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Open Carry experience thread.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Whenever it does rain on me, I just tell myself that I was behind on cleaning and oiling it anyway.


Regular Member
Dec 10, 2006
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Thank you for the shower cap tip, I may have to test it out sometime. Perhaps it will solve my problem of not being able to carry my 1911 in the shower
Veering off topic - Try Frog Lube. After using it you really could take your 1911 in the shower :D

Last year I took some back-to-back armorers classes at Front Sight. The instructor was also the guy who had to repair and clean all the rental guns after training sessions. He raved about Frog Lube. A few months later I stopped by a Frog Lube display at a gun show and the dealer had his 1911 sitting barrel down in a full glass of water.

I bought some and applied it to ALL the metal parts of my Glock. Now, after shooting I only need to wipe it down and run a bore snake through the barrel a few times and it looks like I just cleaned it.



Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Need a pic to validate flowery shower cap...[emoji257] /QUOTE]

PLEZZZZ for goodness sake, do not encourage him cuz he might submit a foto of himself O N L Y wearing the shower cap...:shocker:

a vision worse than looking at the weeping angels...


Do I need to post the link again about CCing in a nudist camp?

It's funny, but it's not pretty.

stay safe.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Oh that is just everyday OC w the Flap-Holster. Thank goodness not from the clothing optional -SkunkApe - thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
OC'd as usual throughout the great state as I made another single-day round-trip to Tucson from Las Vegas. While no incidents, I think it saved my life. I was wearing my neon green Seattle Seahawks hat in some serious Cardinals country.

Hey, any of you AZ legal guys know anything about the sticker on the fuel pumps that says we can't fill diesel transfer tanks? It cites a pretty stiff fine, too. I don't know any other state with that law written on the pumps, and I've gotten diesel all over this country. Is it actually enforced? I treated it as seriously as I treat all malum prohibitum laws, needless to say. My Google-fu is weak on this one. I can't find anyone talking about it.
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Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
OC'd with hundreds of people today. No crimes reported. No one injured. No people running in terror. Go figure?

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Nice little crowd there. Was this photo taken right before the "rivers of blood" and "shootouts in the streets" began? Perhaps just as the screaming and running in terror began to happen in some unseen part of the room just beyond what the lens could capture? I'm sure the antis wouldn't lie about stuff like that always happening, right? They always tell the truth, and without embellishment.:rolleyes:

Glad to see the turnout.:)

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Didn't have time to give a carry update since the last, so here goes:

ACE hardware:
Not so much as a second glance from the employees (who always offer help just before you start to ask for it... uncanny).

Small diner with a really nice atmosphere. Seems to be perpetually crowded, so the GF and I had a little wait time (outside, unfortunately) before being seated inside. No issues while waiting or navigating the room, but I did catch more than a share of glances. No screaming or fainting of horses, no stampeding of women. Go figure?:p
An older gentleman at the table next to ours (group of three older gentlemen) got saucer eyes as I sat down (was right at eye level and practically across from my holster, giving him a good look), so I made sure to flash a big smile and my usual sunny greeting. He stammered a greeting of sorts and continued to be mesmerized by my 1911. I caught some of his murmurings with the other two gentlemen, who then looked her over to see if the GF was also carrying, which she wasn't (visibly, anyways :banana:).
After we left,the GF and I couldn't help but give a little chuckle at the reaction from these gentlemen (some of you guys know the look, I'm sure).:lol: By the way, we recommend the chocolate chip pancake meal.

Sedona (Red Rock Pass sites in the Coconino National Forest) this Saturday:
Stopped by on our way to Flagstaff and lucked out with a "Fee Free Day" (National Public Lands Day, which I'd never heard of but pleasantly discovered was on Saturday, the 26th of September). Other Fee Free Days are Columbus Day weekend (Oct. 10-12th) and Veterans' Day (Nov. 11th). Just a heads up for anyone looking for a family activity outdoors.:)
Several families saw my OC and our little group taking pictures with the aid of a "Selfie Stick" (yes, these annoying contraptions CAN be somewhat useful when a tripod is too heavy or other people are unavailable to lend a hand:p). One African-American family stands out in particular: the (I assume) father and mother actually stopped in their tracks when they saw my sidearm. Seemed to be pretty curious. I flashed them a big smile and my sunny greeting along with a hand wave, and got curious/absent-minded waves back.:) That was the most eventful encounter that day. No Asian tourists seemed to notice me this time.:(

Grand Canyon National Park (South Rim) this Sunday:
Our stops: Desert View, Navajo Point, Lipan Point, Moran Point, Grandview point, Mather Point, and walking around the Yavapai point (even got to listen to Park Ranger Christa give a highly educational and entertaining presentation about how the canyon was carved out over the ages). Plenty of looks and glances from the tourists, especially the Asian tourists (buses and buses of them). Every scenic view area was PACKED.
No issues regarding carry, except for having to watch out for Fed buildings and places that served alcohol. Caught the attention of a Canadian man who inquired about my "rifle" while gesturing to my holstered sidearm.:confused: Turns out he meant pistol.:p Told him about AZ laws and a quick rundown of Constitutional Carry. He kept expressing his amazement that someone could simply go around carrying a sidearm without being a Mountie or some sort of military outfit. He asked to take a photo with his iPad, so I took it as a good encounter.
We stopped for a bite at the cafe near the Desert View Watchtower with not even the slightest peep from any of the workers or patrons there.
Later caught the eye of a middle-aged Asian tourist while waiting in line for the GF's coffee (this was at Mather Point near the visitor center). She got saucer eyes and asked if my sidearm "is true" in some pretty good English. I resisted the urge to answer "Only as true as my aim" and let her know that it was real, to which she said "That is so cool!". Proceeded to answer her questions about it (legality, permits [not required], etc.), but it was obvious she was not afraid, only amazed at it and how big it was.;)

Williams, AZ:
We stopped for a bite on our return trip to Tucson. Pine Country Restaurant had a nice atmosphere, and the food was ok. No issues there either, though I surprised quite a number of people. The staff never said anything about my OC, so I would return to patronize them for that reason alone.

There you have it: my second time OCing at the Grand Canyon, (bus-)loads of tourists, lots of eyeballs and pivot heads, and not a single negative encounter.

OC at Red Rock Pass.jpgOC at the Grand Canyon in fall.jpg
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Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker

Great picture! People here in Ky. ask why we can't keep up with Arizona on the issue of gun rights. Here is the reason. There is no way you could get this many Ky. gun owners at a meeting, and certainly not this many OC'ing.

Thanks for the kind words gutshot.

Well to be honest - not everyone was carrying to my knowledge??? Many folks came from far away lands not so friendly to carry. This was the 2015 Gun Rights Policy Conference that was held in Phoenix this year. My guess is upwards of half the crowd was armed in one form or another.

Now you want to see a similar sized crowd where nearly 100% of the people are Openly Carrying? Attend a yearly meeting of the AZCDL (Arizona Citizens Defense League)! Always a great time & a safe time. Rusty can verify this, as he too attends them. :cool:

Arizona has the rights we do because of AZCDL in my honest opinion.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Late response, but I can verify what FreeInAZ said above.

Imagine an entire ballroom full of people sitting down to eat. Now, imagine that, with the exception of the servers, nearly all these people are Openly Carrying a sidearm. Now, imagine that some of these sidearms were nicely dressed in all manners of purty grips and carried in even purtier holsters.... That was the scene at this year's AzCDL annual meeting.:D

The GF and I met up with FreeInAZ, who drove all the way down here to Tucson for the event (don't we feel special:p), and got to meet some friendly folks over a nice lunch and entertainment. Of course, it wouldn't be the AzCDL meeting without the volunteer spirit, so several volunteers were honored, one posthumously.
The looming shadow of sugar-daddy Bloomberg's millions of dollars and his AstroTurf forces was discussed, along with the importance of showing more people the Truth regarding firearms and the 2nd Amendment. This will be a busy year, but rest assured, we have Truth on our side, which is more than the antis can say.

Following the meeting, FreeInAZ was able to hang around a while, so we visited 4th Avenue to watch the Gay Pride Parade. Enjoyed some refreshments there with absolutely no issues regarding carry (and yes, at least some people saw our OCed sidearms).

Later we went down to the Tucson Meet Yourself festival. Got to try pierogi for the first time (not bad), and was the cause of a lady's saucer eyes (FreeInAZ was the one who actually witnessed it). Except for when a helicopter started to sweep the crowds with its searchlight (swatting came to mind :(), the night went smoothly. No issues with OC, despite the attendance being in the hundreds to low thousands and several people glancing and/or pointing at the super-scary sidearms napping in their holsters.

As we were leaving, though, FreeInAZ and I were stopped by two officers from the Tucson Police Department for OCing. Well, we were asked what we carried, to be precise.;) No demands/requests/mention of permits or legality. :)
So FreeInAZ's worries about being stopped by TPD for OCing weren't completely unfounded. :p

All in all, not a half bad way for friends to spend the day while OCing in Arizona. :)
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Hers some more info on open carry at the gun rights policy conference

Dean and I consult with each other on firearm topics on a daily basis. pictures and more stories of the conference at Gunwatch. Maybe one of you are pictured.


I arrived at the 2015 Gun Rights Policy Conference on Friday afternoon, 25 September, at about 1600 (4 p.m.). I was openly carrying my old Glock 17, as I usually do. It was an unseasonably warm late September day, with the temperature at 103. There had been some Internet rumors about the Sheraton Crescent banning open carry; I had not seen anything in my contract with them or any sign on the door. When I was there a few years ago at the Arizona Citizen Defense League annual meeting, the room had been full of open carriers.

I had an evening meeting with Alan Korwin and assorted notables at the "inner circle" of the JPFO. Over the course of the evening, I noticed two or three other people openly carrying, and a couple of people complimented me on my willingness to do so.

It is Arizona, open carry is not uncommon, and there were no signs to tell anyone otherwise. The hotel staff was courteous and helpful. Numerous staff passed near me. I can say that I do not recall so much as a curious glance or inquiry from the staff about my open carry.

The next morning was the main event, and with people lining up at the registration table, there were open carriers everywhere.



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Regular Member
Dec 10, 2006
Tucson, Arizona, USA
There had been some Internet rumors about the Sheraton Crescent banning open carry; I had not seen anything in my contract with them or any sign on the door. When I was there a few years ago at the Arizona Citizen Defense League annual meeting, the room had been full of open carriers.
When we (AzCDL) contract with a hotel for our annual meetings, we require the hotel to acknowledge that our attendees will be open carrying. The Sheraton, where GRPC was held, is where we've been having our Phoenix annual meetings.

GRPC is run by SAF and they are Seattle based and don't have the same right-to-open-carry awareness and attitude we have here in Arizona. Saturday afternoon, at the GRPC, I was politely asked not to continue to open carry because of hotel policy.

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Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
When we (AzCDL) contract with a hotel for our annual meetings, we require the hotel to acknowledge that our attendees will be open carrying. The Sheraton, where GRPC was held, is where we've been having our Phoenix annual meetings.

GRPC is run by SAF and they are Seattle based and don't have the same right-to-open-carry awareness and attitude we have here in Arizona. Saturday afternoon, at the GRPC, I was politely asked not to continue to open carry because of hotel policy.


Asked by hotel staff or GRPC staff? The hotel is not posted to my knowledge? Their policy is ...?
How many people ask to read their policy book?

Little confusing? Seems odd either way, but heck, that's life for you. I was a little curious why you weren't wearing your Glock. ;)


Regular Member
Dec 10, 2006
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Asked by hotel staff or GRPC staff? The hotel is not posted to my knowledge? Their policy is ...?
How many people ask to read their policy book? Little confusing? Seems odd either way, but heck, that's life for you. I was a little curious why you weren't wearing your Glock. ;)
GRPC staff asked me to stop carrying openly :(


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
Were it a condition for entry into the event?

No! I and hundreds of others did :cool:

Well it was a great conference, but is a tad troubling that the groups who sponsored the event & support civil rights, such as the RKBA, would discourage one of the leaders of (using their words), the holy grail of the battle 2A rights (AZ's) AZCDL.

Maybe it had to do with some of the donors? In the end it's all good, as much good news & information was disseminated at the conference. :thumbsup:
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