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Why do You Open Carry?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I have no desire to "surprise" a person in a gun fight. I want to avoid all gun fights. Most criminals, like all predetors prefer to prey on the weak and helpless. Seeing an openly carried firearm will often cause them to move on to a weaker target. OC is a deterent to crime. It is quite possible that there will be no gunfight if the criminal knows you are armed and sees your weapon before hand.

Very truthfully, gutshot II, your approach to conversation rather SUCKS.

Seriously, no one wants to read nor listen to grossly over emphasized text.

Please! Give it a rest. Just drop the font ********. It should look like:

I have no desire to "surprise" a person in a gun fight. I want to avoid all gun fights. Most criminals, like all predetors prefer to prey on the weak and helpless. Seeing an openly carried firearm will often cause them to move on to a weaker target. OC is a deterent to crime. It is quite possible that there will be no gunfight if the criminal knows you are armed and sees your weapon before hand.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
When I was young, I gave a right-elbow a Virginia Tech football player in the jaw and escaped his 100-lb differential fight only to run into him a year later when apologized..

Reminds me of the fall of 75 I was living in a dorm and some football players were in the room across the hall having a loud late night party.

I asked them keep the noise down.

One of the biggest threaten me I simple asked him if he like playing football.

He gave me a dumb look and says why.

I said well if you attack me I am going to break your knee and you well never play again.

Some how it penetrated his alcohol filled brain.

He turn around shut the door and made less noise.

I went back to bed.

We said Hi to each other the next morning.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
When I was young, I gave a right-elbow a Virginia Tech football player in the jaw and escaped his 100-lb differential fight only to run into him a year later when apologized. He undeniably had the advantage six ways to Sunday. After he hammered my right kidney twice (I peed blood for a couple of days) I right-elbowed him in his jaw, twice. The first time jarred him. That gave me a split-second chance to give it all I had, and since he was still sitting on top of me, and I could not shake him off as he outweighed me by roughly 100 lbs, I let him have it. Right elbow to his jaw once, which disoriented him, and a second shot with everything I had, as he'd already induced massively painful punches into my right kidney. I didn't know it at the time, but he caused serious damage.

That was in the Spring of 2006, I think. In the fall of 2007, I was invited to attend a party by my next door neighbor, and woah! It turned out to be the same fraternity. Turns out, the guy who attacked me was my next door neighbor's friend, so here we were and before I knew it, he was introducing me to his friend who had invited us to the party.

My Friend: Hey, X, I'd like you to meet Y, my friend and next door neighbor!

Big Guy: Hi, how are you?

Me: (Shaking Big Guy's hand): I'm fine, thank you.

Big Guy: Um, you look familiar...

Me: Yeah, you do too.

Big Guy: You're the one?

Me: (I wasn't connecting the dots) The one"

Big Guy: Yeah. You. Last Spring

He was sitting on a couch. I was standing up. At the point I realized that, I also realized that was the guy.

Me: Oh, that. Are you OK?

i think that set him off.

Big Guy: Well, you broke my jaw in three places.

Very uncomfortable silence.

Me: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

Big Guy: (very big pause, him of 220 lbs sitting on the couch, me of 160 lbs standing in front of him), That's ok. I shouldn't have attacked you.

Me: Uh...

And that's about as civil as things got before I shook his hand and departed the fix. Kudos to him, whoever he was, for not bone-crushing me during our second meeting.

Hey, Mike: THANKS.

In 2009, I flung some 300 lb Sumo-schmuck into a pool as he accosted me. I'm a student of Aikido aka "protect your attacker." He lived without a scratch, but exited with a healthy respect for anyone "retired air force" which is all I gave him. He exited the pool complex along the maximum perimeter.

hummm, ‘when i was young...at VA tech...’ and ‘that was 2006’ interesting how your reality functions as does your memory since9.

Let’s how did you recall it just earlier this month...oh wait here it is, quote, post 92, 9 Oct 2018:

In 1987, I defeated a Virginia Tech varsity running back in about 3 seconds, and in 2009 tossed a 300 lb aggressor about 15 feet into a pool, so I'm not exactly a pushover.


Statistically there seems to be an error in the reporting data.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
hummm, ‘when i was young...at VA tech...’ and ‘that was 2006’ interesting how your reality functions as does your memory since9.

My memory's fine. I do sometimes misstate numbers. 1986.

Thanks for pointing out my error.

Let’s how did you recall it just earlier this month...oh wait here it is, quote, post 92, 9 Oct 2018:

In 1987, I defeated a Virginia Tech varsity running back in about 3 seconds, and in 2009 tossed a 300 lb aggressor about 15 feet into a pool, so I'm not exactly a pushover.

'86... '87... It was a long time ago.

But let me think back to who I was with and the occasion... The sort fight was in the Spring of 1986, as I went back to the same fraternity with one of my new neighbors in the Fall of 1986 where I ran into him again.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
My memory's fine. I do sometimes misstate numbers. 1986.

Thanks for pointing out my error.

'86... '87... It was a long time ago.

But let me think back to who I was with and the occasion... The sort fight was in the Spring of 1986, as I went back to the same fraternity with one of my new neighbors in the Fall of 1986 where I ran into him again.

Of course Since9, but by your own self-reported admission of misstating things, as you are undoubtedly aware, as you age your episodic memory falters in remembering specific details of past events as well as cognitive impairment from past and current stressors also effect our specific recollection of those events we hold dear.

Additionally, familal genetics, coupled with unwise health practices, e.g., smoking, drinking, excessive weight, etc., also have a profound negative impact on our brain’s capabilities and excerbate individual memory loss during their aging through late life adulthood.

As a retired military aviator who regularly flew high altitude sorties as well as live in CoS, a high altitude plateau, may also contibute to earlier memory loss problems so please assure you monitor yourself and if you find your memory faltering more, then please get seen by a senior neurologist immediately for an evaluation workup before the memory loss becomes profound and nothing medically can be done to mitigate further aging loss!