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Custom AR-15 for Youth Shooting Sports Raffle


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
How about long gun concealed carry?
Or holstered long gun carry?

2A is the 2A and makes no difference between long and handguns. One supports the RTKABA of one doesn't.

Ahhhhh forget it. It's no use.

John Pierce

Staff member
May 5, 2006
So John, your site is now accepting advertising by members to ‘sell’ firearms...

Ummm ... NO ... but I did say someone could announce a raffle. It is up to them to make sure that the raffle is conducted in accordance with all applicable laws.


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2013
Yelm, WA
Congradulations go out to owen kellogg, Yakima WA who won the great handmade AR platform raffle benefiting the tumwater rifle club...

[i am quite sure all provisions of WA and federal transfer mandates which cover a singular manufactured LG by someone, probably unlicensed smithy, sold, er given, no sold since tickets sold, ya would actually love to hear ATF’s perspective on that transfer transaction as well as the Sheriffs.]

Why thank you solus! Yeah, it's pretty neat!

The LG was assembled by a friend. The "gun part", per ATF regs was manufactured by Aero.
The prize for buying the winning ticket, was the "opportunity to purchase" said LG.
Although it shouldn't even be federal government's business, per US Const. Amend II, their response was a single word: "Proceed".
Considering these, and other circumstances, I really don't think Sheriff Snaza could possibly care less, but I'll ask next time we have lunch.

And Yelm is nowhere near Yakima.

eta: for a little grammar and speeling...
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Eh, spellin’ both begin with “Y” but am biased toward yakima as yelm is boring except for mr dougs & the Red Wing which is significantly better than Legends, if one were a betting individual.

9.41.113 & 27 CFR 478.92. [18 U.S.C. 923(i), 26 U.S.C. 5822] come to mind especially with the phrases ‘intent to sell’ vs ‘personal use’ combined with ‘transfer’ as well as the unit coming down by someone and put into one of Yelm’s FFLs control.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Why thank you solus! Yeah, it's pretty neat!

The LG was assembled by a friend. The "gun part", per ATF regs was manufactured by Aero.
The prize for buying the winning ticket, was the "opportunity to purchase" said LG.
Although it shouldn't even be federal government's business, per US Const. Amend II, their response was a single word: "Proceed".
Considering these, and other circumstances, I really don't think Sheriff Snaza could possibly care less, but I'll ask next time we have lunch.

And Yelm is nowhere near Yakima.

eta: for a little grammar and speeling...
Some posters will criticize someone for following the law, telling him that he is violating the Constitution. Then, a few posts later, they’ll criticize someone else for violating what they perceive to be the law, Constitution be damned. Such posters are best ignored.
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Some posters will criticize someone for following the law, telling him that he is violating the Constitution. Then, a few posts later, they’ll criticize someone else for violating what they perceive to be the law, Constitution be damned. Such posters are best ignored.

Don't worry. I never put anyone on ignore.


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2013
Yelm, WA

I say again: The "gun part" (which, per ATF regs, means the lower receiver) was manufactured by Aero Precision. One might presume that a company as large as Aero would have garnered the attention of the ATF by the end of the 1990's. I'm fairly sure they are fully compliant with all applicable laws relating to the manufacture and sale of firearms.

Millions of Americans buy "stripped" lower receivers, and buy the other parts separately, assembling the parts themselves, with or without assistance. This common practice is why the ATF had to identify a particular "part" upon which to apply (unconstitutional) regulations.

As far as the "legal transfer", not that it's really the government's business (or yours), that was conducted in accordance with your ever-lauded "Law" - without your knowledge or presence - surely our loss.

And who said we transfered it in Yelm? I'll tell you where - under subpoena ;)

Maybe you just want to express your knowledge, but you come across as attempting to impugn Badkarma's integrity and character. That I will not tolerate.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
The only person that I have ever blocked on this site is Solus, but I can see with the exasperation level on this thread that he must be lurking around. TBH, life is just better without having to see his nonsense.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
The only person that I have ever blocked on this site is Solus, but I can see with the exasperation level on this thread that he must be lurking around. TBH, life is just better without having to see his nonsense.
I don’t block anyone. No matter how stupid you may think a poster is, they may just say something very important.