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The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
I saw this poll on another board and thought it was interesting. It says Glock but is not necessarily restricted to Glocks. If they made a Glock with a safety, not changing anything else other than just adding a manual safety would it change your mind about buying a Glock? Consider that Glock...
I am not sure that I buy this completely but it makes one wonder if this gun had a transfer bar or was it an older one. A very tragic case and demonstrates the need for safety on everyones part when handling a gun.
Very seldom do I jump into a conversation that I overhear especially when it involves a salesman trying to make a sale. Since I am in the computer business I overhear all kinds of mistakes (BS) clerks telling people but I am long beyond trying to correct any of that. Yesterday I was in a local...
Several other interesting gun related stories in this weeks news but this one of special inerest.
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This picture is from the link that Mike posted about the AOL poll. The picture is of people looking over into the Grand Canyon. If you visit this location you can OC as far as I know but the question is can you OC an AR-15 or should you OC and AR-15 even if it is perfectly...
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This happend near my house. The gun just went off and she did't think it was loaded. Duhh! Why did you even pick it up then.
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It seems that robbers around here are slow to learn about pizza delivery men. It appears to me that the police have handled this one like is should be.
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You probably recall there was much discussion about this case on here when it happened. The results are in.
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I know this is a little old but does anyone have any more information than what is in the article. Pay close attention to how the police found out about it.
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Can you OC or CC a cap & ball gun such as the NAA Mini revolver in SC without a permit? For that matter any C&B gun. They are considered antique firearms whether made before or after 1898 and not classified as pistols or handguns.
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I was watching Wild West Tech show about Gunslingers and they started discussing the Shootout at the OK Corral. What was so interesting is that they were talking about how Open Carry of guns were prohibited in the towns of the Old West and neither Doc Holliday nor Wyatt Earp were...
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S.593 had a second readingin the Senate today and amended on the floor. I expect it to pass the Senate in this form and move on to the house where it should pass as the House is much more gun friendly than the Senate...
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Maybe it was OC of swords that led to this but dang, killing your grandmother. They need to put both of them in a room and let them finish it off until one kills the other then shoot the winner.
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A 7 year old having open heart surgery from a pellet gun. This was in one of the nicer neighborhoods very close to my house.
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What would you do in a case like this?
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The boy was OC the shotgun. I know I shouldn't but I can't help but chuckle at this. it could have been tragic but thank goodness it wasn't.
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This is too long to C&P but well worh reading. I don't know how much is exact but it does point out the myth about the one stop kill from a .40. This officer managed to hit the suspect 22...