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Anyone Carry A Star Firestar?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Centre, Alabama, USA
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Quick ? I've got the Ultrastar and I've noticed that one of the clips tries to drop sometimes when cocked but not the other clip.:banghead: Nothing different in the two that I can see. Any way to fix it or does it just need to be replaced? Thanks


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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rn2730 wrote:
Quick ? I've got the Ultrastar and I've noticed that one of the clips tries to drop sometimes when cocked but not the other clip.:banghead: Nothing different in the two that I can see. Any way to fix it or does it just need to be replaced? Thanks
Are the magazines of the same manufacturer? Did this just start happening, where before both worked fine?

Possible your magazine release or the disconnector has trash under them.

Recommend cleaning the gun thoroughly, relubing and trying the mags again. Warn or bent mags may effect proper seating. Mags do wear out.

If parts are needed, Ipar mentioned earlier in this thread is an excellent source of parts and mags are available from other cited sources.

Yata hey


New member
Aug 5, 2009
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I stil have a Star Firestar M40 which I'm selling for $ 250.- Great carry gun. Strong and powerful!


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Aug 5, 2009
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Democrats have never tried to take my legal guns away for the past 30 years- so stop being so extreme.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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viperman wrote:
Democrats have never tried to take my legal guns away for the past 30 years- so stop being so extreme.
This relates to what on this thread?

Yata hey


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Aug 5, 2009
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I'm just getting the truth out there because I'm sick of hearing right wingers saying Democrats want to take their guns away. We have more guns than they do.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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viperman wrote:
I'm just getting the truth out there because I'm sick of hearing right wingers saying Democrats want to take their guns away. We have more guns than they do.
Driving by are you?

Yata hey

Big Shrek

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Oct 14, 2009
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Grapeshot wrote:
I have a M40 Firestar and a 9mm model BM. Both are reliable and combat accurate.
The M40 is in Star's chrome/brushed chrome (Caravel?) finish with polished wood panels - it is a very pretty piece, Still have the original grips too.

Scoop of the day! STAR PARTS ARE AVAILABLE http://www.iparguns.com

Frankly, their web site is of not very good but does give you the contact info. I have ordered from them on several occasions and always received multiple items (spares) without extra cost. They bought all of the original tooling from Star but they apparently cannot make or sell frames, slides or barrels because of Spanish regulations. Only after repeat visits to gunshows and trying through numerous gunsmiths to no avail, did I discover IPARGUNS. Had been told parts were just not to be found.

Down side is that payment is made in Euros based on current rate of exchange. They do take credit cards.

Sostoa, 2 bajo - 20600 EIBAR (SPAIN)
Tel. + 34 943204117 Fax + 34 943120906
e-mail: iparguns@iparguns.com
web site: http://www.iparguns.com

Wolff Precision still has the standard 16 lb recoil spring (stock #48816) which is correct for the M43 (9mm) and the M40 (.40 cal). I do not know about other model springs.

Hope this keeps your Stars running.

Yata hey

THAT is the kinda info that we NEED :) Great Work :)

I'm still digging for info on ASTAR, which was supposed to take over where Star left off...but my Spanish is horrible.

I just hit on a NIB collection...the Ultrastar, Megastar, 30m, 31p, Firestar .40, a 30PK,a Starfire, and a BKS Starlight.

The old guy was a dealer and had stuck them in his safe when he closed the shop...consequently, there they stayed until I was chatting with him about a Model 30M I used to own...got a great deal too :)

So I'll be continuing to dig for Star info...like this


Big Shrek

Regular Member
Oct 14, 2009
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Obviously you don't live in California, Illinios, New Jersey, New York, Washington DC...or Massachusetts.

Yankee states are getting worse...

Conversely, Southern states are making it Easier...Florida has probably the best CCW program and anti-crook laws (10-20-LIFE) ("Stand Your Ground" Law) on the books.

Maybe we'll secceed again ;) We'ed have a better chance at it this time, as it wouldn't be about anything other than State's Rights & getting away from overbearing taxation...kinda like what happened in 1776, eh?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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Big Shrek wrote:
Grapeshot wrote:
I have a M40 Firestar and a 9mm model BM. Both are reliable and combat accurate.
The M40 is in Star's chrome/brushed chrome (Caravel?) finish with polished wood panels - it is a very pretty piece, Still have the original grips too.

Scoop of the day! STAR PARTS ARE AVAILABLE http://www.iparguns.com

Frankly, their web site is of not very good but does give you the contact info. I have ordered from them on several occasions and always received multiple items (spares) without extra cost. They bought all of the original tooling from Star but they apparently cannot make or sell frames, slides or barrels because of Spanish regulations. Only after repeat visits to gunshows and trying through numerous gunsmiths to no avail, did I discover IPARGUNS. Had been told parts were just not to be found.

Down side is that payment is made in Euros based on current rate of exchange. They do take credit cards.

Sostoa, 2 bajo - 20600 EIBAR (SPAIN)
Tel. + 34 943204117 Fax + 34 943120906
e-mail: iparguns@iparguns.com
web site: http://www.iparguns.com

Wolff Precision still has the standard 16 lb recoil spring (stock #48816) which is correct for the M43 (9mm) and the M40 (.40 cal). I do not know about other model springs.

Hope this keeps your Stars running.

Yata hey

THAT is the kinda info that we NEED :) Great Work :)

I'm still digging for info on ASTAR, which was supposed to take over where Star left off...but my Spanish is horrible.

I just hit on a NIB collection...the Ultrastar, Megastar, 30m, 31p, Firestar .40, a 30PK,a Starfire, and a BKS Starlight.

The old guy was a dealer and had stuck them in his safe when he closed the shop...consequently, there they stayed until I was chatting with him about a Model 30M I used to own...got a great deal too :)

So I'll be continuing to dig for Star info...like this

Would love to see pictures. All NIB - Wow!

Had a .45 Megastar once - major piece of iron - kinda wish I still had it - was different.

Yata hey


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Oct 17, 2009
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Hi ! I just joined this forum. I justpicked up a Star M45 but not tried it yet! Hope it shoots as well as it looks. I thought it is made of stainless steel. as it looks like it! Did they make it in stainless or the starvel finish only. Actually it looks really like new. Just love the feel of it !! Traded it for a CZ Rami as I want to go .45. Thanks for all the tips on this forum ! Now for a 7 round mag! One question, does the 7 or 8 round mag stick out much??Thanks.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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dannyv wrote:
Hi ! I just joined this forum. I justpicked up a Star M45 but not tried it yet! Hope it shoots as well as it looks. I thought it is made of stainless steel. as it looks like it! Did they make it in stainless or the starvel finish only. Actually it looks really like new. Just love the feel of it !! Traded it for a CZ Rami as I want to go .45. Thanks for all the tips on this forum ! Now for a 7 round mag! One question, does the 7 or 8 round mag stick out much??Thanks.
M45 was made in both starvel and blue. My M40 has never shown the first bit of surface rust so conclude that starvel must have a fair amount of nickel in it. Since "stainless" is nickel/steel alloy, guess that makes starvel stainless. :)

Eight round mags available but I've not seen one.

Yata hey

P.S. Welcome to the forum.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
St Petersburg, Florida, USA
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I joined this site so that I can ask a question. My husband has asked for a semi-auto handgun for Christmas. He has revolvers, and several different rifles, but no semi-auto. I know a little about guns, mainly I just like to target shoot (he gave me a .22 rifle as a wedding present!). Anyway, a good friend of ours has a Firestar .40. Hebought it from a friend several years ago, the friend hadbought it new.I've looked it over, and it looks good. It's clean, it's only been fired a handful of times, and it's been well cared for and stored. He's offering me it, a hard case, a soft case and a box of rounds for $150. I told him I'd think about it and get back with him in a few days. From everything I've read here, I think that's a good deal, but I really want to make sure. It's been a tough year around here, and I really want hubby to be happy.

So....any advice or opinions would be welcome!! Thanks ya'll!!

pete almquist

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Dec 13, 2009
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$150.00 is a steal. Go for it! I have the 9mm version and I haven't had a lick of trouble with it. As you may have read these little pistols although quite compact are also pretty heavy. This is good and maybe not so good in the sense that it makes it a bit heavy to carry concealed but makes them a lot funner to shoot because the weight makes the recoil more managable. I have other pistols as well but have held onto this one for quite some time. I like it!


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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pete almquist wrote:
$150.00 is a steal. Go for it! I have the 9mm version and I haven't had a lick of trouble with it. As you may have read these little pistols although quite compact are also pretty heavy. This is good and maybe not so good in the sense that it makes it a bit heavy to carry concealed but makes them a lot funner to shoot because the weight makes the recoil more managable. I have other pistols as well but have held onto this one for quite some time. I like it!
It may be heavy compared to polymer/plastic pistols - it is steel after all, but it weighs no where as much as a 1911.

Should you buy it - NO - send me his name and address immediately!

Just kidding of course. :) I'm sure that he will appreciate it and the price is excellant.

I will never part with my M40.

Yata hey


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Whiteweird, South Dakota, USA
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Since this seems to be "The Thread That Will Not Die..." I'll jump in here.

I recently acquired a Firestar M45. Did a lot of research, some of it from lurking on this very forum, and even this particular thread!

Funny story, actually. Once I decided on the Firestar, I was lucky enough to find one at a local gun shop. Put in on layaway in early December, and went in shortly before Christmas to put some more money down on it. After much hemming and hawing the guy finally 'fessed up that my dad had come in the week before and paid it off!

Anyways, after a couple hundred rounds at the range, I've noticed a tendency for it to hang up fairly frequently. Seems to be a failure to feed. Don't think it's a limp-wristing issue, as it's happened to both me and my dad, and while i'm relatively new to handguns, he's been shooting them for 50+ yrs.

Ammo that it failed w/ was Hornady 185 XTP, Remington Golden Sabre 185, Blazer 230 FMJ Target loads, Winchester FMJ 230 target rnds, and Remington standard 230 JHP's. Only thing it seemed to like was some standard Winchester JHP 230's, but i only put one mag of those through it. those are obviously what i'm loading with for carry, but i still have my doubts...

Happens with a variety of ammo, even FMJ, so I'm thinking magazine issue possibly? It's a factory mag, maybe it's just tired, or could use a little porting/polishing?

Any suggestions?

Here it is, BTW:

And that is a FREAKIN" SWEET piece Grapeshot!


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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Welcome to OCDO bonefish - really a lot of good people and knowledge here.

Thanks for the compliment on my Star - its my poor man's BBQ gun.

As to your problem: Presume that you have thoroughly cleaned and lubed the pistol, but how about the mags? Look for nicks and distortion in the feed lips of the mags also. Consider replacing the magazine springs with new ones - they likely have a lot of years of use. In fact, I'd replace the recoil spring while I was at it, just to freshen it up as this effects timing of the slide going back into battery - they are avail. from Wolfe and other sources mentioned earlier in this thread. Mags can be a bit harder to find, but are out there.

In so far as polishing the ramp, does it look rough or patterned? Just remember to take off/polish a LITTLE bit at a time and check it for function. Once removed, you can't put the metal back.

Mine eats anything including crackers in bed. :D

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

Yata hey


Regular Member
Jul 24, 2007
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
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bonefish wrote:
Since this seems to be "The Thread That Will Not Die..." I'll jump in here.

I recently acquired a Firestar M45. Did a lot of research, some of it from lurking on this very forum, and even this particular thread!

Funny story, actually. Once I decided on the Firestar, I was lucky enough to find one at a local gun shop. Put in on layaway in early December, and went in shortly before Christmas to put some more money down on it. After much hemming and hawing the guy finally 'fessed up that my dad had come in the week before and paid it off!

Anyways, after a couple hundred rounds at the range, I've noticed a tendency for it to hang up fairly frequently. Seems to be a failure to feed. Don't think it's a limp-wristing issue, as it's happened to both me and my dad, and while i'm relatively new to handguns, he's been shooting them for 50+ yrs.

Ammo that it failed w/ was Hornady 185 XTP, Remington Golden Sabre 185, Blazer 230 FMJ Target loads, Winchester FMJ 230 target rnds, and Remington standard 230 JHP's. Only thing it seemed to like was some standard Winchester JHP 230's, but i only put one mag of those through it. those are obviously what i'm loading with for carry, but i still have my doubts...

Happens with a variety of ammo, even FMJ, so I'm thinking magazine issue possibly? It's a factory mag, maybe it's just tired, or could use a little porting/polishing?

Any suggestions?

Here it is, BTW:

And that is a FREAKIN" SWEET piece Grapeshot!
Welcome to the forum.

I sold my Firestar 40 last year but did have similar problems with mine when I first got it. At the time, I had been shooting a revolver for about 20 years, and for the past year and a half had been shooting up to 300 rounds per week through my Glock 19.

When I learned that I am not supposed to grip the Firestar like I grip the G19, the feeding problem stopped. Never did experience any of those reported problems with the Glock. Not all guns are held the same. When I first experienced the problem, I asked a friend who is an avid 1911 shooter to put 50 rounds through the gun. He ran them through faster than I could reload the mags and didn't have any problem. Problem was the guy who regularly shot between 150-300 rounds per week. Once I fixed the software, the hardware wasn't a problem.

Not saying it's the same with you, but the possibility does exist.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Cheney, WA
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Yup - I have and use regularly the Firestar M45. A very good solidly built reliable pistol.

I've had a tough time finding a good holster for it.

I recently bought a brand new Bianchi model 19 /19L that is designed specifically for the Firestar - however, since the M45 is a bit larger than the other models, this holster is obviously made to fit the smaller Firestars.

Anyone want to buy it from me?
My loss is your gain!

I have listed it at Gunbroker.com


But I'll sell it directly to you folks for $23 plus shipping before the auction ends.

Or - take a chance and just bid on it at Gunbroker - you'll probably get it cheaper!

email me: crstrode@charter.net

