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John, please appoint a moderator.

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The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
I lurk from time to time to check and see if the trash has taken itself out yet on this forum. I can see that hasn't happened. Is there no moderator at all to fill the void our dear Grapeshot has left?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I frankly don’t care is some people think my opinion is out of line. It is my opinion.

Indeed it is.

John no longer has the help that he once did.

No, he doesn't.

The site has gone downhill...

I disagree. In fact, I left for greener pastures, but returned because the site picked up.

...to the point where trollish behavior is being tolerated—routinely.

Is the behavior actually "trollish?" Or are the so-called "trolls" merely angering you because they choose not to follow the course of your argument while insisting they're right and you're wrong. Sure, that's annoying, but in and of itself, that's not trolling.

Furthermore, who's tolerating it? I certainly don't tolerate actual trolls, and neither do a number of the other well-respected, long-term members of OCDO. In fact, I've observed a handful of people here are often quick to point it out.

John clearly does not have the time or the will to keep the site up.

This statement presupposes the site is down. Is it? I don't see that it is. Then again, I've put a couple of the more annoying members back on ignore.

If he won’t appoint some help, maybe it is time for him to let go.

If, when, and how is entirely up to John. At present, I do not see the need, and I've been at the business of running message forums for a long time.

On an ironic side note: John has seen this thread. If it is truly out of line, and he has done nothing about it, wouldn’t that be evidence of the very assertion that I am making?

I do not see that anything is out of line, ergo, the remainder of your argument fails i.e. no evidence as to the veracity of your assertion one way or the other.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Anarchy does not work. Some level of governance is necessary. That is kind of one of the founding ideas of our nation.

When applied to the masses, anarchy does not work. In social clubs, however, particularly those whose members are either well-educated, highly experienced, or both, the members are often quite adepts at working things out amongst themselves.

Case in point, my mother's high school reunions. Hers wasn't a very large school, but they're all around 84, and down to just 31 members due to life's finality. Even so, for more than 30 years they've largely dropped all formalities of structure and simply approached their annual class reunions ad-hoc. Someone reserves the venue. Another takes care of catering. A third the correspondence, a fourth decorations, a fifth the agenda for the weekend, a sixth the cost analysis and apportionment. Everyone gets their own reservations, either at the venue or nearby. Some live in town, so they don't need reservations.

About twenty years ago my mom asked me to take a look at the finances, as she had volunteered to do that for the year. I built a reusable spreadsheet which calculated everything, and they've been using the same spreadsheet each and every year ever since.

My point is they're all older, they're all wiser, they're all very mature, they get along, and so for them, anarchy serves them well.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
since9 said:
...Is the behavior actually "trollish?" Or are the so-called "trolls" merely angering you because they choose not to follow the course of your argument while insisting they're right and you're wrong...

Not all of the behavior is trolling. But much of it is. One of the trolls has admitted as much, twice! He has admitted that his intent is not to further discussion, but to stir up trouble—and has declared such to be “fun”.

The site is unquestionably dying. Participation here is probably about 1/20th what it was when I last participated—and a large portion of that participation is people deliberately trying to agitate, not discuss with, others.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Not all of the behavior is trolling. But much of it is. One of the trolls has admitted as much, twice! He has admitted that his intent is not to further discussion, but to stir up trouble—and has declared such to be “fun”.

The site is unquestionably dying. Participation here is probably about 1/20th what it was when I last participated—and a large portion of that participation is people deliberately trying to agitate, not discuss with, others.

Eye95 you are posting and making accusations without any sort of substantial evidence and are now looking quite foolish pleading your nonsensical and obvious irrational martyr complex to the masses, after yet another “well-respected, long-term member of OCDO” tells you your perception(s) of being trolled are unfounded!

Additionally, this same “well-respected, long-term member of OCDO” also states their belief the OCDO site is still vibrant and has “picked” up!

That stated eye95, I am beginning to see one of your misperceptions about this site’s activity when you state, “when I last participated”!

That was 5 years ago eye95 when you were ban’d and the nuances of OC across this country were still being actively pursued as well as the social media complex phenomenon(s) of FB/twitter/ad nauseam became intertwined to allow crossposting coupled with wiki being able to reliably answer a myriad of questions on any subject.

Since that time grassroots forums, OH & SC [ http://www.scfirearms.org/] & CO [ http://www.cogunowners.com/ ] & UT [ http://www.goutah.org/ ] & NV [ https://www.nevadagunforum.com/ ] and others e.g. YOURS, have become embarrassing wastelands blowing in the cyber winds of the ethernet just taking up bandwidth.

Others like the high road have outdated material posted yet moderate like the material is gospel and immediately excommunicate anyone who challenges the material.

north/southwest firearm forum has become the new backpage and if members challenge each other whatsoever in discussions, postings are immediately deleted as the lynch mob moderators then wonder among themselves why do the threads lack any semblance of conscious continuity [moderator andy of northwest is the only exception]

Dying no eye95, membership here is alive and vibrant we further discuss finessing OC laws/carry/etc., as has been the practice since its inception.

Eye95, it should be even clearer to you as other august members speak out about you and your activities and how your perceptions are askew.

And no eye95, denial in not a river in Egypt!
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Solus, eye95 is pointing his finger at me. According to him I'm the guy pulling his chain. And, he is correct. I will go after anyone that promotes false narratives that are not supported in law or fact.

This poor boy calls anybody that will not agree to his fantasy world beliefs trolls. He demonstrates his narcissistic behavior daily. His grandiose sense of self-importance, lives in a fantasy world that supports his delusions of grandeur and chooses to demean, intimidate, bully, or belittle others in an attempt to get his way.

What upsets him most is all his tactics don't work. He is engrossed in his own destruction. Being a military guy you would think he learned how to overcome adapt improvise. Sadly, he has not.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
While I don't agree with Eye95, and that is often in the past. I have to admit he owns more real estate in the minds of some members than Donald Trump does golf courses, and hotels. OTH some of those members also occupy cottages in Eye95's mind. IMO you all are past pathetic.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I am just trying to get John to wake up and smell the troll coffee. Once he does that, I’ll go back to letting most of the jerk posts go by and just report the egregious trolling.

If he does not, I will keep pointing out a lot of the jerk and troll posts (except for most of the inane posts by the inane troll, for whom, in most cases, a reply would lend credibility to his inanity).

Don’t like what I am doing? Is what I am doing building a cottage in your own head? Then encourage John to either start moderating or appoint a moderator.

In lawless lands, your only recourse is to shoot back at those who shoot at you. Where there is law, you can count on most of those who would shoot at you having been stopped already (because of their past bad acts) by those charged with enforcement.

I prefer moderation to anarchy. However, if this be anarchy, I will make the most of it—while trying to participate in rational discussions where they are possible.

I leave it in John’s hands to choose between moderation and anarchy.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
What eye95 is trying to saying is this is his last bastion. If he fails here, it's over. There is no other place for him to go. Accept maybe for Facebook. Oh, I forgot, Buckeye Firearms Forum may accept him, but he will have to argue with himself.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
I am just trying to get John to wake up and smell the troll coffee. Once he does that, I’ll go back to letting most of the jerk posts go by and just report the egregious trolling.

If he does not, I will keep pointing out a lot of the jerk and troll posts (except for most of the inane posts by the inane troll, for whom, in most cases, a reply would lend credibility to his inanity).

Don’t like what I am doing? Is what I am doing building a cottage in your own head? Then encourage John to either start moderating or appoint a moderator.

In lawless lands, your only recourse is to shoot back at those who shoot at you. Where there is law, you can count on most of those who would shoot at you having been stopped already (because of their past bad acts) by those charged with enforcement.

I prefer moderation to anarchy. However, if this be anarchy, I will make the most of it—while trying to participate in rational discussions where they are possible.

I leave it in John’s hands to choose between moderation and anarchy.

Again not your authority to judge posts and not your job.

In all honesty if I still owned a site and you posted what you posted in this thread even about my web master you'd be history before you got the first response.

John must be a very forgiving person to put up with your BS.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I don’t need authority. When a post replies to me or mentions me, I have the Right to address the post.

John was here moments ago. It seems that my reaction to the trolling is not giving him agita. But, neither is the trolling, so I will continue to call the trolling out.

BTW, don’t you see that your calling me out is





I wonder whether irony or hypocrisy is the correct word.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
I don’t need authority. When a post replies to me or mentions me, I have the Right to address the post.

John was here moments ago. It seems that my reaction to the trolling is not giving him agita. But, neither is the trolling, so I will continue to call the trolling out.

BTW, don’t you see that your calling me out is





I wonder whether irony or hypocrisy is the correct word.

I'm not calling you out as a troll. Mainly because

I'm am telling you that your arrogant and self impressed worse than all but two persons I ever encountered in a forum.

Now I'll just give up trying and let you sink yourself without further interference from me.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012


To get this thread back on topic: Holy things are good. Notre Dame was probably considered holy, and I like churches, so that's too bad. I consider the Constitution semi-holy, a document I deeply respect, and the Rights it mentions absolutely holy and God-given. I would also consider religious artifacts holy (the Shroud, Ark, cross, etc) if they are the legit articles, but that's hard to verify! Are we talking physical objects or spiritual entities?
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