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White Settlement Church of Christ congregant kills intruder.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Wouldn't have mattered. If he was free to walk the street he would have gotten a gun easily.
The only way he was going to be stopped is the way he was stopped. Armed citizens on the spot, ready to put him down when he or someone like him attacks.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
sorry ghost...2012 the shooter was adjudicated to be suffering significantly from a mental disorder yet the system failed, for whatever reason, to assure the individual received appropriate treatment and incarceration which would have assured his judicial record was instilled into the NICS database.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Linden, New Jersey police arrested Kinnunen in September of 2016 for unlawful possession of a firearm. Kinnunen had been riding a bicycle near a refinery while carrying a 12-gauge shotgun. He told police he was homeless, traveling on his bike from Texas and taking photos of “interesting sites.”

Kinnunen’s trial took place in January 2017. At that time, he accepted a plea deal finding him guilty of criminal trespass, with no mention of a firearm. The misdemeanor was punished with time served at Union County Jail, totaling about 90 days.

...90 days for trespass?...if the firearm was not operable under state law, why not release him...well, it is New Jersey...


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
sorry ghost...2012 the shooter was adjudicated to be suffering significantly from a mental disorder yet the system failed, for whatever reason, to assure the individual received appropriate treatment and incarceration which would have assured his judicial record was instilled into the NICS database.

That is my point. The Nics system and " prohibited person " hogwash always fails. And is a useless infringement.

When mentally ehhhh, shall we say challenged people can go through or around a bunch of do nothing infringement laws, it simply demonstrates those laws need to be repealed as the junk laws they are.

If course that would mean some gov workers would be out of a job. Cant have that.