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Search results

  1. purlrider

    Shall issue

    Oregon being a "shall issue state". How can Hood River op-out? I had to go to The Dalles to renew my permit. Purlrider
  2. purlrider

    Take this viral

  3. purlrider

    Take this viral

  4. purlrider

    Take this viral

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nF098HtY-s Asking all law enforcement personnel to remember their Oath to the Constitution
  5. purlrider

    Home Depot Corporation A+

    I live in The Dalles Oregon. Last Friday The Home Depot here in The Dalles informed me I could no longer open carry in the store contrary to The Home Depot corporate policy (Our policy is that we do not prohibit anyone who is legally permitted to carry firearms from entering our stores, provided...
  6. purlrider

    The Dalles Home Depot

    This will be a Readers Digest version. I live in The Dalles. I open carry all the time. Not just here in The Dalles but Portland and Vancouver as well. Last Friday The Home Depot here informed me I could no longer open carry in the store contrary to corporate policy. I called the regional...
  7. purlrider

    The Dalles Home Depot

    This will be a Readers Digest version. I live in The Dalles. I open carry all the time. Not just here in The Dalles but Portland and Vancouver as well. Last Friday The Home Depot here informed me I could no longer open carry in the store contrary to corporate policy. I called the regional...
  8. purlrider

    Open Carry, not just a right but a responsibility

    I live in a small town in the Columbia River Gorge. I do not ever leave my house with out my .45 in an open carry condition. I go to the big cities (both Vancouver and Portland areas) once or perhaps twice a week. I ride my motorcycle sixteen thousand miles a year. Mostly in Oregon and...
  9. purlrider

    Open Carry, not just a right but a responsibility

    I live in a small town in the Columbia River Gorge. I do not ever leave my house with out my .45 in an open carry condition. I go to the big cities (both Vancouver and Portland areas) once or perhaps twice a week. I ride my motorcycle sixteen thousand miles a year. Mostly in Oregon and...
  10. purlrider

    Open Carry, not just a right but a responsibility

    I live in a small town in the Columbia River Gorge. I do not ever leave my house with out my .45 in an open carry condition. I go to the big cities (both Vancouver and Portland areas) once or perhaps twice a week. I ride my motorcycle sixteen thousand miles a year. Mostly in Oregon and...
  11. purlrider

    Regal Theaters new policy

    My one and I tried to go to a Regal Theater last Saturday. We were informed they have a new no gun policy, just like the one in Colorado. I never ever leave my house with out my side arm strapped to my hip. We have gone to Regal many times, but never more.
  12. purlrider

    Where I stand

    I have been a member of Open Carry .org for just a short time and for the greater part enjoy and glean a great deal of good information. Here most if not all share my Constitutional philosophies. Not just our Second Amendment rights, but also all the Amendments that give us our freedoms. I...
  13. purlrider

    Where I stand

    I have been a member of Open Carry .org for just a short time and for the greater part enjoy and glean a great deal of good information. Here most if not all share my Constitutional philosophies. Not just our Second Amendment rights, but also all the Amendments that give us our freedoms. I...
  14. purlrider

    Another Chase Bank story

    I posted some time back my encounter at the Chase Bank in Vancouver 16600 Southeast McGillivray Boulevard. There the branch manager told me it was illegal to carry because their bank was a federal building. Of course this is absurd. Now a month or so later I go to the Chase Bank at 3205 NE 52nd...
  15. purlrider

    The Dalles

    I live in The Dalles. The reason for my post is this: This town is a 12,000 plus population. It would appear I am the only one here that open carries. I just don't get it. I have never once been hassled (which is very nice) and I don't leave the house without my .45 on my hip. I carry for...
  16. purlrider

    An experience at Chase

    So there I was minding my own business. Just sat down with a financial advisory when the branch manager of Chase Bank at the McGilvery and 164th street Fred Meyer. She very politely informed me of the illegalities of my fopaux concerning my OC. She said " the next time your here please...
  17. purlrider

    Stevenson, wa

    I was passing through Stevenson Washington last Wed. I stopped at the " Main Street Convenience Store" to get a coffee to go. I had just completed fixing it with enough flavored creamers ( cause their coffee is really bad, but cheep and full of caffeine ) when the checker asked me across the...
  18. purlrider

    Stevenson, wa

    I was passing through Stevenson Washington last Wed. I stopped at the " Main Street Convenience Store" to get a coffee to go. I had just completed fixing it with enough flavored creamers ( cause their coffee is really bad, but cheep and full of caffeine ) when the checker asked me across the...
  19. purlrider

    Costco Vancouver, wa.

    This is my first post so if this is redundant I apologize up front. My One and I were in Costco Vancouver, wa the other day. About 15 minutes into the gig a manager and his assistant (I assume) came up to me and asked in a very polite manner if they could talk with me. He didn't get offensive...
  20. purlrider

    Vancouver, wa Costco

    This is my first post so if this is redundant I apologize up front. My One and I were in Costco Vancouver, wa the other day. About 15 minutes into the gig a manager and his assistant (I assume) came up to me and asked in a very polite manner if they could talk with me. He didn't get offensive...