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Search results

  1. M

    What about a KY Constitutional Amendment to allow Conceal Carry without a permit?

    What about a Constitutional Amendment here in KY to allow Conceal Carry without a Permit? Once again we didn't get Conceal Carry without a permit. So what about a Constitutional Amendment that accomplishes permit-less conceal carry by just deleting 18 words? From...
  2. M

    Senate Bill 12

    He is going to sign it 10:30 am today. I saw this on the Evan Nappen Facebook page. Evan is the famous pro-gun attorney.
  3. M

    Florida lawmakers propose eliminating gun free zones

    Florida lawmakers propose eliminating gun free zones http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/02/16/florida-lawmakers-propose-eliminating-gun-free-zones.html Two Florida lawmakers proposed legislation to eliminate 15 gun free locations "Florida Sen. Dennis Baxley and Rep. Don Hahnfedlt have...
  4. M

    Ohio Carry Permit Now Exempted From Federal Background Check

    Ohio carry permit now exempted from Federal background check If you have a concealed carry permit in Ohio, you can now use that for an exemption to the Federal background check. This after the U.S. Justice Department and the BATF agreed to it. This makes Ohio the 25th state to allow the...
  5. M

    MS. Becomes State # 9 CCW with no permit "Gov. Bryant Signs The Church Protection Act

    MS. Becomes State # 9 CCW with no permit "Gov. Bryant Signs The Church Protection Act CONGRATULATIONS MISSISSIPPI The Governor signed the bill. This makes Mississippi the ninth state to have permit-less conceal carry (as long as it is in a holster). In addition it allows church officials to...
  6. M

    Is Mississippi Next? Permitless Holster CCW & Designate Armed Church Guards

    Is Mississippi Next? Permitless Holster CCW & Designate Armed Church Guards Will Mississippi be the next state to have permitless concealed carry? What? I guess that would make Mississippi the ninth state? It may be a reality if this proposal passes the House and goes to the Governor. It...
  7. M

    Idaho: Governor Otter Signs Permitless Carry Legislation!

    Idaho: Governor Otter Signs Permitless Carry Legislation! https://www.nraila.org/articles/20160325/idaho-governor-otter-signs-permitless-carry-legislation "This afternoon, March 25, 2016, Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter (R) signed Senate Bill 1389, NRA-endorsed permitless carry legislation...
  8. M

    Haywood County Proposes to Ban CC & OC on County Property - Expired Info

    North Carolina: Haywood County Proposes to Ban Open and Concealed Carry on County Property The Haywood County Board of Commissioners is considering an ordinance to ban open and concealed carry on county property. There is a special meeting Monday, March 28 2016 at 5:30 at the Haywood County...
  9. M

    Rhode Island: 10 Rd Mag Restriction and Reciprocity Legislation. Hearings Tues Mar 22

    Rhode Island: 10 Rd Mag Restriction and Reciprocity Legislation Rhode Island is considering several anti-gun bills as well as several pro-gun bills. Tuesday March 22 is when the House Judiciary Committee is holding hearings on "weapons-related legislation". One of the proposals would be make...
  10. M

    GOA Alert: Permitless Carry Introduced in Kentucky / SB 257 Sen. Albert Robinson (R)

    GOA Alert: Permitless Carry Introduced in Kentucky / Senate Bill 257 by Sen. Albert Robinson (R). Saw this GOA alert...with today's date ! https://www.gunowners.org/alertky03152016.htm "Permitless Carry Introduced in Kentucky Will Kentucky Become the Next Constitutional Carry State? Click...
  11. M

    "Minnesota Democrats debut universal background check push"

    Minnesota Democrats debut universal background check push Another state set to fall under the spell of the "Universal Background Check" unless the good citizens of Minnesota are able to put a stop to it. The bill would outlaw transfers between those who are not an FFL. Exceptions would include...
  12. M

    IMPORTANT : KY Caucus Saturday March 5 2015 10 am to 4 pm ...Please Vote!

    IMPORTANT : KY Caucus Saturday March 5 2016 10 am to 4 pm ...Please Vote! KY Caucus Saturday March 5 2016 10 am to 4 pm ...Please Vote! You don't vote at your regular polling place! Where to vote http://www.kycaucus.com/kentucky-republican-caucus-information/ Why is this happening ? Why...
  13. M

    Idaho: Permitless Carry Legislation Introduced

    Idaho: Permitless (Concealed) Carry Legislation Introduced This bill seems different from the one discussed here. http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?132155-Idaho-legislature-moves-to-eliminate-license-for-concealed-carry-in-cities It appears different because it has a different...
  14. M

    NY State: Limit “Assault Weapon” Ammo Sales to 20 Rounds Every 4 Months

    NY Bill A09340: Limit “Assault Weapon” Ammo Sales to 20 Rounds Every 4 Months The law proposed by New York State Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon of Brooklyn would restrict "assault weapons" ammo to just 20 rounds every four months. Violate the law and it will be punishable by a Class E Felony...
  15. M

    "Weapons Permit Badge" while open carrying?

    Don't forget the sash ....
  16. M

    Fox: Open carry in Texas 'much ado about nothing,' despite doomsayers' predictions

    Fox News: Open carry in Texas 'much ado about nothing,' despite doomsayers' predictions Here is an generally positive article from Fox News regarding how the new open carry law is doing in Texas. And the consensus is, there is nothing to really report (as most of us here predicted). Good to see...
  17. M

    Arcane NJ law prevents retired cops from carrying concealed weapon

    Arcane NJ law prevents retired cops from carrying concealed weapon They were cops with real police powers, they even helped Newark and Elizabeth police. But a judge and the state police seem to say they weren't real police. You know it's bad in New Jersey when two former cops in good standing...
  18. M

    MI: New legislation would allow concealed carry without a permit

    Michigan: New legislation would allow concealed carry without a permit The sponsors of House Bills 5301-5304 say that the current requirements is an inconvenience to gun owns and that it cost money. The penalties for unlawful possession will stay the same and would apply to those not now...
  19. M

    Ohio: Watch Out! Ballot to reverse preemption of gun laws!

    Ohio: Watch Out! Ballot initiative to reverse preemption of gun laws! What this ballot initiative would do is to reverse preemption of gun laws in Ohio and lead to a patchwork of gun laws that would vary from city to city. Two Ohio anti-gun organizations "Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence"...
  20. M

    Arizona: State lawmaker wants tax credit for concealed carry permit holders

    Arizona: State lawmaker wants tax credit for concealed carry permit holders A proposal to give tax credits to those who get a concealed carry permit in Arizona. The lawmaker says it will promote public safety by helping to ease the cost of getting and keeping the permit...