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OK, this threat to the 4A is getting dangerous.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Just a simple, easily observed, fact for those who might be interested. 27 of the 100 posts in this thread, prior to this above one, were from FreedomVA. He has been making valuable contributions to this discussion.

And, while I don’t agree with him on everything, I thank him for his contributions to a lively discussion. He adds, does not detract, value.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
In reality the 4A doesn't exist in large part anymore for the average citizen. Destroyed using the "drug war " and " officer safety" as excuses. At least not as it was intended when written.

The 2a factually has ceased to exist long ago. What we have now in every state is different levels of gov permission as to what we may own and carry, when , where, and most places a fee must be paid.

The 1A is rapidly going the same route with the advent of " hate speech ". Which basically means whatever the offended group of the day wants it to mean.

Voting hasn't and won't change our decline in these areas to any great extent.

My own personal take is there are only two constitutional avenues that will. A article 5 convention of states , or massive civil disobedience and the hell that comes with that.

My preference, and I'm aware intelligent people disagree would be trying the former first.
Something must be done though or we will be a full on socialist country inside of a decade.


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Just a simple, easily observed, fact for those who might be interested. 27 of the 100 posts in this thread, prior to this above one, were from FreedomVA. He has been making valuable contributions to this discussion.

And, while I don’t agree with him on everything, I thank him for his contributions to a lively discussion. He adds, does not detract, value.
That may all be true, but he made a statement towards someones character as fact. He was asked to back it up. He was also asked a simple question that all was required was a yes/no response. And he chose not to respond to either.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
In reality the 4A doesn't exist in large part anymore for the average citizen. Destroyed using the "drug war " and " officer safety" as excuses. At least not as it was intended when written.

The 2a factually has ceased to exist long ago. What we have now in every state is different levels of gov permission as to what we may own and carry, when , where, and most places a fee must be paid.

The 1A is rapidly going the same route with the advent of " hate speech ". Which basically means whatever the offended group of the day wants it to mean.

Voting hasn't and won't change our decline in these areas to any great extent.

My own personal take is there are only two constitutional avenues that will. A article 5 convention of states , or massive civil disobedience and the hell that comes with that.

My preference, and I'm aware intelligent people disagree would be trying the former first.
Something must be done though or we will be a full on socialist country inside of a decade.

I would enjoy your thoughts on the below article. I have preaching this for years. Maybe some are waking up.
The Supreme Court Is Not The Final Say On The Constitution


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015

I'm not a very educated person in many ways. But the Constitution was written in plain English for the common man to understand.

Courts and politicians have inserted entire phrases into that document that were pulled out of thin air. Twisting and convoluting it until they, the courts , lawyers (no offense to present company) and politicians see themselves as the only entities that can understand it. As though it was,written in some mysterious code .

My take, not only of SCOTUS, but Congress and the POTUS , is that once they step an inch outside the COTUS, as written , or as constitutionally amended by proper constitutional process, they are violating the law of the land. Their unconstitutional decrees are null and void.

The fact they hire mercenaries willing to use force to enforce those null and void decrees does not make those laws or court decisions constitutional. They are criminals who should be removed from office and prosecuted.

Precedence is simply upholding in many cases , one bad decision by pointing to an earlier bad decision.

In a nutshell, the COTUS is the law of the land. Once ANY branch of gov steps outside its constraints they are breaking the law of the land and the perpetrators should be prosecuted. Congressman ,President , Judge ,or Cop.


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
That may all be true, but he made a statement towards someones character as fact. He was asked to back it up. He was also asked a simple question that all was required was a yes/no response. And he chose not to respond to either.

I did answer your question...the other one i am exercising my 5th
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Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
I'm not a very educated person in many ways. But the Constitution was written in plain English for the common man to understand.

Courts and politicians have inserted entire phrases into that document that were pulled out of thin air. Twisting and convoluting it until they, the courts , lawyers (no offense to present company) and politicians see themselves as the only entities that can understand it. As though it was,written in some mysterious code .

My take, not only of SCOTUS, but Congress and the POTUS , is that once they step an inch outside the COTUS, as written , or as constitutionally amended by proper constitutional process, they are violating the law of the land. Their unconstitutional decrees are null and void.

The fact they hire mercenaries willing to use force to enforce those null and void decrees does not make those laws or court decisions constitutional. They are criminals who should be removed from office and prosecuted.

Precedence is simply upholding in many cases , one bad decision by pointing to an earlier bad decision.

In a nutshell, the COTUS is the law of the land. Once ANY branch of gov steps outside its constraints they are breaking the law of the land and the perpetrators should be prosecuted. Congressman ,President , Judge ,or Cop.

Correct....That's why it's call the "Bill of Right" as much as sleeping, eating, taking a dump, ect.......and not "Bill of Privileges" or "Bill of Selective Wordings".

I think anyone or parties try to change the meaning, wording or intent of the Constitution to benefit oneself or parties, should be trialed for Treason.
I question sometime, why the American Revolution ever happened in the first place?
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Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
The data breach Solus mentioned is one of the reasons I have never used FB, etc. I don't believe ANY of those companies can keep their data safe forever. The same goes for these DNA ancestry searchers.
There is so little personal privacy left, I try to keep as much as I can.

So you're going back to rolodex, typewriters and index cards? It's not just social media, it's everything you do digitally, from anywhere from any digital devices, behind your backs, without you even knowing about it.

My concerns are, if this keep up, there won't be a need for guns registration because they would've already know what you have, where, when and how.
They would know every intimate details of you, your lover, family, kids, business plans and whatever other data they can collect and use against you whenever and however they want. "My private space" will ceased to exists, happy intimate moments between you and your love ones will no longer is intimate. The location of your secret time capsule will no longer be a secret and some the innocent secrets in life is what makes life go round and round for me. Then soon the word "Secret" will no longer be a word we use, just like the 4th.

When you give your info on Social Medias, to me that's a volunteer act, knowing the expectation that it will be out there for everyone to see.
When i go to a private business and pay for it, it's "Private" between party A and party B, Party C can see their way out.
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Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
Young man, I have no idea where you got that idea. I asked you a simple question, have you ever been prosecuted for a jailable offense? And, you have chosen to ignore answering. Why I don't know. It must be a sore spot. Or, you are not the warrior you claim to be.

So, I will ask you a more poignant question, have you ever been prosecuted for a jailable offense in regards to exercising your second amendment right? My original question did not ask for details, it just asked a yes/no question.

I suggest you do a little research before making such proclamations. I'll wait for your results.
Not trying to be disrespectful here, sir.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

On Friday, FEMA publicly acknowledged a Homeland Security Department Office of the Inspector General report that the emergency response agency wrongly shared personal data from 2.3 million disaster survivors with a temporary-housing-related contractor. In doing so, the agency violated the Privacy Act of 1974 and Department of Homeland Security policy, and exposed survivors to identity theft.



Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
Terry v. Ohio destroyed the 4A, Heien buttresses Terry. I f Terry were to fall the 4A would be restored.

Terry vs. Ohio, i don't see it as a 4th violation, Officer has a reasonable suspicion when the suspects were peeking into the store 24x before the office made his approached. If i was a LEO i would have investigated the situation also for "reasonable suspicion" of criminal activities.

There is a difference between a person acting or displaying "Not right" behaviors in front of an officer to trigger investigations, but there is no clear "Reasonable suspicion" to trigger, for wide collection of PAID private data. I do not know if this violates any of the "Commerce Clause" maybe some Esquire's on here can chime in?

We must know to understand and use common sense, moral values to distinguished between what is right and wrong, i believe this is what the Framers were proposing when the "Bill of Rights" were drafted.

Don't let the the gov't break you down emotionally until you give up your Rights. I also believe, "Loyalist to the Crown", are still around, hiding among us to hinder the growth of this young nations. We are but a nation of only 230 years old and look at where we're at now. How long do you think our nation can survive with all the violations and attacks against a set of rules our descendants fought, died and voted for?

To know when a situation arise, within your own situations, that violate any of our Constitution or Bill of Rights, to speak out and fight for it at those moments will ultimately makes a difference to the rest of our citizens and our Rights. To deferred, ignored, rationalized reasons to not get involved when you see a clear infringed act, is to be PASSIVE and allow the violations to continue. Unfortunately, this is where were are now.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Plain clothes officer...at approximately 2:30 in the afternoon of October 31, 1963, his attention was attracted by two men, Chilton and Terry, standing on the corner of Huron Road and Euclid Avenue. He had never seen the two men before, and he was unable to say precisely what first drew his eye to them.

....he testified he had been a policeman for 39 years and a detective for 35 and that he had been assigned to patrol this vicinity of downtown Cleveland for shoplifters and pickpockets for 30 years. He explained that he had developed routine habits of observation over the years and that he would "stand and watch people or walk and watch people at many intervals of the day." He added: "Now, in this case when I looked over they didn't look right to me at the time."

He testified that after observing their elaborately casual and oft-repeated reconnaissance of the store window on Huron Road, he suspected the two men of "casing a job, a stick-up," and that he considered it his duty as a police officer to investigate further.


Now freedomVA do your remember how you felt during the story you regailed regarding WMC and your encounter with LE?

You did engage in the ‘papers please?’ excercise didn’t you? BUT Weren’t physically grabbed, spun around and frisked out of the blue while standing immediately in front of the nice LE? NOR Were you detained and immediately arrested, ultimately sentenced to incarceration?

ALL because a nice LE felt “you didn’t look right to them!”

[sidebar..let’s see you make detective in 4 years and you spend the next 35 as a detective in the same cleveland vicinity ~ WOW]