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Out of State Help


Regular Member
Feb 24, 2011
Central Florida

I just moved to MN in the Weseca/Owatonna area from NH for work. My family and residence is still in NH. I plan on switching licenses when the family gets out here in June/ July.

So I am an out-of-stater, NH resident (Constitutional Carry state) , and fall under LEOSA law. Can I get a MN out of state permit to open carry? If issue with NH, can I buy a different state's permit that would let me get a MN permit (which state would be easiest)?

Thanks guys.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Mn is easy to get a permit take a class file application with local sheriff done. A MN. permit is a carry permit open or concealed your choice.

Do you have current HR218 credentials If so use them. Are you retired or Still a working LEO.

Mn recognizes very few permits if any now so getting another states permit is mostly out.


Regular Member
Feb 24, 2011
Central Florida
Can I get it while maintaining my NH drivers license?

I am a current LEO and can cc anywhere. But because of MN laws, I can't leave a gun in my truck, or buy a new gun. Plus the city I am in just had a cop shot in the head last night.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Buying a new firearm [handgun] is federal mandates which require a citizen [read non agency duty mandate] valid proof of state residence e.g. DL [LEOSA credentials won't suffice], completion of 4473, and NICS bkgnd check PLUS whatever MN unique statutes mandates for handguns [ https://www.atf.gov/file/117266/download ]

why not get a safe for the truck...?

ps...MN 168.012 New residents have a 60-day grace period in which to register their cars, passenger vans, 3/4 ton or less pickups, motorcycles, utility trailers or house trailers as long as the displayed license plates are current. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/168.012
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Regular Member
Feb 24, 2011
Central Florida
I'm not registering until July which is my birthday month and have to renew and get a new license. So come July I know I will be able to open carry with a MN permit. Its these next 7 months I'm interested in.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Non-Resident Permits
624.714 Subd. 2. Where Application Made; Authority to Issue Permit; Criteria; Scope. (a) Applications by Minnesota residents for permits to carry shall be made to the county sheriff where the applicant resides. Nonresidents, as defined in section 171.01, subdivision 42, may apply to any sheriff. (2017 c 95 art 3 s 25) Sheriff will give you the application and info you need. Must be 21 Years of age.
