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A LONG time coming - - -


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2017
Planet Earth
After 40 years feeding at the public trough and 36 years as Speaker of the House, Mike Madigan has resigned !!
As he is also under federal investigation so the question is whether or not he goes to trial. As he is in his late 70s (about the same age as Biden), that is debatable. Madigan has been in power (as Speaker) in the ILGA longer than any other politician in the country but was not reelected to the position this year, partly because of this investigation.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
One on the greatest examples to push for term limits...[without public subsidy retirement]

the good olde IL boss ethic is alive and well in madigan...

doubt much to do will come of any investigation in to his activities w/edison

The Hill, quote:
Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy slammed Madigan's resignation in an emailed statement, saying his legacy "is that of presiding over the decline of a once great state, ballooning pension liabilities by hundreds of billions of dollars, and the accumulation of historic political power that primarily benefited government insiders and special interests."

"Chairman Madigan may no longer be a state representative, but he is still Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois where he personally controls over $15 million in campaign cash," he said.
