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Who/Where is "This Guy Knows His Stuff, Open Carry Search Under Duress video?"


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
I came across this video today. I can't seem to find any info about it - who the open carrier is and what state this took place in. Thanks ahead of time! This video has gotten a ton of hits. So if we can post the identity of the guy with this following link (The title of the video on Facebook is This Guy Knows His Stuff, Open Carry Search Under Duress video), it will probably get us hits over here.


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Karen's First 12031(e) Check
Due to the passage of AB 144, effective Jan 1 2011 Open Carry of Handguns will be illegal in California. I am now disabling comments for this video, it's ran its course.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
iaw CA 12031(e), quote:
(e)In order to determine whether or not a firearm is loaded for the purpose of enforcing this section, peace officers are authorized to examine any firearm carried by anyone on his or her person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or prohibited area of an unincorporated territory. Refusal to allow a peace officer to inspect a firearm pursuant to this section constitutes probable cause for arrest for violation of this section. unquote http://www.oclaw.org/research/code/ca/PEN/12031./content.html#.XfKigy9OmfA.

the mouthy person should consider themselves very very fortunate the nice LEs didn't have a good read on the law themselves...'friad i'd put the cuffs on him just to teach 'em some well earned humility...

just saying!


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
OK, so I was initially right about it being California. Hmmm. The questions remain - when/where did this take place and who are the actors? I like to see people pushing - that IS the way to get things changed.

It is more effective in groups - the larger the better. Civil disobedience is also extremely effective. It was civil disobedience, in a sense, that helped push things over the edge to gain concealed carry in Illinois - which was no easy battle. The same for Wisconsin - with wonderful efforts led by Wisconsin Carry. Carrying in a place where the politicians don't want you, especially when their minions (cops) are willing to harass you...that IS civil disobedience. Even if you are doing it lawfully.

I also think smart, calculated civil disobedience that actually violates unconstitutional statutes (which remember hold no force of law) is extremely effective - in fact the most effective means for change. I totally support following the Constitution and exercising the right to keep AND bear arms (actual loaded usable arms) in public even in states that are currently infringing upon that right.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
OK, so I was initially right about it being California. Hmmm. The questions remain - when/where did this take place and who are the actors? I like to see people pushing - that IS the way to get things changed.

It is more effective in groups - the larger the better. Civil disobedience is also extremely effective. It was civil disobedience, in a sense, that helped push things over the edge to gain concealed carry in Illinois - which was no easy battle. The same for Wisconsin - with wonderful efforts led by Wisconsin Carry. Carrying in a place where the politicians don't want you, especially when their minions (cops) are willing to harass you...that IS civil disobedience. Even if you are doing it lawfully.

I also think smart, calculated civil disobedience that actually violates unconstitutional statutes (which remember hold no force of law) is extremely effective - in fact the most effective means for change. I totally support following the Constitution and exercising the right to keep AND bear arms (actual loaded usable arms) in public even in states that are currently infringing upon that right.

SAK, might review this forum's rules...
(15) WE ADVOCATE FOR THE 'LAW-ABIDING' ONLY: Posts advocating illegal acts of any kind are NOT welcome here. Even if you feel that a law is unconstitutional we do not break it, we repeal it or defeat it in the courts.

additionally, as shown, apparently w/o the knowledge of bloke pushing the situation, the CA statute allows the nice LEs to in fact check the firearm and arrest the carrier who refuses the "officer's request"!

Finally the group worked so well for huey did it?


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2017
Planet Earth
iaw CA 12031(e), quote:
(e)In order to determine whether or not a firearm is loaded for the purpose of enforcing this section, peace officers are authorized to examine any firearm carried by anyone on his or her person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or prohibited area of an unincorporated territory. Refusal to allow a peace officer to inspect a firearm pursuant to this section constitutes probable cause for arrest for violation of this section. unquote http://www.oclaw.org/research/code/ca/PEN/12031./content.html#.XfKigy9OmfA.

So you're saying that it is permissible for them to OC an unloaded handgun on the streets of California?
Whoda thunk it?!?


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
Thanks for pointing that out for me solus. I will make sure I do not advocate any specific action that could be easily construed to be in violation of some codified statute that itself is in violation of the Constitution which is the supreme law.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Thanks for pointing that out for me solus. I will make sure I do not advocate any specific action that could be easily construed to be in violation of some codified statute that itself is in violation of the Constitution which is the supreme law.

truly SAK...this from the individual from IL who pushed and allowed to be strip searched ya? or the same SAK who was arrested just cuz, and wait those actions were in violation of some codified statute "that itself is in violation of the Constitution which is the supreme law."

wait SAK...did your arrest get the statutes changed to align with the constitution?

oh btw...how is icarry.org doing these days? [Warning: ob_start(): second array member is not a valid method in /home2/p9az9aul/icarry.org/mainfile.php on line 66]

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

oh btw...how is icarry.org doing these days? [Warning: ob_start(): second array member is not a valid method in /home2/p9az9aul/icarry.org/mainfile.php on line 66]

Here is their FB page.
It appears that the last post was in August. Not much traffic.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2017
Planet Earth
It appears that the last post was in August. Not much traffic.

The same can be said for "Gun Rights Media" (http://www.gunrightsmedia.com/).
The actual forums at Icarry.org are gone. They had lain dormant for over a year and I fiinally removed it from my bookmarks almost a year ago. I just found tonight that the forums I used to post in are gone. They may be on FB - but I don't "do" FB.