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Search results

  1. Redbaron007

    Is Beck becoming Divisive with Evangelicals?

    Here is an article/video regarding Beck's recent speech in Utah. This speech may have done more harm nationally than help get the vote out in Utah. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/03/new-crazy-beck-video-all-throughout-the-south-the-evangelicals-have-not-been-listening-to-their-god/
  2. Redbaron007

    State of MO vs McCoy-Felon in Possession of Firearm

    Here is the MO Supreme Court Opinion on felons possessing firearms. http://www.courts.mo.gov/file.jsp?id=90876 Basically, A5 has no bearing in the decision.
  3. Redbaron007

    A5 Decision

    Here is the link. Good news. Haven't read the whole decision. http://www.courts.mo.gov/file.jsp?id=87896
  4. Redbaron007

    MO Auditor Tom Schweich

    Sad to hear, regardless of some folks thoughts. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2015/02/26/missouri-auditor-schweich-death/24069641/
  5. Redbaron007

    OC in Ferguson

    Hypothetical question for most: Would you, if you lived in Ferguson, OC among the protesters/activist and/or around your normal businesses (assuming OC is not prohibited in the city limits)? I would not around the activists; but I would consider it for my regular businesses travels, if those...
  6. Redbaron007

    Maryland Federal Judge Upholds Gun Ban

    Maryland says 'Assault Weapons' and large capacity mags are not welcome here; they are dangerous; not common enough. Here's the FOX article: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014...n-control-law/ Also, for those who want to read the judges rant, here it is...
  7. Redbaron007

    Gun Rights Across America Open Carry Rally

    Didn't see this announcement here, so...... There is a Gun Rights Across America Open Carry Rally in Sullivan MO this Saturday, August 9, from 1-5. It will be at the Sullivan Fair Grounds. There is food and speakers. Here is the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/653564818050345/...
  8. Redbaron007

    Guns Welcome Sign Increases Business

    Here's a story from Maryville TN resturant owner. Wonder what the libs think now? http://charlotte.cbslocal.com/2014/07/22/restaurant-owner-guns-are-welcome-signs-have-helped-boost-business/
  9. Redbaron007

    New CCW Card

    Renewed my CCW this past week......got the newest version hard card...it's seems durable with no pix. Most county sheriffs should have the machine that makes them or should be getting one soon. No paper anymore. However, the cute little clerk doing all the work recommended to keep a pictured...
  10. Redbaron007

    SJR 36/Constitutional Amendment 5

    For inquiring minds; here is the language for SJR 36/Constitutional Amendment 5 on this Fall's ballot: http://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/2014ballot/SJR36.pdf There has been some press, mostly negative against the measure. Here are a couple...
  11. Redbaron007

    More good news about trading for that guy BERGDAHL - smooth move Ocrama

    You're using the extremely liberal Americans Against the Tea Party site as a credible source for not being involved in the Iraq war? :banghead: This explains a lot!!
  12. Redbaron007


    Still no veto.......... Hope he just lets it lay there! (and the clock ticks on)
  13. Redbaron007

    Omg!!!! Mwag!!!

    I saw a guy in Academy last night sporting a Beretta in plain, open sight!!! :mad: :cuss: :uhoh: The audacity!!! People were crazy!! Not a one of them yelled, screamed or went charging out the door screaming MWAG!!!! They're idiots!!!
  14. Redbaron007


    Huh? :eek:
  15. Redbaron007


    Thought I would just remind folks to contact your House Representatives, especially if they are on the House Rules Committee, and encourage them to support and pass out of committee to House floor for a vote. SAPA is currently in the Rules Committee (Jeanie Riddle is the Chairperson). It's...
  16. Redbaron007

    Red Baron Bike

    My kind of bike! ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYNT0Ef6-qE
  17. Redbaron007

    Signs at a Local Cafe - Golden City MO

    On the way back from a farm estate sale, stopped at Cooky's Cafe in Golden City MO. They have good food and great desserts, if you are in the area. That aside, here are a couple of pics upon entry to the fine establishment! Great 2A food establishment! [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
  18. Redbaron007

    Merry Christmas..Fellow MO OCers!

    Hope everyone has a OCing Merry Christmas today!! Be Safe!! :)
  19. Redbaron007

    Why does anyone need an AR15 ???

    You have utterly missed the point.
  20. Redbaron007

    LE gun buy back programs

    Isn't stealing from grandma/pa a crime? If they stole it from them, chances are they don't have it now to turn into the LEA buy back program. Further thinking, if they did still have it, more then likely they have potentially committed other crimes, which means the LEOs may be out looking for...