests..


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
True, CO went for Biden, but I was expecting that AND expected the vote for the POS/nobody to be HUGE (the cliche "landslide" comes to mind, if you will) compared to the number of votes for Trump.
But it WASN'T any landslide, far from it...was a lot closer than I expected, which I found encouraging for CO, as it suggests there are still a whole lot of "red people" here, in the city where I am (Colorado Springs) and most fo the counties in CO. Not to mention the huge number of pro-gun people here (citizens AND most county sheriffs have been that way for years).
And the "close" vote was also surprising given COS is regularly out-numbered/out-voted by the huge number of liberals infesting the other 3 major cities of CO -- Boulder, Denver and Pueblo.
The main disappointment for me -- looking at how Colorado Springs voted even though it clearly went Trump (as expected) -- was the more-than-expected votes for POS Biden as I had guessed COS was about 60% conservative & 40% liberals ("as it "leans" Republican), so I expected to see way LESS votes for the fool.
Whatever, given all that, I don't know what to predict re: where CO is headed (blue/red or a purple stalemate) in the near future.
At least "we" got Lauren Bobert elected!
She owns the "Shooters Grill" in Rifle, CO...where all the servers (all female?) OC and OCers/CCers are welcomed, even encouraged.
And she doesn't like "Beto" O'Rourke (of El Paso, TX).
Good for her...may she be another Suzanna Gratia Hupp that we had in the TX State Legislature back in 1996 (inspired to run for office by the 1991 Killeen, TX Luby's "massacre")...
So I'm not ready to give up on CO yet. ;-)
As for Hickenpooper, yes, he also is a POS, and did plenty of liberal/Democrat damage to CO when he was Governor. And now with his latest election win, he's got a "popular mandate" to do more of the same as a Senator in Washington DC. But what can you do when SO MANY fools continue to vote for these people? I don't know...
-- BR
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
True...pretty much the same story for other "blue" states such as OR, WA and even CA...they have those cancer tumors also. But that's the "Western" part fo the country -- I'd think states in the East (MA, CT, MD, etc) are pretty much overall blue be it city or rural voters.
BTW, I was SURPRISED to see AZ go for Biden...not at all as I expected!
-- BR


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
Don't forget "ObamaLand". Except for the blue pit in and around "Shicago", Champaign (home of the U of I), Springfield (state capital), and St. Clair county (East St. Louis), most counties were RED, yet "Plugs" got the electoral votes.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I THINK what was reported has been remove.
There was a SPAM "response" there -- as we've been seeing here lately, especially with no Moderator anymore to catch it (just us) -- so it wasn't one of our comments being reported/removed, although removal of the SPAM post did take quite a while to happen.
So now, all is well in Whoville...
-- Horton
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