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Ohio Carry Permit Now Exempted From Federal Background Check


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2011
Boone County, KY
Ohio carry permit now exempted from Federal background check

If you have a concealed carry permit in Ohio, you can now use that for an exemption to the Federal background check. This after the U.S. Justice Department and the BATF agreed to it. This makes Ohio the 25th state to allow the Federal Exemption according to the article.

"State of Ohio makes it easier for people to buy guns"


" Attorney General Mike DeWine announced the change Wednesday, saying the U.S. Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agreed to the exemption to eliminate some of the red tape in gun purchases. People who have already passed all the background checks for a concealed carry permit after March 23, 2015, will no longer be subjected to the background-check process every time they buy a gun."

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
Thanks for posting this, Midwest. Let me throw in a couple of details, one of which wasn't mentioned in that linked TV news story:

1) This only affects Ohio concealed carry licenses issued or reissued after march 23, 2015. (That's when Ohio went from doing license background checks themselves, to having the feds do it.) That detail is in the story.

2) Gun stores will not HAVE TO agree to this, they could continue to make everybody have the Form 4473 submitted for approval. That detail wasn't mentioned.

3) You still have to fill out the Form 4473, either on paper or electronically. Again, that fact is being omitted in many stories.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
Now if we in Ohio could just get the BATFE to recognize our statewide preemption of all local gun laws. That way, vendors of things like "high" capacity magazines wouldn't use fed regulations as an excuse not to sell their products to people who live in Ohio cities with long ago negated "assault weapons" laws on their books.
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