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Search results

  1. S

    Colo Supreme Court Justices

    2 of them are up for retention vote. Anyone have a link to which side they voted on the original 2004 case when it went to the COSC in 2006? Every link I have googled so far gives no mention of who voted for which side and that was information I know that many rights groups said they would be...
  2. S

    NFA challenge

    Due to a recent blunder by the ATF in regard to NFA Trusts they opened the door for people to apply for automatic weapons tax stamps under a trust as a trust "was not a person". Not being a person a trust would therefore be able to own a fully automatic weapon. The ATF under Obama was trying...
  3. S

    Holster for accesorized firearm

    I have a Glock 20 that has an RMR on the top just forward of the rear sights. It has a tac light on the rail under barrel, and a threaded barrel (6.5" LWD) with either the brake or a suppressor (Osprey) I can mount on it. The problem I have is finding a holster that will accomodate the...
  4. S

    Any news on the lawsuit against Chickenpooper?

    The last news I can find is from the end of March. We're halfway thru April and no updates to be found. I'd like to know what's been said and going on with over turning the unconstitutional laws that were passed, I am sure others would as well.
  5. S

    The Democrats have moved to uphold their treason

    Both the house and senate bills to repeal the magazine ban have been blocked by Democrats in committee. Its time to get rolling for November and put them back to work at their prior professions, or perhaps something more befitting their mental status like stable cleanup etc. The things to...
  6. S

    Lookout, the "Sickness" of John Morse is back

    I saw an article that he is founding a new political group touting "integrity" in legislators - that being defined as supporting gun control. Unfortunately I can't seem to find the article now even using same search criteria. Be on the watch for this, the goon is looking to continue to...
  7. S

    Vestiges of Justice remain in some places

    http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/28/fort-hood-gunman-maj-nidal-hasan-sentenced-to-death/?test=latestnews 4 years and millions of dollars later, this POS was finalluy handed a death sentence. He should have died by return fire from his victims, but that is only one area where our nation and...
  8. S

    Senate Committee hearings Mon 3/4 @1030am (be there early)

    The four bills will be heard during two simultaneous Senate committee hearings Monday, 1030am, sign ups at 930am to speak in the Capitol. One is on the 3rd floor other is on 2nd floor. They split the magazine ban to one and the CCW ban to the other, quite likely to prevent you from speaking up...
  9. S

    Senate Committee hearings Mon 3/4 @1030am (be there early)

    See other thread, double post.
  10. S

    Recall elections

    There is certain to be some efforts to remove a few of the worst from office. I think with his gaffe Rep Salazar is ready for a new career. Akins lost an election on just such a stupid comment, it would be great to return the favor. I would think that the Republican Party would be primed to...
  11. S

    Feb 23rd 11am (Capitol) Noon elsewhere

    http://dayofresistance.com/ This is a Tea Party event rally, not solely pro-gun though most everyone that would attend this is likely pro-gun. Reposted from political. 11am at our State Capitol.
  12. S

    Grand Theft Auto

    That is what I'd think the guy that killed 4 people today thought he was playing. Serial car-jackings and shootings. Think the comlibs in CA will clue in on this?
  13. S

    Events upcoming (That I know about)

    Friday the 15th there is debate on the House floor on these mostly worthless, wasteful and inneffective bills. Not to mention Constitutional violations. This isn't public participation, but we can get people in the gallery to observe, bear in mind you can't interrupt or they will clear the...
  14. S

    Gun rights rally today (Feb 8th noon) and governor's forum on Feb 19th 630pm

    Just heard about it myself. Would be great if these things were better disseminated in advance. http://allevents.in/Denver/Colorado-Pro-gun-Rally-at-the-Capitol/325690874202170 Also, coming up on Feb 19th there is a forum hosted by the governor. http://www.thecell.org/events/ If you can...
  15. S

    Feinstein up for indictment for treason

    She put up her AW ban again. She talks out of the side of her mouth about guns for "legitimate" hunting or sporting purposes. The hag does not understand nor respect the aim and purpose of the 2nd Amendment as it has to do with our ability (the militia, the whole of the people able to bear...