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Does anyone ever read this forum?

The Big Dog

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
I remember back when I started to Open Carry, we used to gather once a month at the Starbucks on 348th in Federal Way. Used to be quite a few of us. Many of us would walk across the parking lot to Sportsman's Warehouse to look for our next purchase. The people of Starbucks got a bit weird and didn't want people with guns in their stores so the gatherings came to an end. GOGODAWGS was always there, I can't remembers the others but a very good group of people. The mistake was to gather at a private establishment, we should have gathered at a local park, public property that they can't ask us to leave. I would suggest Gene Coulon Park in Renton, there is an Ivar's Sea Food and a Kid Valley for those looking for something to eat and 57 acers of land to roam.


Regular Member
Jul 17, 2009
York, Pennsylvania, USA
I still have it bookmarked and stop by maybe 5 times/week, just
to see what's up. I still OC everywhere locally, retired now, I get
out frequently but typically don't go far.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I'm here. First time in years. I'm a little sad to see how slow the forums have been.
This is not the only forum that is slow. Many are slow and many are gone. You would think forums would be busier than ever because of all the wins we are getting in the courts, red state courts that is. We need to be pounding on the blue states. We all need to start filing ethical violations against these rogue judges for not complying with the dictates of the Supreme Court. And we may get more wins because of it.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I have this page bookmarked and check it a few times a week. Nowadays I tend to CC more than OC. Sometimes I enter businesses that have adopted no OC and I do have to do business in these stores. As much I do miss open carrying like I did years ago it is being less often. Even here in AZ I only seen open carry less and less. The last few times was an older gentleman at a fast food restaurant and the other time was at a discount store. It's not as common nowadays. I still miss it!


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
I check for new posts everyday. OCDO comes after Volokh Conspiracy and before Bimmerfest in my morning routine.

OCDO may be a victim of it’s success in encouraging open carry, that is certainly not as controversial as it once was. Like many fora once established for a purpose, once achieved then persistence becomes it’s raison d’ etre.

It has been an interesting week here. I got home from three months away Tuesday. In the afternoon the power failed for 48 hours due exceptionally to broken poles. I spent Thursday early afternoon at a friend’s house with a generator charging cellphones. He is disability retired cop - drunk crushed legs - and town supervisor that took my board seat. We agreed that violence is likely, what ever happens in November.

We both EDC open or concealed as appropriate.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
It's been 5 1/2 years since Grapeshots passing and not having a moderator. I think we have done quite well without a moderator as such.

I'm hopeful I will see the second amendment totally restored in my lifetime, or close to it. I live in a red state but a lot of work still needs to be done.

My question is where are the young people in this fight?


Regular Member
Jul 17, 2009
York, Pennsylvania, USA
It's been 5 1/2 years since Grapeshots passing and not having a moderator. I think we have done quite well without a moderator as such.

I'm hopeful I will see the second amendment totally restored in my lifetime, or close to it. I live in a red state but a lot of work still needs to be done.

My question is where are the young people in this fight?

In the 2nd floor bathroom, dying their hair in rainbow colors and painting each other's nails.
I don't know what the girls are up to. :rolleyes:

The Bosun

New member
Sep 26, 2020
I check this forum several times per month and am always interested in what others are sharing here. Would I like to see more activity? Of course. Still, I sometimes wonder if there's little for us to share here because open carrying has become a normal, uneventful experience for us all.


Regular Member
Jul 17, 2009
York, Pennsylvania, USA
That is an interesting question. I have no contact with young people.

I am trying to formulate a good question on the topic, for instance for Dr. John R. Lott, Jr. How are NRA membership numbers changing as Boomer lifers age out?

Reading your post, I'm also wondering whether training numbers have
progressively changed as well. I'm not certain about this but I thought
a person could find an NRA course and attend it without necessarily
having to be an NRA member. Either way, a notable change would be


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2008
Henrico, Virginia, USA
Another thought...
Does anyone else find it ironic that a post about decreasing
forum participation has become the busiest thread on OCDO? :unsure:
LOL. So much has changed with this forum over the years (big time since Dale's (Grapeshot) passing. For instance, the monthly OC dinners used to be huge. After Dale's passing, I started posting the dinners, but there was so little traffic, I stopped. There are a few of us long timers who still plan and enjoy getting together about every other month or so.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
LOL. So much has changed with this forum over the years (big time since Dale's (Grapeshot) passing. For instance, the monthly OC dinners used to be huge. After Dale's passing, I started posting the dinners, but there was so little traffic, I stopped. There are a few of us long timers who still plan and enjoy getting together about every other month or so.
This forum is going on 15 years old in May. And yes lots has changed. Except for a couple of states open carry is pretty well accepted. I think OCDO has grown more into a second amendment rights forum than just being about open carry. I conceal carry more being 74 years old and having some health issues. I don't necessarily enjoy having a handicapped placard hanging from my mirror in my car. But that is my fault. Now I'm paying for 40 years of smoking even though I stopped 16 years ago.

In September we will know better where this country is headed. I got my fingers crossed that change is coming.

The Big Dog

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
trouble is when when you win there is less to chat about.
This is not what I call winning.... One thing I remember of Open Carry gatherings was an OPEN CARRY on the grounds of the Washington State Capital, some members went into the capital building armed. Now that is all illegal as set down in the WAC

RCW 9.41.305 Revised Code of Washington.... Welcome to the PEOPLE REPUBLIC OF WASHINGTON.....​


The Big Dog

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
I know this page is in support of OPEN CARRY and the LAWS that govern such activities. Myself, I am also interested the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms. Living in the PEOPLE REPUBLIC of WASHINGTON STATE I see first hand how the DEMOCRAT RULERS are doing their best to disarm the American Public. I spend a lot of time watching YouTube video produced by William Kirk of WASHINGTON GUN LAW. He doesn't just cover the PEOPLES REPUBLIC of WASHINGTON. He covers what is happening all over the country.

What Happened to Your Second Amendment Rights This Week? Watch this video from Washington Gun Law on YOUTUBE......​


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Well Big Dog you do live on the left coast. What I find interesting is why William Kirk of Washington Gun Law not bringing suits against Washington State over some or most of the gun laws as being unconstitutional, especially RCW 9.41.305.
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The Big Dog

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Well Big Dog you do live on the left coast. What I find interesting is why William Kirk of Washington Gun Law not bringing suits against Washington State over some or most of the gun laws as being unconstitutional, especially RCW 9.41.305.
I think William Kirk is doing a great job doing what he does, not telling us how to think but letting us know what we should be thinking about. He leaves the big gun issues up to the people that should be fighting them such as The Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, National Association of Gun Rights and when they are not too busy screwing the membership, the NRA. William Kirk runs a small law firm in Bellevue Washington and will defend the local people on local gun issues and will direct people to a lawyer close to them if they need legal representation. No, he is not an Open Carry guy but he does keep us informed on what is happening in Washington State along with the good and the bad of what is happening to the gun rights of "We The People" across the country. I know you mentioned the people of Colorado should not be worried about their gun rights because they live in such a RED state. I don't agree. In years past, in Washington, I was able to buy and own AR style rifles, I can keep the ones I own but I can't buy any more of them. I used to be able to buy magazines that held more than 10 rounds, I can keep the ones I have but I can't get any more of them. The same thing will happen in Colorado if the people don't keep a eye on the people making the laws. It doesn't happen over night, it took years to make the West Coast the Liberal Dumpster that it is. I have lived in Washington all my life, I watched the Kalifornians invade Washington. They brought their politics with them and now we have most of their bad gun laws, their high taxes, high home costs, high cost of living and all the DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS we can stand. Texas is going through the same thing right now, people are leaving Kalifornia and moving to Texas and the people of Texas are very worried they will bring their politics with them. If I didn't have two children and two grand daughters living near Seattle I would be moving out of the PEOPLE REPUBLIC OF WASHINGTON to a state that closer resembles what America should be.