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Search results

  1. H

    I have found the perfect (extra) use for the "GSL" vest

    imported post (First, appologies for missing the last few pickups, too much time on my hands does not describe my life at the moment!) it is the *perfect* vest to wear while cycling! i recently decided to start biking from McLean to Rosslyn/DC for work - seeing as I can't OC in DC Oddly...
  2. H

    CA Police hopes to shoot Open Carriers, posts on Facebook

    imported post http://kevinthomason.blogspot.com/2010/02/local-cop-advocates-shooting-law.html East Palo Alto, CA Detective Roderick Tuason didn't realize that actual PRO-GUN people also read Facebook. Amazingly, he posted the following comment about law abiding gun owners on a friend's page...
  3. H

    What was with the signs on the doors to the gun show today?

    imported post "Firearm transfers only inside the building, anything outside the building will be prosecuted"
  4. H

    Open carrier in the news, and not in a good way.

    imported post You can't fix stupid :uhoh: Sounds like the idiot was looking for trouble and FOUND IT http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=905249&page=1 From AR15.com: http://www.myspace.com/anty506 Shot and Killed a guy this weekend in Clinton LA.. Here are his post on Local...
  5. H

    Lets assume this "National CHP" bill gets passed

    imported post How would it effect our terrible neighbor to the north if we want to carry? I know there are severe restrictions on carrying, you have to carry it for business purposes if you get it for that, but if you are the victim of assault you have much more "leeway" to carry. Any ideas...
  6. H

    ND at Salem Gun Show?

    imported post http://tinyurl.com/kt9rco Not me, someone elses reporting
  7. H

    Anyone have an idea what happened in McLean this evening around 2240?

    imported post Driving back at the intersection of Lisle and Magarity, right where 7 and I-495 meet there were 6 cop cars, SWAT van, driving around the other side roads were blocked. Lots of commotion for McLean.
  8. H

    I missed THE golden opportunity today

    imported post Went to Rays Hells Burgers McAuliffe was there. I didn't realiZe WHO he was until I googled his picture on my phone He was talking to reporters and I wanted to ask his position on guns in nonexistent bars in Virginia :(
  9. H

    Headed to Myrtle for the weekend, anything I should know

    imported post Only thing I couldn't find was is SC has preemption. I read the statute and banned places/signs, notifying LEO's - anything else I am missing? This is my first trip out of state going concealed (I usually headto the peoples republic to our north if I leave va) thanks!
  10. H

    Do you ever get children asking you questions?

    imported post I walk my German Shepherd back through the roads here in McLean and wonder in and out of roads. There are a good few kids that play in the street and ride bikes around. A good few stop and ask me about my dog and a few astute ones ask me about my firearm (some wide eyed) - they...
  11. H

    My VA ABC iPhone/Touch app is out!

    imported post http://www.dotheysupport.us/VABCApp.aspx Link to iTunes Finally got through the review process. I am going to create a form on the website so you can search through there as well. All 6500 virginia Restaurant License holders are searchable!
  12. H

    Ok, so what would happen here...

    imported post Obama visited perhaps the best place in NoVA to get a burger, Rays Hells Burgers in Arlington on the 5th. I go here at least once a week and love it. Now, question being, what goes down with President + Open Carrying? Would you be "asked" to leave? Would you be "forced" to...
  13. H

    Well, I wrote an application for the iPhone

    imported post It allows you to search the VirginiaABC Database to look for restaurants that have ABC Restaurant Licenses! I may release it to the Apple AppStore, if anyone would be interested! Icon Landing Screen to search Entering your criteria Everything you are looking for Searching...
  14. H

    Milt Sparks VM2 Holster = best money ever spent

    imported post I carry a 5'' 1911 and I needed something good for when I conceal - I found a website that had one and ordered. It is by far the best holster I have used, it conceals like a dream. You can't see a single imprint of the 1911. I had a CTAC with my XD45 and it would give some...
  15. H

    Just FYI: NRA Range

    imported post It is going to be closed from March 31st - April 15thish for construction. Just though I'd pass it along!
  16. H

    NoVA people, where is the longest range in the area?

    imported post I've been tossing around the idea of getting a AR50 and if I want to get it, I want to shoot it. So where in the area (yes, I realize there won't be a 2000yd range in Fairfax :P) nearby WV?
  17. H

    WWUD - situation

    imported post The womans father was describing something that happened to him way back in 1969 and wanted other opinions... He was driving in DC along the river headed to work, merged over to the right, barely cut a guy off, but nothing to cause an accident - but the guy behind the guy behind...
  18. H

    Anyone bought a Garand from the CMP?

    imported post I am sort of getting the itch for a service grade :shock:
  19. H

    What was the last firearms related bill to pass

    imported post That actually addressed a crime? Thinking of the Restaruant bill and Gun show bill - none of these actually address a crime being committed. They are all dealing with "possible" crimes being committed in the future. What was our last bill that dealt with firearms used in the...
  20. H

    Has Virginia adoped the NFPA code regarding powder and primers?

    imported post Below: It basically limits the rights you have to store powder and primers (even loaded ammo would count against it) Can't find it anywhere. My googlefoo is off