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More offense

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
WE see little reason to constantly update OUR website nor do I see much reason for US to explain why WE do anything. The important people, ie our members, keep up with our Facebook page. When the legislative session is finished, we may update the webpage as WE feel appropriate. I am sure that several here, who are NOT members, will find that update unsatisfactory. Those people find almost everything unsatisfactory and I see no reason to try to even attempt to satisfy them.
There is a link to the KC3 website on their Facebook home page...

March 10th was the last post from KC3 on their Facebook home page, a Reuters article regarding the Creepy Grandpa Joe interaction with a auto worker.

The Community page has not had a new entry for close to a year.

The Photos page last entry was 2015.

The number of likes/follows for KC3's Facebook page is ~1200...seems typical for state level grassroots organizations focused on gun rights.

Getting a little individual liberty restored this year and starting again next year to get a little more of our individual liberties restored takes time, resources, and patience. The important people within KC3 have little interest, it appears, in expanding their rolls if they have not made the time to inform non-member visitors to their two web locations on KC3's efforts on a weekly basis...examples of KC3 in action is one manner in which new members may be recruited.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
There is a link to the KC3 website on their Facebook home page...

March 10th was the last post from KC3 on their Facebook home page, a Reuters article regarding the Creepy Grandpa Joe interaction with a auto worker.

The Community page has not had a new entry for close to a year.

The Photos page last entry was 2015.

The number of likes/follows for KC3's Facebook page is ~1200...seems typical for state level grassroots organizations focused on gun rights.

Getting a little individual liberty restored this year and starting again next year to get a little more of our individual liberties restored takes time, resources, and patience. The important people within KC3 have little interest, it appears, in expanding their rolls if they have not made the time to inform non-member visitors to their two web locations on KC3's efforts on a weekly basis...examples of KC3 in action is one manner in which new members may be recruited.
I truly appreciate your fair and reasoned criticism of our shortcomings. We are aware of these things and we have no interest in recruiting members that don't want to do anything. We are not a do all, be all gun rights organization. We have specific goals. People like Ghost1958 don't like it that we don't push his agenda. We never will. We will push our agenda, at our pace. If people find that unacceptable they can always start their own organization and then they can push other peoples' agendas. We are not committed to solving all problems for all people. Right now we are interested in two things, HB 529 and HB 610. We are working to get them passed. Ghost1958 is working to block them. Which is the best course for Ky, gunowners? Everyone gets to decide for themselves. I have never believed it was in our best interest to reject a good bill just because it is not a perfect bill. KC3 will support any bill that moves the right to keep and bear arms forward, even if that movement is tiny. In a few days, this legislative session will be over and we will shift to other work; mainly, preemption violations.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I truly appreciate your fair and reasoned criticism of our shortcomings. We are aware of these things and we have no interest in recruiting members that don't want to do anything. We are not a do all, be all gun rights organization. We have specific goals. People like Ghost1958 don't like it that we don't push his agenda. We never will. We will push our agenda, at our pace. If people find that unacceptable they can always start their own organization and then they can push other peoples' agendas. We are not committed to solving all problems for all people. Right now we are interested in two things, HB 529 and HB 610. We are working to get them passed. Ghost1958 is working to block them. Which is the best course for Ky, gunowners? Everyone gets to decide for themselves. I have never believed it was in our best interest to reject a good bill just because it is not a perfect bill. KC3 will support any bill that moves the right to keep and bear arms forward, even if that movement is tiny. In a few days, this legislative session will be over and we will shift to other work; mainly, preemption violations.
Both HB 529 and HB 610 creates a privilege for a fee. In other words, extortion to exercise a right, creating a special class of persons. KC3 is promoting discrimination.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
I truly appreciate your fair and reasoned criticism of our shortcomings. We are aware of these things and we have no interest in recruiting members that don't want to do anything. We are not a do all, be all gun rights organization. We have specific goals. People like Ghost1958 don't like it that we don't push his agenda. We never will. We will push our agenda, at our pace. If people find that unacceptable they can always start their own organization and then they can push other peoples' agendas. We are not committed to solving all problems for all people. Right now we are interested in two things, HB 529 and HB 610. We are working to get them passed. Ghost1958 is working to block them. Which is the best course for Ky, gunowners? Everyone gets to decide for themselves. I have never believed it was in our best interest to reject a good bill just because it is not a perfect bill. KC3 will support any bill that moves the right to keep and bear arms forward, even if that movement is tiny. In a few days, this legislative session will be over and we will shift to other work; mainly, preemption violations.
Is that why you were all atwitter when the NRS fooled a couple of reps into sponsoring that horrible bill that gave us permitless carry. at the price of FOL signage expanded no carry zones and fines if one passed a no gun sign?

You DID support it, right on these forums. Claiming you could read a sign and were not afraid of a 25 dollar fine.

You changed your handle shortly after that. I imagine to try to delete the statements you made then. Did work.

This bill dies. Probably never makes it out of the judiciary if most of those committee members can be believed.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
I truly appreciate your fair and reasoned criticism of our shortcomings. We are aware of these things and we have no interest in recruiting members that don't want to do anything. We are not a do all, be all gun rights organization. We have specific goals. People like Ghost1958 don't like it that we don't push his agenda. We never will. We will push our agenda, at our pace. If people find that unacceptable they can always start their own organization and then they can push other peoples' agendas. We are not committed to solving all problems for all people. Right now we are interested in two things, HB 529 and HB 610. We are working to get them passed. Ghost1958 is working to block them. Which is the best course for Ky, gunowners? Everyone gets to decide for themselves. I have never believed it was in our best interest to reject a good bill just because it is not a perfect bill. KC3 will support any bill that moves the right to keep and bear arms forward, even if that movement is tiny. In a few days, this legislative session will be over and we will shift to other work; mainly, preemption violations.
Thank you for the reply.

Not shortcomings...look at it as unsolicited marketing advice on how to increase your reach across the state. If 10 folks apply to be members and only one is willing to "do" something, that is one more doer than you had yesterday. The other nine may be nothing more than heralds for the cause...which is doing something...after all...numbers matter to our political critters.

Unless, of course, KC3 is concerned with too many cooks in the kitchen...so to speak...KC3 would not be the first organization to have to deal with this situation...careful management of expectations is the key.

Missouri is a "constitutional carry" state, less that pesky RSMo 21.750 exemption, and there is a noticeable decrease in the magnitude of efforts to repeal prohibited places. We are working on polling places on voting day (RSMo 571.107), likely easier to get. K-12 schools carry is a long way off, if ever, despite the encouraging words from our state level political critters to the contrary. But "we" continue to work one small item at a time from many corners of the state.

There is, at many times in Jeff City, duplication of efforts to be sure, but this sends the message to our political critters, I believe, that folks from all across the state are interested in gun rights and some folks are willing to put in the time, effort, resources. These disjointed efforts are important indicators to our critters...they do notice.

We have some conflicts between RSMo 571.030 and 571.107 that we keep highlighting to our critters...we shall see.

Again, congratulations on your victories and keep up the good work.
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Maybe Missouri needs another open carry walk like the one in 2014.

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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
...don't really need one these days...cops don't have the funds to get sued...no QI due to the changes to RSMo 21.750.3 a few years back...still not perfect, but cops ain't gluttons for punishment...they is still stinging from the Russian roulette incident...

We would like to see complaints from liberals when we see citizens peaceably armed, IAW the law, while voting...working on it...


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
I truly appreciate your fair and reasoned criticism of our shortcomings. We are aware of these things and we have no interest in recruiting members that don't want to do anything. We are not a do all, be all gun rights organization. We have specific goals. People like Ghost1958 don't like it that we don't push his agenda. We never will. We will push our agenda, at our pace. If people find that unacceptable they can always start their own organization and then they can push other peoples' agendas. We are not committed to solving all problems for all people. Right now we are interested in two things, HB 529 and HB 610. We are working to get them passed. Ghost1958 is working to block them. Which is the best course for Ky, gunowners? Everyone gets to decide for themselves. I have never believed it was in our best interest to reject a good bill just because it is not a perfect bill. KC3 will support any bill that moves the right to keep and bear arms forward, even if that movement is tiny. In a few days, this legislative session will be over and we will shift to other work; mainly, preemption violations.
Just curious what KC3 membership is ?

77000, 15000, like the other two actual gun rights groups in ky?



Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
You are asking for proprietary information. It is on a need to know basis. Ghost, for you to get that info you need to be appointed to the board of directors. Good luck!!!!!

Probably lol.
Or I could request a financial statement in writing which all non profits are required to provide upon request by law.
That would likely give a good clue.

Not that I would EVER do that.