Regular Member
I carry my no-soliciting sign in my vocal chords. if I don't want to talk to them, I say so.
An important element of this is that I do listen to them at least for a few moments because:
1. They're just trying to make a living or proselytize their faith. And,
2. Sometimes I am genuinely interested in buying something being offered. Not often, mind you. But occasionally.
A couple of the best people I ever met happened this way. Two Mormons on their mission. I did more than listen, I asked questions. What an amazing educational experience. I learned a good bit about LDS and discovered two people I would have been glad to call friends--really decent human beings. And, they got an opportunity to practice their pitch and a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day in an air-conditioned living room. As a side note related to self-defense, one of them told me that his 21st birthday occurred a while back during his mission. On that 21st birthday he actually received a death threat from someone upon whose door he knocked. Ouch! What a route to martyrdom and sainthood. Takes a bit of courage to keep up with the mission after an experience like that, I would say.
Putting up a sign if you don't want to patiently entertain door to door solicitations is the wisest approach.
Otherwise keep your hand off your gun.
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