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Anti-Gun Boycott of Starbucks planned for Valentine's Day...


Regular Member
Jul 17, 2009
York, Pennsylvania, USA
[h=1]Starbucks' "Pro-Gun" Policy Prompts Gun Victims' Advocate Group to Launch Nationwide Boycott on Valentine's Day 2012[/h]CHICAGO, Jan. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A nationwide boycott of Starbucks stores and its products will be launched on Valentine's Day 2012. Its goal is to eliminate the risk of guns in public places and ultimately to bring sane gun laws to the U.S.

This boycott is being called by the National Gun Victim's Action Council (NGAC), a network of 14 million gun victims, the faith community including the: Episcopal Peace Fellowship, United Church of Christ, Fellowship of Reconciliation (46 peace fellowships and 43 affiliate fellowships),secular groups working to reduce gun violence and many of the organizations that support passing sane gun laws.

More at link... http://www.prnewswire.com/news-rele...boycott-on-valentines-day-2012-137890863.html

The Mrs and I are planning on visiting every Starbucks in our vicinity while proudly wearing our "I Love Guns and Coffee" t-shirts...


I think we can make a far more significant impact on Starbuck's sales than this boycott, anybody agree?


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
I don't even like coffee and normally work Tuesdays, but I'll be sure to stop by and at least order a pastrie or something before I go in.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006

Starbucks did not and still does not wish to be the center of controversy. That they chose to stand their ground (literally and figuratively) and follow the state law wherein OC and/or CC was legal is very much to their credit. Personally, I would leave the borrowed themed (Love Coffee & Guns) T-shirts at home, conduct myself as just an everyday customer(s), and cement the relationship that we are the good guys and don't desire to embarrass Starbucks - let the antis do that and look like the spoiled child that can't have its way.

Show your support, especially on the days of the planned protest, but do so with dignity and aplomb whether alone or with a group - that way Starbucks will confirm the wisdom of their original and on-going stance.

We each must choose where and indeed how we fight our battles. That the antis select to be in-your face aggressive and emotionally bent should not in any way dictate our response. We are responsible, law abiding, cordial and friendly people that also take self-defense for what it is.......an intelligent, personal choice.


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2009
SE, Michigan, USA

Starbucks did not and still does not wish to be the center of controversy. That they chose to stand their ground (literally and figuratively) and follow the state law wherein OC and/or CC was legal is very much to their credit. Personally, I would leave the borrowed themed (Love Coffee & Guns) T-shirts at home, conduct myself as just an everyday customer(s), and cement the relationship that we are the good guys and don't desire to embarrass Starbucks - let the antis do that and look like the spoiled child that can't have its way.

Show your support, especially on the days of the planned protest, but do so with dignity and aplomb whether alone or with a group - that way Starbucks will confirm the wisdom of their original and on-going stance.

We each must choose where and indeed how we fight our battles. That the antis select to be in-your face aggressive and emotionally bent should not in any way dictate our response. We are responsible, law abiding, cordial and friendly people that also take self-defense for what it is.......an intelligent, personal choice.


Well said sir, well said.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County

Starbucks did not and still does not wish to be the center of controversy. That they chose to stand their ground (literally and figuratively) and follow the state law wherein OC and/or CC was legal is very much to their credit. Personally, I would leave the borrowed themed (Love Coffee & Guns) T-shirts at home, conduct myself as just an everyday customer(s), and cement the relationship that we are the good guys and don't desire to embarrass Starbucks - let the antis do that and look like the spoiled child that can't have its way.

Show your support, especially on the days of the planned protest, but do so with dignity and aplomb whether alone or with a group - that way Starbucks will confirm the wisdom of their original and on-going stance.

We each must choose where and indeed how we fight our battles. That the antis select to be in-your face aggressive and emotionally bent should not in any way dictate our response. We are responsible, law abiding, cordial and friendly people that also take self-defense for what it is.......an intelligent, personal choice.

+1 With one personal exception, I wear my Guns and coffee shirts into Starbucks all the time the workers lover it! And some have ordered. I do always make it clear though that it expresses my personal love not and is not an endorsement by Starbucks.


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
Leesburg, GA
Our Starbucks is in a Safeway.

Also, I don't really care for their coffee.

I work Tuesdays as well, but might be able to work something out to perhaps stop in there.

T Dubya

Campaign Veteran
Feb 11, 2008
Richmond, Va, ,
there are several actually. I'm pretty sure I've seen at least three others pop up on the new posts page. Makes me think not too many people use it.

Well, the news and general forums aren't used and utilized the way they should be. What can you do? Activists are used to gathering in their individual states. Probably not a bad idea to get it out in their respective states just to get the word out.

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
Well, the news and general forums aren't used and utilized the way they should be. What can you do? Activists are used to gathering in their individual states. Probably not a bad idea to get it out in their respective states just to get the word out.
I think that the individual state forums should be seen as largely separate to those of the national forums.

Also. I agree with what Grapeshot said absolutely. We should stand behind Starbucks on the day of the anti protest. But do so without making a scene. Personally, I'd suggest shooting them a letter stating your intent to purchase coffee on that day as a symbol of support and thanks. Nothing more, nothing less. They respected our desires to patronize their business while carrying, we'll show our gratitude by counteracting this boycott that was caused by their respect and do so while respecting their desires not to be brought into the middle of it all. And in the process, we'll most likely demonstrate that we greatly outnumber the fear mongers. Basically, all the boycott is doing is providing us with an opportunity to show the world that we're a respectful lot, unlike those emotional and irrational gun control advocates.
Last edited:


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Well, the news and general forums aren't used and utilized the way they should be. What can you do? Activists are used to gathering in their individual states. Probably not a bad idea to get it out in their respective states just to get the word out.

I think that the individual state forums should be seen as largely separate to those of the national forums.

Also. I agree with what Grapeshot said absolutely. We should stand behind Starbucks on the day of the anti protest. But do so without making a scene. Personally, I'd suggest shooting them a letter stating your intent to purchase coffee on that day as a symbol of support and thanks. Nothing more, nothing less. They respected our desires to patronize their business while carrying, we'll show our gratitude by counteracting this boycott that was caused by their respect and do so while respecting their desires not to be brought into the middle of it all. And in the process, we'll most likely demonstrate that we greatly outnumber the fear mongers. Basically, all the boycott is doing is providing us with an opportunity to show the world that we're a respectful lot, unlike those emotional and irrational gun control advocates.

Agree. Don't think that this runs contrary to the rule on no multiple postings on other sub-forums. Each state or local group will plan/respond within their immediate membership and has unique circumstances - quite simply in this case location being paramount. No one wants to, nor should have to, search through multiple posts/pages to see what others in their area are doing + when and where, especially on a subject such as this.

There is a favorite phrase on the importance/value of commercial real estate that applies well here.
The 3 most important things are: Location, Location & Location.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2011
Fairfax County, VA
They are encouraging their followers to leave this flyer at Starbucks.

These people are stupid. The flyer states “I will not visit Starbucks stores or buy any Starbucks products…” So, exactly how do they plan to leave their bogus flyer in the store if they aren’t going in to the stores or any other place that sells Starbucks coffee products???? Real brilliant people.