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More offense

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
...a bill, perfect or otherwise, is not the goal...the complete repeal of all gun laws, and the elimination of all accompanying administrative regulations spawned by those unconstitutional gun laws must be the goal...those who seek to enact laws to counteract previous legislative screw-ups are idiots of the first order...but as I have stated previously; we pay legislators to makes laws not erase laws...just ask your legislator(s)...


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015

A statement one can not prove
Actually been proven.
My state is a prime but not only example.
Once actual gun owners who would not play footsie with the enemy got involved, our CCDW scam was repealed to cc .
Had that occurred in the 90s we would have had permitless cc by 2000.
It didn't occur because OC couldn't be regulated and anyone who wanted to cc did anyway law or no law. So nobody much cared about a permit here. Or paid attention until the dumb ccdw scam had passed.

That's how a small group bound to hide their guns " legally" managed to convince legislators THEY were the voice of ky gun owners and screwed us all over by agreeing to a slew of regulations, that granted had no teeth, to get the stupid law passed.

Now that its undone and permitless carry is legal , goforth and friends want to hang a carrot to the moderates to save the cash cow and monthly BC .
Ain't gonna happen. The goal now for most ky gun owners is to be rid of the regulations that birthed with ccdw.
Not save them, as moderate gunslingers want to do.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Actual your statement disproves your point because what your descripting is a step by step process.

Try to keep up without putting your own meanings to my words.

In plain english what I described was a small group of self proclaimed speakers for all ky gun owners , rushing a bad bill through in the 90s to get ccdw passed. Accepting regulations on carry ky had never had before to do so. By negotiating with anti gun idiots.
I'm describing a handful of james bond wannabes playing the moderate role to rush a bill that was bad , when permitless cc would have been a reality by 2000 only without the regulations hanging on it.

There was no step by step . Ccdw passed.
Enough ky gun owners got sick of paying to exercise a right that they themselves stepped on kc3s head, went directly to their reps with a clear message. Remove the need for a permit to cc or get ready to go home.
End of story. No moderate hem hawing, just do it or lose office. And it was done

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Try to keep up without putting your own meanings to my words.

In plain english what I described was a small group of self proclaimed speakers for all ky gun owners , rushing a bad bill through in the 90s to get ccdw passed. Accepting regulations on carry ky had never had before to do so. By negotiating with anti gun idiots.
I'm describing a handful of james bond wannabes playing the moderate role to rush a bill that was bad , when permitless cc would have been a reality by 2000 only without the regulations hanging on it.

There was no step by step . Ccdw passed.
Enough ky gun owners got sick of paying to exercise a right that they themselves stepped on kc3s head, went directly to their reps with a clear message. Remove the need for a permit to cc or get ready to go home.
End of story. No moderate hem hawing, just do it or lose office. And it was done

First we did that then we ,did this and ended up with what you have now.

To say other wise is impossible because it didn't happen.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
First we did that then we ,did this and ended up with what you have now.

To say other wise is impossible because it didn't happen.

A handful did what they did in the 90s.
It wasnt a stepping stone to permitless OC at all . Exactly the opposite.

What was done this year undid part of the damage KC3 did with ccdw.

One effort had exactly opposite goals to the other.
But twist the facts as you will. .

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
A handful did what they did in the 90s.
It wasnt a stepping stone to permitless OC at all . Exactly the opposite.

What was done this year undid part of the damage KC3 did with ccdw.

One effort had exactly opposite goals to the other.
But twist the facts as you will. .
This particular poster never offers any documentation or proof of anything that he posts. We are supposed to accept anything he says as gospel. His revisionist history is never challenged. No other member of this forum would even attempt that, much less get by with it time after time.
My attempts to decipher his logic goes something like this: In 1996 a group of gun owners got together and asked the Ky. legislature to pass licensed CC. I and a few others opposed that. We didn't have enough people that shared our views and licensed CC became the law in Ky. We have always opposed this and have continuously attempted to side track it but we have had no luck, because we are too few in number and lack any clout whatsoever. Now that unlicensed CC has been passed, we refuse to accept that the same people were again involved in that legislation and that we were shut out of the process because everybody thinks we are a small, insignificant bunch of crackpots. I can't show you any bills that were submitted by our group or any correspondence between us and any legislators. I can't show any emails about discussions of this claim of unlicensed CC being on the verge of passage before it was derailed by others. I can't produce any documents of my organization's existence, like tax records or organization documents filed with the Secretary of State's office. We are not recognized by the IRS as a tax free organization because we do not exist as an organization because it's just me and one other guy. I can't show you any news reports that indicate anything I say is true. You must just accept it. I never approve of anything. I just oppose everything and say it isn't good enough, because I am pure and nothing else is ever as pure as I am. I never accomplish anything on my own because I lack the influence to ever get anything of my own done. All I can do is whine and moan on the internet because I am irrelevant.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
This particular poster never offers any documentation or proof of anything that he posts. We are supposed to accept anything he says as gospel. His revisionist history is never challenged. No other member of this forum would even attempt that, much less get by with it time after time.
My attempts to decipher his logic goes something like this: In 1996 a group of gun owners got together and asked the Ky. legislature to pass licensed CC. I and a few others opposed that. We didn't have enough people that shared our views and licensed CC became the law in Ky. We have always opposed this and have continuously attempted to side track it but we have had no luck, because we are too few in number and lack any clout whatsoever. Now that unlicensed CC has been passed, we refuse to accept that the same people were again involved in that legislation and that we were shut out of the process because everybody thinks we are a small, insignificant bunch of crackpots. I can't show you any bills that were submitted by our group or any correspondence between us and any legislators. I can't show any emails about discussions of this claim of unlicensed CC being on the verge of passage before it was derailed by others. I can't produce any documents of my organization's existence, like tax records or organization documents filed with the Secretary of State's office. We are not recognized by the IRS as a tax free organization because we do not exist as an organization because it's just me and one other guy. I can't show you any news reports that indicate anything I say is true. You must just accept it. I never approve of anything. I just oppose everything and say it isn't good enough, because I am pure and nothing else is ever as pure as I am. I never accomplish anything on my own because I lack the influence to ever get anything of my own done. All I can do is whine and moan on the internet because I am irrelevant.

Well. That's one way to think you made a point I guess.

Rewrite other poeples writing then say they said something they didny say.

As far as us being cut out. Exactly how many of these crap Bill's starting with the NRA disaster bill that you supported and I told you ky gun owners wouldn't allow it to pass. have passed?
I'll jog your memory. 0

Granted at present I'm pretty much house bound , so you might have a very small chance of goforths bill slipping thru .
A VERY SMALL chance. I still have a phone .

As far as my history being challenged it isnt because its historical fact.

To be honest like almost every other gun owner in Ky in the mid ninetys your ccdw passed before we even thought about an effort to so occuring.
Nobody but KC3 cares about cc

Especially with a bunch of new restrictions

I dont run a gun rights org. Lucky for KC3.
I was to busy running the 501c3 I founded in memory of our deceased child to help other sick children. And folks could actually find a working website and contact info

What I accomplish is not letting gun owners who dont frequent gun boards be ignorant of what is being slipped thru by the central ky crew. They crush the bad bills. Not me.

Cc is a right. We should not be paying for that right and now that your and KC3 blunder has been rectified, we need rid of ccdw permits period.
Not prop it up with special privileges for those that will pay to do what they were born with the right to do.
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation

The last posting was June 25 2019...is there not any newer news given the OP's op? If HB610 is such a "hot issue", as it appears to be given the tone and tenor of some of the posts in this thread, would it not be prudent for KC3 to post their position on HB610 on their website? This would provide a starting point for reasoned and rational discussions on the merits of HB610, and why KC3 believes HB610 should be supported and ultimately enacted into law.
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

The last posting was June 25 2019...is there not any newer news given the OP's op? If HB610 is such a "hot issue", as it appears to be given the tone and tenor of some of the posts in this thread, would it not be prudent for KC3 to post their position on HB610 on their website? This would provide a starting point for reasoned and rational discussions on the merits of HB610, and why KC3 believes HB610 should be supported and ultimately enacted into law.
Is'n being logical a violation of one of the forum rules?

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
It could be that other items are on KC3's agenda that preclude them from updating their website.

WE see little reason to constantly update OUR website nor do I see much reason for US to explain why WE do anything. The important people, ie our members, keep up with our Facebook page. When the legislative session is finished, we may update the webpage as WE feel appropriate. I am sure that several here, who are NOT members, will find that update unsatisfactory. Those people find almost everything unsatisfactory and I see no reason to try to even attempt to satisfy them.
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
WE see little reason to constantly update OUR website nor do I see much reason for US to explain why WE do anything. The important people, ie our members, keep up with our Facebook page. When the legislative session is finished, we may update the webpage as WE feel appropriate. I am sure that several here, who are NOT members, will find that update unsatisfactory. Those people find almost everything unsatisfactory and I see no reason to try to even attempt to satisfy them.

Kind of arrogant for a small group who claims to represent the gun owners of an entire state huh?
But I do thank you for this public post that I'm certain gun owners who never heard of the omnipotent KC3 will be interested in reading how a handful of central ky elitists feel they have some right to claim they speak for the majority of gun owners , while actually persuing their own goals.

Nice copy and paste material.

To late to delete it , already in the storage bin.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
WE see little reason to constantly update OUR website nor do I see much reason for US to explain why WE do anything. The important people, ie our members, keep up with our Facebook page. When the legislative session is finished, we may update the webpage as WE feel appropriate. I am sure that several here, who are NOT members, will find that update unsatisfactory. Those people find almost everything unsatisfactory and I see no reason to try to even attempt to satisfy them.

so glad the YOU feel everything is copasetic within KY's 2A realm...

shame the presumption was made to only facilitate out on a overseeing third party entity whose precedence is to shun firearms per se...oh wait, guess anything can be greased with enough money...

truly fascinating YOU, the sole heir of organizational control, made the autocratic decision who is associated and extended membership in YOUR 2A club...

thank heavens i was accepted as a member a couple years ago...tho listenen to you pontificate out here...might not be renew this year...

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Kind of arrogant for a small group who claims to represent the gun owners of an entire state huh?
But I do thank you for this public post that I'm certain gun owners who never heard of the omnipotent KC3 will be interested in reading how a handful of central ky elitists feel they have some right to claim they speak for the majority of gun owners , while actually persuing their own goals.

Nice copy and paste material.

To late to delete it , already in the storage bin.
Copy and paste to your heart's content.
Isn't this the same thing YOU do? Don't we all pursue our own goals? Why would we not pursue OUR OWN goals? What goals do you expect us to pursue, your goals? We will continue to pursue the goals selected by the board. Thank you for playing.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Copy and paste to your heart's content.
Isn't this the same thing YOU do? Don't we all pursue our own goals? Why would we not pursue OUR OWN goals? What goals do you expect us to pursue, your goals? We will continue to pursue the goals selected by the board. Thank you for playing.

I'm sure you will , as KC3 has always done.
Peruse it's own moderate , give to get nothing goals while claiming to be the voice of kentucky gun owners across the state. Instead of working with others to regain our RTKABA as it was protected by the founders.

Our RTKABA uninfringed is what most Ky gun owners want . Heck most gun owners across the nation want that. That includes the right to OC and cc both

Not watered down gov permission cc permit scams that KC3 always pushes for.

Your board does not speak for us.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
I'm sure you will , as KC3 has always done.
Peruse it's own moderate , give to get nothing goals while claiming to be the voice of kentucky gun owners across the state. Instead of working with others to regain our RTKABA as it was protected by the founders.

Our RTKABA uninfringed is what most Ky gun owners want . Heck most gun owners across the nation want that. That includes the right to OC and cc both

Not watered down gov permission cc permit scams that KC3 always pushes for.

Your board does not speak for us.

Who is "we" and are you speaking for both of you? KC3 will continue to speak as we feel best for our membership and all other Ky. gun owners.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Who is "we" and are you speaking for both of you? KC3 will continue to speak as we feel best for our membership and all other Ky. gun owners.

You do not speak for all other gun owners or even a small percentage of us sir.
That is the problem.
It is fortunate that more and more gun owners in our state are discovering your organization exists, its NRA moderate give away rights to get permissions stances , and letting their reps know KC3 does not speak for them.
It helps to prevent bad Bill's like the NRA permitless carry bill and Goforths permit privileged bill from seeing the light of day .
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