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Search results

  1. AZkopper

    AZ CCW permit.

    Turn around time is generally a matter of weeks. 45-60 days would be on the long side.
  2. AZkopper

    Pending legislation

    The Legislation session ended last spring. The bill never got out of committee. Any legislator can write any bill he or she wants, but many get killed in committee and never see the light of day. AZ still has a Republican majority in the Legislature, and is ranked #1 nationally for gun rights...
  3. AZkopper

    Denny's Prescott Valley change of heart

    The Denny's in Prescott Valley had a 'no firearms' sign for years. I haven't been in there for quite some time. This week I learned that they changed their tune. They have a 6" x 12" laminated sign on their door, stating that they "Support your 2nd Amendment Rights" and asked patrons to follow...
  4. AZkopper

    More disinformation from the "free press" on AZ gun laws

    Found this article on line while researching gun control in the Old West. It was originally written by an LA Times writer, but picked up by the Seattle Times, Washington Times, as well as many blogs and other papers. It is obviously a hit piece, rather than objective journalism. Of interest is...
  5. AZkopper

    Disappointed by California LEO friends--thought I'd share

    I wrote the following letter after the Supreme Court decision in Chicago vs. McDonald. I emailed it to over 20 law enforcement acquaintances in California, including two L.A. County chief of police, several lieutenants, and over a dozen sergeants and patrolmen. Sadly, not even one responded. As...
  6. AZkopper

    Disappointed by California LEO friends--thought I'd share

    I wrote the following letter after the Supreme Court decision in Chicago vs. McDonald. I emailed it to over 20 law enforcement acquaintances in California, including two L.A. County chief of police, several lieutenants, and over a dozen sergeants and patrolmen. Sadly, not even one responded. As...
  7. AZkopper

    States that allow drinking while armed

    I know that Utah allows for consuming alcohol while armed, and uses the DUI (0.08% BAC) limit for 'impairment' purposes. What other states allow for drinking in public establishments while armed? What criteria do they use for 'obviously intoxicated' or 'impaired' , if any? Do they have CC only...
  8. AZkopper

    SB 1070 and California's Gun Free School Zones

    Since a federal judge ruled in AZ that our SB 1070 (Illegal Immigration Enforcement Law) infringed on the government's law, why doesn't someone in CA sue against your GFSZ law, saying it infringes on the federal law? Either way, one of us wins. Either CA has to drop GFSZ, or AZ is allowed to...
  9. AZkopper

    Fundamental Rights and the ARS

    So, as some of you might know, a District Attorney in WI has unilaterally decided to no longer accept charges for a host of gun law violations, since the SCOTUS has declared that the RTKBA is a Fundamental Right. Of the laws he will not enforce, they include the 'guns in bars' law of WI. With...
  10. AZkopper

    Grand Canyon Railroad pro-OC

    imported post I had the pleasure of riding on the Grand Canyon Railroad last week from Williams to the GCNP. Each rail car has a 'tour guide' / 'hostess'. I was very pleased to hear the tour guide /hostess explaining to all the tourists in our car that Arizona respects peoples rightsto carry...
  11. AZkopper

    HB 2339

    imported post As I read AZ HB 2339, it will allow members of the AZ State Militia (all citizens 18-45) to purchase 100 rounds of the same caliber ammo per self and eligible dependants and write the purchase off on their state taxes. I guess this is AZ's way of providing for the arming of their...
  12. AZkopper

    Florida Bartender Shoots, Kills Man Waving Nail Gun

    imported post http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,542960,00.html?test=latestnews Associated Press[/b] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 JACKSONVILLE, Fla.— Authorities say a bartender fatally shot a 20-year-old man when he walked into the north Florida pub waving a nail driver that resembled a...
  13. AZkopper

    Jon Kyle and McCain voted for Holder as AG

    imported post As AZ residents, we needt to voice our disappointment to both our Senators at their caving in on a rabid anti-2A Attorney General. I know McCain is a lost cause, and he might not even run again, but he tends to reign himself in when he's called on the rug, or thinks people are...
  14. AZkopper

    Alderman calls for citizens to arm themselves

    imported post ST. LOUIS— A St. Louis city leader frustrated with the police response to rising crime called Tuesday on residents to arm themselves to protect their lives and property. [/b] "Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe said police are ineffective, outnumbered or don't care about the increase...
  15. AZkopper

    Woman Confronts Burglar in Her Home-Prescott AZ

    imported post From the Daily Courier of Prescott, Yavapai County Friday, November 21st, 2008: "When a burglar entered a Prescott woman's home late Wednesday morning and headed for her bedroom, he did not know what was waiting for him - a very awake young lady with a handgun pointed straight...