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Why didn't someone carrying in that Texas Wal-Mart interviene to stop that mass shooting?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Uh, KB...remember...OC was not nor still isn’t the norm in the LoneStar state as the law was on passed in June 2015 and only took effect 1 Jan 16 AND Texas citizens still muse obtain their License to Carry (LTC) privilege card to carry a handgun ~ openly or concealed in public!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
In that regard, the Walmart store had no armed security guard, no police presence, and was located in a shopping mall that was a self-proclaimed “gun-free zone.”
Odd, in that Texas law requires a BIG no gun sign to be posted. Actually, two signs are required to be posted, one in English and one in Spanish. I don't think self proclamations carry the day.

Please do not fold, spindle, or mutilate.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Uh, KB...remember...OC was not nor still isn’t the norm in the LoneStar state as the law was on passed in June 2015 and only took effect 1 Jan 16 AND Texas citizens still muse obtain their License to Carry (LTC) privilege card to carry a handgun ~ openly or concealed in public!
Yes, I believe I replied along those lines to the original post.

Texas isn't nearly as "Texas" as Texas wants people to believe.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Odd, in that Texas law requires a BIG no gun sign to be posted. Actually, two signs are required to be posted, one in English and one in Spanish. I don't think self proclamations carry the day.

Please do not fold, spindle, or mutilate.
Also odd that it was not located in a mall.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Odd, in that Texas law requires a BIG no gun sign to be posted. Actually, two signs are required to be posted, one in English and one in Spanish. I don't think self proclamations carry the day.

Please do not fold, spindle, or mutilate.

There are gun buster signs all over that mall.
I've been there years ago. My wife was raised there, her family still lives there.
Can't carry in that Walmart. Legally anyway.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
“Penal Code 30.06(c)(3)(A) Trespass By License Holder With a Concealed Handgun. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder:
(1) carries a concealed handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, on property of another without effective consent; and
(2) received notice that entry on the property by a license holder with a concealed handgun was forbidden. (3) "Written communication" means:
(A) a card or other document on which is written language identical to the following: "Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun"; or
(B) a sign posted on the property that:
(i) includes the language described by Paragraph (A) in both English and Spanish; (ii) appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height; and (iii) is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

Penal Code 30.07. Trespass By License Holder With An Openly Carried Handgun. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder:
(1) openly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, on property of another without effective consent; and
(2) received notice that entry on the property by a license holder openly carrying a handgun was forbidden.”

signs carry weight/force of law in the lonestar state KB...


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
If you acknowledge that the Walmart isn't in the mall, why did you bring up the mall and their "gun buster signs" (which aren't legally binding)?

As Solus pointed out the signs in Tx ARE legally binding.
And I didn't acknowledge anything.
Except I'm tired of the whole subject . You are going to maintain what you think regardless. Which is about as accurate as your opinions on Tx gun laws.
It's a useless exercise .


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
A search of the Cielo Vista Mall (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cielo_Vista_Mall) reveals that Walmart is not listed among its tenant stores (no surprise, Walmarts are usually stand-alone properties) and a search for this particular Walmart shows it to be some distance from the Cielo Vista Mall.

Walmart's carry policy is still in effect (adhere to local, state & federal laws); since the shooting they have revised it to request that customers not OC in their stores.

So it would appear that carry is (and was) allowed in that Walmart, provided of course that individuals comply with TX law.

Cielo Vista Mall's carry policies appear to be irrelevant.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
A search of the Cielo Vista Mall (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cielo_Vista_Mall) reveals that Walmart is not listed among its tenant stores (no surprise, Walmarts are usually stand-alone properties) and a search for this particular Walmart shows it to be some distance from the Cielo Vista Mall.

Walmart's carry policy is still in effect (adhere to local, state & federal laws); since the shooting they have revised it to request that customers not OC in their stores.

So it would appear that carry is (and was) allowed in that Walmart, provided of course that individuals comply with TX law.

Cielo Vista Mall's carry policies appear to be irrelevant.

Ok I give up. Yall know more about the location than a dozen folks who carry who live in10 miles of it.

Thousand shoppers in the store and not one had a gun because they just didn't like the weight.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
So KB, what is with your public domineering & bullying antics of late as these activities certainly seem outside your normal behavioural reality...

the question raised has been answered, multiple times, from multiple perspectives, as well as by a myriad of members and yet you persist in your little dog yapping belittling mentality, which I might add, is growing olde, and publicity presents you as a savant not as a honoured member of a State legislative body ~ which is extremely disappointing to us all!

Just a rebuke for you to get over it as the question was asked ~ numerous times, answered multiple times, and that you don’t like the answer isn't any member’s problem but YOURS and yours alone!


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
I don't think you live in the same part of Texas I do. This is a very gun unfriendly state. It wouldn't surprise me if there were no people carrying in that store. Even if you have a permission slip there are so many state sponsored (legal) signs up at stores that it is very hard to carry here. Why bother with carry?

Waco certainly has a record of LE gun abuse. McClennan county taxpayers are probably still paying for the Twin Peaks Knob Creek night fire exercise. Of course you've got the Branch Davidians and the CJ Grisham.

Family lives in El Paso and bulk of El Pasoans they talked to believed the Media reports that the shooter hated Mexicans and drove from Dallas to El Paso to shoot a bunch of 'em. Not really sure where that Urban Myth was created, but heard the boy's dad here in Dallas on the WBAP say they have no idea about what was going on, what the kid 'said', nor anything attributed to him, and had not talked to him (about a month ago). Don't know when the facts will be out on that one, but I suspect anti-gunners got the drop on getting that story out.

Want to say the 2A restrictions were applied after Reconstruction as part of Jim Crow back around the turn of the 20th century when Texas democrats and subset KKK ran the place.