Alas KB, perhaps you should heed Churchill’s November 1942 observation during the Lord Mayor’s luncheon...
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
If you review the annals of this forum KB, you will discern there were quite a few members engaged in quite active discussions on minutiae points of law, community, state, federal; this or that firearm or caliber was better; merits of Mos/Lott/my friend/LE said this or that about what a citizen can carry/do in a SD incident; and even discussions about newspeek/social media covering shootings, yes just like the current discussion FL’s shooter’s conviction.
Most forum discussions were civil, while there were some members who insisted in engaging in flat out bullying techniques by berating others capabilities, ad nauseam. Tis the way of our society since the nation was founded...cost Hamilton his life. Fortunately these who bullied were called out for those type of tactics and as in face/face interaction, if a bully can’t win over someone they find another poor soul to wreak havoc on, that was done here.
Very similar, i’m sure to your engagements with your esteem colleagues in your state’s legislative body, except forum discussions were not face to face engagement ~ imagine KB conducting state business strictly by a forum message board and without benefit of seeing reaction to your message or even knowing another’s ‘real pedigree’ except what they tell you!
So KB, do you publicly lambast, newspeek/social media, your state’s legislative methods or your legislative cohorts or even those in your party’s leadership roles? Probably not!
Some technologists suggest FB/twitter/etc are dying modes of communication for the world’s society[ies] so perhaps shortly you can roam those venues bemoaning their premature demise also!
Tis just the end of the beginning...