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Any events in Louisville/Lexingtong/Frankfrort KY?


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2014
Louisville, KY
I'm new to the gun world and am wondering if people ever have OC meetups in Louisville or surrounding areas. I know that Louisville is a pretty liberal city, but how is Lexington and Frankfort? I'd love to join an OC event and meet some fellow gun owners (at school I've met 3 people who own guns, none of them carry and none of them shoot more than a couple times a year so it makes me feel like a "gun nut")


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2014
Louisville, KY
That's a real shame. But I can understand how you feel. Not even my girlfriend would OC with me. As for meeting up, I don't know Lexington (only passed through once) and Louisville locations where OC would make a good impact are more "youth" friendly (you sound like you're an experienced individual, wise words in many of your posts, so I'll assume you're older than 26) and I wouldn't know where to have a "meet-up". I'm sorry other members have let you down before. For now, I guess I'll OC on my own.

You mentioned problems with Lexington, could you elaborate? Do cops give you problems? How do you deal with people not liking your decision to OC?

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
You mentioned problems with Lexington, could you elaborate? Do cops give you problems? How do you deal with people not liking your decision to OC?

This is just my generic OC advice: Know the laws, perhaps carry copies of the appropriate ones with you. In any event carry and use a voice recorder. Think ahead about how you will speak to both law enforcement folks, and others you encounter. Calmness and firmness.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
One of the more famous gum bloggers http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/ has often commented on the difference between Open Carrying and Open Carrying at people.

Except for a few states where OC is not a legal option, the purpose of the "Open Carry Movement" seems to be to normalize the lawful open carrying of properly secured handguns as people go about their daily business. Even when I meet up with other OCers for the specific purpose of doing something else (sharing a meal, picking up trash along the road, etc.) the OC experience I and the folks I know is designed to avoid Open Carrying at people.

Full disclosure: I was once accused of "thusting my hip" at a certain security guard.:uhoh: Of course, it happened on the day I was carrying OWB at the 1 o'clock position. Pretty scary stuff, especially when you know that I am usually described as a cross between Santa Claus and the Travelocity gnome.

stay safe.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
It's not too far, so I'd be up for something in Lexington.

Gutshot has said that they have "yet to learn their lesson" - so come up with a plan & place that that can be accomplished, and I'll give it serious consideration. I'll even bring a friend or two.


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2014
Louisville, KY
This is just my generic OC advice: Know the laws, perhaps carry copies of the appropriate ones with you. In any event carry and use a voice recorder. Think ahead about how you will speak to both law enforcement folks, and others you encounter. Calmness and firmness.

Any recommendations for a good audio recorder? As a student all I have is my lecture recorder but that is geared towards made for having the device 2ft from the speaker. I have read all the laws but will be re-reading them to re-fresh my memory. I carry a hard copy of all the laws (as well as handgunlaw.us printout for quick reference to the specific statute) in my car and a soft copy in a linked folder on my phone. But that is really just for me: if a LEO wants to give you a hard time I doubt they would give you the benefit of looking up a law, right?

I know that OC can't be prohibited except in very few/specific places stated in KRS (under a category of weapons prohibited, no OC is actually mentioned) and CC is prohibited in other statutes (but those don't necessarily mean OC is prohibited). I have only been carrying since March so I am still cautious regarding where I can carry regarding gov buildings. What would happen if I accidenally OC'd somewhere where I shouldn't (as only an example: I OC into a sheriff's office, which I think I can actually do?)

I'm up for a general OC meet. Not as an OC at people to raise awareness, just to see other people doing it as I have yet to see anyone around my area that carries openly.

As for why I started OC'ing: raising awareness is a by-product. If I wanted to OC AT people I'd probably wear a nice leather holster with shark-skin and an elephant skin belt (pricey but I'd save up). Instead I have a slim, low-profile Raven holster. It's super comfy


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2014
Louisville, KY
It's not too far, so I'd be up for something in Lexington.

Gutshot has said that they have "yet to learn their lesson" - so come up with a plan & place that that can be accomplished, and I'll give it serious consideration. I'll even bring a friend or two.

What would be a good goal/lesson for such an event? I'll start brainstorming and ask you guys for feedback as I'm new to all this. I'd definitly be up for a trip to Lexington if only to get out of town for a day.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
What would be a good goal/lesson for such an event? I'll start brainstorming and ask you guys for feedback as I'm new to all this. I'd definitly be up for a trip to Lexington if only to get out of town for a day.
I'm not lessening the value of "events", but given your knowledge and experience level one doesn't have to have an event to accomplish something which furthers the rights under law of those who choose to carry a firearm AND educates you on the law and how to deal with those in positions of authority. Gutshot has laid out some specific problems - I say go after those first. An "event" may be the outcome of your efforts, or it may not.

Ohio has an "open records" law, I believe KY's is called FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). Whatever the name, for present and future situations it would behoove you to learn the law and how and with whom it can be applied - in various circumstances.

For instance, why not delve into the apparent policy of requiring insurance for gatherings in LFUCG parks? Just do a records request for their policy, and then ask to see the proof of insurance given them for all the events they've approved? Or, ask the bus system for a copy of their policy regarding guns on buses. Post your proposed communications, or the results of your efforts, here.

By going down this path you will arm yourself better for future interactions, educate yourself, and quite possibly secure appropriate recognition of the law. If an event is necessary, you will have already done your homework.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Im a normal OC'er here in Louisville, but with the colder weather i've been trying a shoulder rig to see how i like it, loving it so far, but im up for a meet up sometime depending on my work.

Just let me know.
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Regular Member
Mar 26, 2011
Lexington, Ky
We should all have another OC meet n' greet at golden coral on New Circle rd in Lexington, a few years back, but was fun on my memory. Or maybe a BBQ at a park, or something, in the late spring or summer? I'll help sponsor the event with my barrel grill if we can't find a park to use grills, or if someone offers their back yard but dont have a decent charcoal grill (no self-respecting southerner/kentuckian BBQs with gas). Or sponsor with cold hard cash (warm, sweaty cash if you're like me and just stuffs it in your pocket).

I'm giddy with curiosity as to how many of my fellow OC'ers will have a smart-arsed comment about my new EDC pistol for OC, Traditions 1851 Remington Navy revolver, cap n' ball.