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Search results

  1. B

    Peter Piper Pizza - Tucson

    Hello everyone, Several Saturday's ago I took the family to meet friends at Peter Piper Pizza at Harrison and 22nd in Tucson. I noticed that their usually prominent "No Firearms" sign had been removed from the window. They do serve beer so carrying concealed and not drinking is required. I was...
  2. B

    Post your TX Open Carry experiences here!

    Do you carry an shoulder rig like mine? Do you carry a shoulder rig like mine?
  3. B

    "Swatting" - Anyone have this happen to them?

    I carry two S&W M&P 9s with Trijicon RMR's each with Arrendondo Accessories extended mag plate which add 5 rounds to my 17 round capacity. And I have 4 extra 17 round magazines, two under each gun.
  4. B

    "Swatting" - Anyone have this happen to them?

    It appears that this tactic of "Swatting" has been promoted for a while by the anti-gunners. This article was posted on Fox News a couple of days ago. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/09/01/gun-control-groups-accused-swatting-open-carry-permit-holders-putting-lives-at/?intcmp=hpbt2 I open a...
  5. B

    Shoulder holsters?

    Okay, finally took a picture of my shoulder holster rig. I did take some pictures wearing it. However, the camera adds way more than 10 pounds. Not going to post those kinds of pics until I've replaced the "Keg" I have with a "6 pack".
  6. B

    Experiences with Law Enforcement

    I wanted to post my experiences here in AZ over the years with Law Enforcement. I have been OCing for about 7 years now and have had a variety of encounters with the police. Most of which were positive to neutral. My first encounter was back about 11 years ago when I still concealed carried. I...