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NH: Lawmakers to defy House chamber gun ban

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
THAT is how all armed Americans should react to all gun regulations .

KBCraig, did you participate in the rally? If so, how is the House’s atmosphere between the parties over this implementation of rule 63?


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
“I would not think – you know, knowing the members involved, they’re all honorable people,” Shurtleff said. “They’re members of Republican leadership. I cannot believe that they would do anything that would be contrary to the New Hampshire House.”

Sounds like a Tyrant is in charge in the New Hampshire House!


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
“The Supreme Court’s already held under the Second Amendment that certain bodies have the right to ban firearms, including legislators and jails, courts and airplanes,” he said. “So that’s already been adjudicated and there’s already court decisions on that. We don’t really follow natural rights as an argument.”

Natural Rights is the ONLY argument in our Constitutional Republic.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
“The Supreme Court’s already held under the Second Amendment that certain bodies have the right to ban firearms, including legislators and jails, courts and airplanes,” he said. “So that’s already been adjudicated and there’s already court decisions on that. We don’t really follow natural rights as an argument.”

Natural Rights is the ONLY argument in our Constitutional Republic.
When the SC ruled that an absolute is not an absolute is when this country started its decline. The three branches chucked their duties and have joined arms to destroy the Bill of Rights. And the worst part is we the people have le them do it.


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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I know sort of KBCraig and Shurtliff...although I guess Craig only from years of electronic communication. He's always been an eloquent voice for NH freedom, even before he moved here lawmakers were quoting him in hearings. Now I think he's an elected rep. I like Shurtliff because he always answers my questions if I ambush interview him with a camera. And he sticks up for my right to film. But at his heart his still a retired Fed marshall, and those people are always going to be authoritarian about something. In any case the important thing is that all of them need to be *safe* from crazies of any sort who might wish physical harm on these flawed politicians, who all nevertheless have the right to life and thus to self defense.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I know sort of KBCraig and Shurtliff...although I guess Craig only from years of electronic communication. He's always been an eloquent voice for NH freedom, even before he moved here lawmakers were quoting him in hearings. Now I think he's an elected rep. I like Shurtliff because he always answers my questions if I ambush interview him with a camera. And he sticks up for my right to film. But at his heart his still a retired Fed marshall, and those people are always going to be authoritarian about something. In any case the important thing is that all of them need to be *safe* from crazies of any sort who might wish physical harm on these flawed politicians, who all nevertheless have the right to life and thus to self defense.
If that isn't a backhanded slap I don't know what is.

Shurtleff being a retired Fed marshall speaks volumes.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
CoL’s cite: https://www.unionleader.com/news/po...cle_e4fc3919-8466-57e8-ba2d-c8f61ce1bd9a.html quote:
When the House of Representatives voted on Jan. 2 to ban firearms in the House chamber, several Republican reps said they would continue to carry concealed weapons anyway, and on Monday they put it in writing.

That letter talks about deadly weapons in the State House,” Baldasaro said. “It didn’t specifically say we would carry in the chamber. I can neither confirm nor deny if I would. Unquote

Now what legislative doublespeek BS is this..”...said they would....” or “...didn’t SPECIFICALLY say we would...”

We the legislative savants got their names mentioned in the newspeek and social media so guess their happy...


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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One of the nh state reps who i think promised to keep carrying ... has reportedly now been banned from exercising his first amendment rights as well. But of course that is making the authoritarians look more and more like the bad guys.

From state rep John Burt's facebook post 1/17 roughly:

"Attention Pro Second Amendment folks. I need help. I need people with video cameras to help me. Please Share.

Anti Gun bills are coming to the House Criminal Justice committee and the Chair today has BANNED me from taking videos or photos from my seat. See video below.

I told him I will still take them. He went and brought the Speaker in to the committee which the Speaker said, If I keep taking pictures the committee can and will take a vote to remove me by force if needed.

The chair last term sat next to me and took several pictures. Picture 2 - 6 are the pictures I took this week. Many Reps takes pictures. This is to stop the Anti Gun bills from being posted on Youtube for the NH citizens to see. Please help me.

Do not get me wrong, I like the Chair and the Speaker but what they are doing is wrong. This is the first time I have ever heard of anyone being banned from taking a video or pictures at the NH State House.

Here is the video of the vote. Watch what Rep Welch said at minute 4:40. Thank you Michael Yakubovich for the video.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Surely the august NH legislative bodies follow some parliamentary guidance, such as Mason’s Manual of Legislative Practices which would mitigate such squabbling over rules and procedures?

Course, as a younster, my momma just flat out stated I would be home in time for supper and before the streetlights turned on or there would be no hats worn in the house and those practices became the law of my world! :confused:


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
KBCraig, did you participate in the rally? If so, how is the House’s atmosphere between the parties over this implementation of rule 63?
I was out there greeting people before the rally started, but we had a caucus scheduled at the same time in another building, so I had to leave just as they were starting.

It's hard to say about the parties. Lots of Democrats didn't agree, which is why a roll call vote was forced on them: to make them comply.

I don't see his name on the list
Of those who signed the letter? I wasn't asked. They didn't even ask John Burt.

But, I did "virtually sign" by posting the letter to my FB page and announcing that I was not in compliance the moment the vote was announced, and I would continue to be out of compliance every time I'm in the anteroom or house chamber.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
“I would not think – you know, knowing the members involved, they’re all honorable people,” Shurtleff said. “They’re members of Republican leadership. I cannot believe that they would do anything that would be contrary to the New Hampshire House.”

Sounds like a Tyrant is in charge in the New Hampshire House!
He's a retired chief of police and U.S. Marshal. He was in charge of evicting Ed and Elaine Brown.

Draw from that what you will.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
CoL’s cite: https://www.unionleader.com/news/po...cle_e4fc3919-8466-57e8-ba2d-c8f61ce1bd9a.html quote:
When the House of Representatives voted on Jan. 2 to ban firearms in the House chamber, several Republican reps said they would continue to carry concealed weapons anyway, and on Monday they put it in writing.

That letter talks about deadly weapons in the State House,” Baldasaro said. “It didn’t specifically say we would carry in the chamber. I can neither confirm nor deny if I would. Unquote

Now what legislative doublespeek BS is this..”...said they would....” or “...didn’t SPECIFICALLY say we would...”

We the legislative savants got their names mentioned in the newspeek and social media so guess their happy...

Members of the House can't be searched. The only way to be be found in violation of the rule, is to openly proclaim it.

That may or may not happen; I don't know.

Al Baldasaro is a retired USMC First Sergeant, and does not mince words. There were tactical reasons to phrase that the way that he did.

As for consequences, there really cannot be any beyond removal from committee assignments.


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
, ,
I don't remember Shurtleff being involved in the attack on the Browns ; I"m not even sure he was still with the Marshals at that point. and Steve Monier was in charge of handling the standoff in any case. and it's funny how in New Hampshire it sometimes seems like all these players are people we know or at least have met, even if we're not that deep in NH politics.


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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thanks for the union leader link... the UL is ok I guess. They ran an unscientific poll in 2016 on whether NH should secede from the Union :)

41% of the responses were "yes"