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Search results

  1. Sparky508

    Platt Electrical Supply Customer

    Lol No, I wasn't at the time I was CC.
  2. Sparky508

    Platt Electrical Supply Customer

    Ten years ago the title would have been, "Saw a unicorn!" He acted like an ass hat, but was so happy to see one so we engaged in a mutual admiration party and passed out literature to insure everyone knew we were legal in our right to do so.
  3. Sparky508

    Platt Electrical Supply Customer

    Absolutely. If he was CC, I, probably wouldn't have known and just thought him a tool, but then it wouldnt be appropriate to discuss on this particular forum. Absolutely not. I OC for convenience and comfort and fortunately it is a legal method for me to do so. I would have been embarrassed...
  4. Sparky508

    Platt Electrical Supply Customer

    Usually not one to be a member of the etiquette police, so maybe yall can put me in my place here. Was at our local Platt electrical supply house on Friday up on Canyon Rd in Puyallup. Open carrying customer was at the counter, while we waited our turn. The gentleman was obviously not well...
  5. Sparky508

    Open carrying a blue gun in downtown Seattle legal?

    No, that was this cat, evidently you can only remove your pistol so many times.........
  6. Sparky508

    Pulled over by PCSO.

    Office supply, for "emergency" purposes. :rolleyes:
  7. Sparky508

    9.41.070 and shall issue 30 days

    (1) The chief of police of a municipality or the sheriff of a county shall within thirty days after the filing of an application of any person, issue a license to such person to carry a pistol concealed on his or her person within this state for five years from date of issue, for the purposes of...
  8. Sparky508

    Truth or Fiction?

    Seen it happen, not pretty: Notice the position of the shoulder in relation to the thigh...........
  9. Sparky508

    Happiest OC-er EVERRRRRR

    Pinks on a fly are amazing. Puyallup 2011
  10. Sparky508

    Rcw 18.170.175

    RCW 18.170.175 Display of firearms while soliciting clients. No licensee, employee or agent of a licensee, or anyone accompanying a licensee, employee, or agent may display a firearm while soliciting a client. I suspect that since this lies in under the RCWs regarding security guards, and...
  11. Sparky508

    Sunday Meet Up Puyallup

    Scratched, forgot about the rally SAT................ I am an idiot. Stand by while craniul rectal seperation procedure is implemented.
  12. Sparky508

    City of Puyallup in Violation

    Here is a picture of the sign down off of Pioneer I took last year or so. I worked them a little but, as things got busy it went by the way side. I'll start it back up again and see where we don’t get with it. I did run into an officer down there on that same day though, and while we talked...
  13. Sparky508

    OC and motorcyles

    Heres my sweet ride.................
  14. Sparky508

    Voice Recording

    Can y'all point me to the RCW about voice recorders, cameras and the like? Thank you, Gentlemen. :question:
  15. Sparky508


    Weds night after a class I am taking at City U, in Bellevue, I ran up to the AM-PM. As I was walking inside this gal who had the trunk popped on her surplus Crown Vic, asked me if there were anymore pieces to her car jack. I told her she needed the handle, that would also serve as her lug...
  16. Sparky508

    Situational awareness, allergies and other maladies for the common man

    So for the past couple of months my ear has been plugged up like its full of concrete and I couldn't hear a hand grenade going off in it, although its been tempting to see if that wouldn't help me clear it out. Its been pretty taxing, being out in public, deaf as a fence post in one side...
  17. Sparky508

    Polling Places and carrying.

    What is the view of OCing or carrying period at a polling place, not on the oh no list? IE: Libraries, churches etc. I suspect that you'd get turned away pretty quick, but is there any real legal restriction?
  18. Sparky508

    Starbucks Spanaway

    As this thread has gotten so long it has become tough too navigate, http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?81293-Harrassed-by-4-sheriffs-in-STARBUCKS! and so many people have showed interest in meeting up there Saturday, I figured I would start this up to make it easier to discuss...