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Search results

  1. P

    Court to take up major gun-rights case, New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett

    I do understand some of Blackmon's concerns, although some of it doesn't make sense. The court could have easily denied cert. I see it as no coincidence that when ACB replaced RBG that we get a cert grant. NY isn't making an issue out of open vs concealed carry, so I don't believe it makes sense...
  2. P

    Pro se challenge loses OC handgun & long gun challenge

    http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=7531070311796205804&q=%22bear+arms%22&hl=en&scisbd=2&as_sdt=6,49 While I like the challenging of the law, seems like it needs to be done by professionals. This pro se happened to draw the same judge as the Shepherd and recently Culp cases, so this...
  3. P

    SB 317 signed-preemption

    With SB 317 now law, are the OC bans of Charleston, Dunbar and Princeton now illegal?
  4. P

    WV-Gold Star Open Carry Status

    http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Text_HTML/2013_SESSIONS/RS/famendments/SB435%20HFA%20LANE%204-10%20_1%20adopted.htm This bill should now preempt the old open carry grandfathered bans in Charleston, Dunbar, and Princeton, correct?
  5. P

    WI won't honor WV permits(yet)

    http://www.doj.state.wi.us/dles/cib/ConcealedCarry/ConcealedCarry.asp We may need to have our AG contact WI for a reciprocity agreement. Hopefully there's nothing stupid that will hold it up.
  6. P

    NBC 4 reports on an open carry protest

    http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/DC-Students-Want-Concealed-Guns-at-Mason-119181619.html They said VA bans guns in universities and cites the code. I thought it wasn't prohibited, just that the individual schools will expel anyone caught. Is it banned, or does having a CCW pre-empt that...
  7. P

    Need range qualification - Instructors in Northern VA?

    Any instructors or places in N. VA(Winchester, Loudon, or western FFax preferable)?
  8. P

    Need to get a range qualification

    How would I do this? I'm near Martinsburg.
  9. P

    SAF sues NJ over CCW

    http://www.saf.org/viewpr-new.asp?id=346 Looks like the NJSP superintendant and several judges are named in the suit. Should be fun!