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Umpqua College


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
The reason I never take any news organizations word for anything, I always double, and even triple check with other sources. LAC should start boycotting sponsors of news agencies that have a clear gun control agenda.

uh like FOX?


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Last night on The O'Reilly Factor:
The Factor was joined by David Jaques, publisher of the local newspaper in Roseburg, Oregon. "The shooter's mother had guns in the apartment," Jaques reported, "and he had access to 14 guns. But in our county that would not be an unusual number of guns in one household and it's our understanding that the mother purchased the guns legally." Jaques also urged President Obama to steer clear of Roseburg. "The president is not welcome in the community, and that is not just my opinion. Our chief of police, our sheriff, and our county commissioners have all said that he is not welcome here to grandstand for political purposes. He began his press conference last week before we had even counted the bodies on the campus here, and now he wants to come here and stand on the corpses of our loved ones to make a political point."
Owning 14 guns would NOT be UNUSUAL.....

And I must add, having a 1,000 rounds of ammo is also NOT UNUSUAL!!! As a matter of fact 5,000 rounds would not be unusual.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Last night on The O'Reilly Factor:

Owning 14 guns would NOT be UNUSUAL.....

And I must add, having a 1,000 rounds of ammo is also NOT UNUSUAL!!! As a matter of fact 5,000 rounds would not be unusual.
Just a nice, moderate collection - a selection of tools depending on application and choice.

1000 is under 72 rounds per gun - pretty low count IMO.

Competitive shooters will have much more on hand.

I used to shoot 20-25,000 rounds per year and that was to just keep sharp as an instructor. Yes I did the no-no of demonstrating/shooting for the class after the class drills were completed. Found that it reinforced good technique for the class. Some students took up the challenge and became considerably better by the time in-service training came around.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
His mother could have had no guns, or a thousand guns. The guns were not the problem, he would have just found another way. Possibly even more devastating.

Guns are used by those who want to be martyrs, people who want to get away use bombs, Oklahoma City, Boston. But he could have just as easily used a suicide bomb, as the jihads have done in Israel where many of the public do carry. Bombs are a way for them to still do devastation without being stopped by a LAC in Israel.

IRA was one of his interests, and they used bombs. I doubt he was not aware of their tactics, or the tactics of terrorists in ME countries, where bombs were used considerably. As bad as this was it could have been much worse if he had gone to the next level, and used something other than guns.

Nothing will stop these events, other than social changes. That will take restraint on the medias both news, and entertainment. And if we stop meddling in other sovereign countries we would eliminate the crazies using that as a excuse. Let Russia, and China deal with it for a change.

We bombard our youth with violence, instead of hunting, or playing games outside they spend hours killing people in video games. For Hollywood being anti gun they have no problem with violent movies, and TV shows. It is bad enough that we portray a image of violence on screen we also make it look like everybody gets laid, a lot. People a few bricks short of a full load don't get it is not real, and probably are angered that they are not getting what they think they deserve.

I don't condone violating 1st amendment rights any more then second. But like the second the users of the first must show responsibility. I am not for censoring, but damn it, put some of the blame where it belongs. Shun-icky them.

OK off my soap box rant now.


Jul 5, 2006
I don't condone violating 1st amendment rights any more then second. But like the second the users of the first must show responsibility. I am not for censoring, but damn it, put some of the blame where it belongs. Shun-icky them.


The media knows full well how publicity can fuel copycat crimes. And when the media have a vested interest in avoiding copycat crimes, they avoid giving criminals the publicity they crave. I've mentioned before how the media has long since chosen to deny publicity to streakers or others who run onto ball fields disrupting the game (and the revenue stream from advertisers). As a result of being denied their 15 seconds of fame, incidents of streaking seem to be down from the 70s. The media has also decided to voluntarily avoid disclosing the names of victims and alleged victims of rape or child abuse.

The media also routinely edits movies for violent content to distribute in European nations where violence is not as socially acceptable as it is here. And when airplanes showed a single movie to the entire cabin, and when TV still had standards for what was shown, media routinely edited movies for violence, sex, nudity, and language in order to have the films shown in those venues.

There is much the media (news, film-makers, video game producers, etc) could and should be doing voluntarily to contribute to a better society, just as gun owners and car owners voluntarily tend to do the right thing to avoid accidents or crimes involving their firearms and automobiles.

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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Just a nice, moderate collection - a selection of tools depending on application and choice.

1000 is under 72 rounds per gun - pretty low count IMO.

Competitive shooters will have much more on hand.

I used to shoot 20-25,000 rounds per year and that was to just keep sharp as an instructor. Yes I did the no-no of demonstrating/shooting for the class after the class drills were completed. Found that it reinforced good technique for the class. Some students took up the challenge and became considerably better by the time in-service training came around.

When giving an instructor course I would tell the instructors to be don't take the shot if you can not make it.

But if you can don't be afraid to.

More than one student soon learn that their pistol wasn't the problem.

The top 3 percent of shooters burn through amounts of ammo that the average person has a hard time comprehending.

They shoot cases full not boxes they shoot thousands of rounds not hundreds.
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Regular Member
Mar 10, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
The media knows full well how publicity can fuel copycat crimes. And when the media have a vested interest in avoiding copycat crimes, they avoid giving criminals the publicity they crave.
There are two problems in play here.

1) The media is a tool of the left. Their vested interest is in publicizing these crimes as much as possible, as that fits hand in glove with their anti-gun propaganda efforts.

2) Again, as a tool of the left, publicity avoidance is more often than not done in the service of propaganda rather than public safety. We have all seen media crime reports where it is obvious that the perps are persons of politically privileged pigmentation or religion, because neither a proper description or name of the alleged perp is listed in the report. Just as bad, sometimes a crime is simply not reported at all if the correct racial or religious narrative would not be served by doing so.
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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2014
Seattle WA
I hope whoever decided to make the college a gun free zone is prosecuted for criminally negligent homicide. It was this policy that caused the shooting and if there had been armed students, this man would have been taken down in short order. Gun control = potential murder scene.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2007
, ,
I hope whoever decided to make the college a gun free zone is prosecuted for criminally negligent homicide. It was this policy that caused the shooting and if there had been armed students, this man would have been taken down in short order. Gun control = potential murder scene.



Regular Member
Jan 14, 2009
Northwest Kent County, Michigan
I hope whoever decided to make the college a gun free zone is prosecuted for criminally negligent homicide. It was this policy that caused the shooting and if there had been armed students, this man would have been taken down in short order. Gun control = potential murder scene.

Absolutely, the school administration is criminally negligent for promulgating policies which (they both knew and intended) would discourage students and staff from having the ability to defend themselves against an active school shooter! It was their intent that should such an event occur, the shooter should not be met with any armed opposition by the victims and that those being massacred would have to wait for outside armed police response. Talk about playing God, they did and those kids lost their lives.

Both the current interim-president and past president of the college pretty much admitted that in post tragedy comments. Of course they wrapped up their do-nothing-but-pray-until-help-arrives logic inside of typical anti-self defense talking points.
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Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
So how would you feel as a parent letting your little Billy or Becky go back to class next week, with the Community College still a GFZ?

Would you allow them to CC?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
i'm sorry this event took place on the 1st and 7 days later they are bragging about the to nice detectives who 'charged' the shooter taking him out?

reading the story i wanted to hurl in a corner of a round room...'selflessly acts', w/o body armour, choking down bile...no, no, can't, won't read more...

did they have a problem getting their stories straight or was it cuz they wanted the President to personally recognize these johnnie come lately(s) like the French did after the train event in Europe recently?

i'm sorry every tom dick and harry was bragging how they did this or that to the news crew and suddenly right before the president arrives...oh lookie what we did...

personally i'm outraged at the local DA/Law Enforcement portrayal of this sad event.

you did notice the local sheriff isn't center stage in this back slapping event.


BS flag tucked back in my pocket for use somewhere else.



Regular Member
Jun 23, 2014
Neskowin, OR
“They had planned and prepared for an active shooter event and obviously that training paid off,” Burge said.

Too sad their planning and preparation didn't include armed security. What hubris.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
i'm sorry this event took place on the 1st and 7 days later they are bragging about the to nice detectives who 'charged' the shooter taking him out?

reading the story i wanted to hurl in a corner of a round room...'selflessly acts', w/o body armour, choking down bile...no, no, can't, won't read more...

did they have a problem getting their stories straight or was it cuz they wanted the President to personally recognize these johnnie come lately(s) like the French did after the train event in Europe recently?

i'm sorry every tom dick and harry was bragging how they did this or that to the news crew and suddenly right before the president arrives...oh lookie what we did...

personally i'm outraged at the local DA/Law Enforcement portrayal of this sad event.

you did notice the local sheriff isn't center stage in this back slapping event.


BS flag tucked back in my pocket for use somewhere else.


There is no such thing as a selfless act, there is always some expected gratification, even it is the gratification from doing the act. These guys were doing their job, that is it. If they did not they would be cowards, so the gratification was not being labeled a coward. But they did not take out the gunman, he took himself out, he was just waiting for them to take 8 MINUTES to get there. How is it in the article they say they were five minutes away, but took 8 minutes to get there?

It seems at yet another failure to get the American people to jump aboard the gun control bandwagon, actually the opposite affect, that government needs to reassure the masses that selfless police are there to save them. It amazes me how many current police that get upset when they hear the phrase "When seconds count, police are minutes away". Some of them really believe they are nights in shining armor to save the lowly surfs of the kingdom. It would seem than many grew up watching cop shows before becoming cops. Not that this attitude did not exist 30 years ago, it just was not so blatant as after 9/11.
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Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
'We did such s great job!!' Only 9 nine killed!!! BooYahhh!!! Go Team!!'

Okay students (less 9 and a few more still in hospital) - back to GFZ class on Monday!!!
Don't worry - we've got the Active Shooter plan ready-to-go again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk