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Subway bans open carry in their stores


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Open Carry of Firearms
For the consideration and comfort of restaurant employees and guests, Subway respectfully requests that guests (other than authorized law enforcement) refrain from openly displaying firearms inside restaurants — even in states where “open carry” is permitted.

do not know why or what precipitated this change in their corp policies.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
A loose coalition of gun control groups cried victory with a full-throated roar on Tuesday, claiming that Subway banned open carry due to their efforts.

Sparked by images of individuals openly carrying firearms and an inert AT-4 anti-armor weapon in a North Carolina Subway restaurant in May, a number of small anti-gun organizations to include the Newtown Action Alliance and Guns Down America called on the sandwich chain to ban the practice.

Falling somewhat short of a prohibition, Subway subtly changed their social responsibility policy to include a request that “guests (other than authorized law enforcement) refrain from openly displaying firearms inside restaurants — even in states where ‘open carry’ is permitted.”

This led to ecstatic statements from the gun control groups involved, who had applied pressure on Subway through an online petition and a letter signed by two Democratic U.S. Senators in Connecticut who have previously signed on to just about every anti-gun proposal in the chamber for the past decade. The petition garnered 43,000 supporters or about 0.01 percent of the estimated U.S. population.

“I’m so proud of Subway for doing the right thing and working to keep their customers safe from the dangers of unnecessary guns in their restaurants,” said Alyssa Milano, Board Advisor of Newtown Action Alliance.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Hummm, presumptuous Logan 5 as almost a third of the states in this great Union allow residents to conceal the personal SD firearms w/o the overseer’s privilege card.

and as a past infamous member from your state used to do, carried concealed into local businesses whose policies specifically mandated “no firearms allowed”...

so...c'est la vie...huh!


New member
Sep 8, 2019
I just picked up 30 used Subway gift cards, on Ebay. As soon as I'm done cutting them all up, I'll be mailing them to local Subway stores. They're all interdependently owned. Best $6 spent this week.

Logan 5

Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
Hell, I'll take them off your hands! Ok, so they say no open carry allowed. I don't think that is a store-wide order, otherwise the Subways here will go under fast. We have farmers, ranchers, truckers, and all sorts of other people that open carry into the local Subway.

They say no open carry, then cover it up. Or as I have done before, walk away. I tell the store of a store-wide decision that I don't approve of, ask for their role in this, then if still dissatisfied, I walk away and let them know why. If anyone asks, I tell them.


Apr 14, 2011
Who the hell eats at Subway anyway. They are notorious for serving chicken salad sandwiches that have been sitting for 5 days!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I don't remember the last time I ate at a fast food restaurant. And if I could remember it was a forced error. As I think about it I think I ate at a Stake & shake a year or two ago.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
A loose coalition of gun control groups cried victory with a full-throated roar on Tuesday, claiming that Subway banned open carry due to their efforts.
So, let them roar. It's meaningless, just like when they got the same "request" from Walmart and other major retail chains.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I exclusively Open Carry (OC) in 3 states -- TX, NM (and soon going back to CO) -- but as I've posted here before, after that Walmart mass-shooting here in TX some months back, Walmart "requested" customers not to OC anymore (but CC was okay). Shortly thereafter, other stores (mainly supermarkets) came out with the same no-OCing "request." I think HARDLY ANYONE ever OCed in any of those stores to begin with, but regardless that's what the stores asked customers to cease doing.
So given the no-OCing change, when I go into those stores now I put my OC gun into my inside vest pocket and when back outside I immediately put the gun back in its OC (OWB) holster. Since they weren't banning CARRY itself, I am going along with their "request."
For now...
I don't eat at fast-food places (and rarely even eat out), I won't be going to a Subway, either, but again, as they're not banning CARRY, I WOULD go there if I ever wanted to. I don't see a need to boycott them (as I don't Walmart or supermarkets, either).
-- C
P.S. How was that guy at the counter going to protect himself with an INERT rocket-launcher? Shouldn't it be LIVE and ready to go?
Really... ;-)
Reminds me of the time I tried to bring a M18A1 Claymore mine (1 each, OD green -- used them quite a few times on the perimeter and in night-time ambushes) back from the RVN as a souvenir of my "wartime adventures" (had taken out the C4 earlier so it was ALSO inert) -- no go! The inspector kept it and let me go without any further incident. Like the time I forgot I had my EDC gun (concealed) in my pocket at the airport. Or another time I forgot I had several .357 Magnum rounds in my pocket, again at the airport.
No big deal to "the authorities" back then in the Good Old Days... ;-)
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Logan 5

Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
Hmmm. Very interesting concept. The open carry of claymores. I see where this one's going!


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2017
Planet Earth
Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of choosing OC vs. CC here in IL-ANNOY. We either pony up the outrageous fees and time requirements for a CC permit, or we go without.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of choosing OC vs. CC here in IL-ANNOY. We either pony up the outrageous fees and time requirements for a CC permit, or we go without.

TX is a "backwards" state, meaning it has a carry law much like OK did (also backwards, until it became "woke" I guess). Specifically, I mean TX requires a permit to carry ("LTC" = License to Carry) no matter HOW you did it: CC or OC. So now, TX has the most "repressive" carry law of all the states around it. As I've said earlier, most people in America think TX is a leader when it comes to gun laws -- no, it isn't. Even back in the days of sorry (and RINO) Gov. Rick Perry, it was STILL a follower re: gun rights, immigration, etc -- just followed what other states were doing. Even CRITICIZED AZ Gov back then (Jan Brewer) for taking a "hardline" stance on securing AZ's border with Mexico when TX SHOULD have been doing the very same -- and way earlier (LOTS of illegals in TX)!
Anyway, current TX Gov. Abbott signed the first OC bill to get to his desk (probably to keep a campaign promise and be done with it) instead of waiting for/insisting on a BETTER bill, so here in "red" state TX we need to PAY to carry (pay to exercise our 2nd Amendment right to "bear arms"), even if we want to OC only...much UNLIKE next-door blue state of NM and purple state of CO where no permit ($$) required to OC -- just do it (which I'll certainly be doing when I move back there in 2 months)!
So far, trying to change that "pay OC" to "free OC" hasn't happened...one reason is the TX State Legislature only meets every TWO years, so the going is slow even IF there's anyone trying to push for this change.
-- C
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