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Search results

  1. RussP

    Are y'all ready for kwikrnu's open carry visit to the legislature?

    I know, not a pleasant thought, but he is headed to Kentucky and Frankfort, open carrying an AR pistol. For those not familiar with the kwikrnu story, just Google kwikrnu and/or Leonard Embody, his real name. He's been active on http://www.ronpaulforums.com/member.php?27817-kwikrnu where he...
  2. RussP

    kwikrnu lost his lawsuit against State of TN Unconstitutionality of HCP law

    Judge dismissed the case. Here is what Leonard said on another forum...
  3. RussP

    Open Carried in Wal-Mart today...

    imported post Yep, the Wal-Mart in Chesterfield on Ironbridge Road/Rte 10. Didn't think I was going there, but couldn't find what I needed at Target on Jeff Davis. Did not have a cover with me and the shirt I was wearing had a short tail that would not cover my G20 in a Tucker HF-1. Soooo, I...