I'm in Goldsboro, and have been OCing for 9 months or so. Have Seen a total of 3 other people (all at walmart in Rosewood, and 2 were together) Glad someone else is around here. Everywhere I have gone around town has been pretty uneventful. A couple minor comments, nothing of real value.
im betting that that 2 you saw was me and my buddy.
I OC all the time, except when im to/from work since my boss "doesnt allow weapons on the premesis" (we really need to get that ish changed)
Ive only had one run in with 5-0 and that was only to comment that he liked the coloring that I did on the slide. I do get lots of funny looks in the banks but thats kind of enjoyable. lol i usually put a couple flyers in my pocket and take them in with me so the curious people can get one.
I had one lady behind me in walmart that asked me why I carried, and my answer was simple.. "because you dont" i elaborated and told her people who dont exercise their rights, are more of a threat to me and my freedom than any criminal.
go to some of the small towns around here, and they will try to give you free food at the restaurants because they think your a cop LOL