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Bellingham Round Table Pizza


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
We have a relatively active Open Carry community here in Whatcom county, and we gather occasionally to catch up with one another, chat about politics, and break bread together. I recently visited Round Table Pizza [1145 E Sunset Dr #135, Bellingham, WA 98226 (360) 671-6305] while open carrying, as I have many, many times before, and had a meal. I asked about securing their group room for an Open Carry meeting, advising them fully about who we were and what we stand for. They advised me that it would be no problem, and gave me a date and time. All was well until we posted our planned meeting. Then our pet troll called the restaurant, told them that we were part of a hate group, and threatened a boycott. This is the message that the owner sent:

"Hello, I am the owner of Round Table Pizza. A person named Brian made a reservation at our restaurant for Sunday, November 18th. I tried to call Brian but the phone number on the reservation is either wrong or disconnected so I am contacting ​y​our group here to address a serious problem with your reservation. First of all let me tell you that I am a firearm enthusiasts and I own several firearms​ and strongly support gun owner's rights​. That being said; I understand that many people who are not firearm enthusiasts have an ignorant and unjustified fear of firearms. It is within this light that we are put in a no-win ​situation.

A person sent a private message to our Facebook page claiming that allowing your group to bring firearms into our restaurant is a public safety issue and also that your group is a, or associated with "hate" groups such as the Proud Boys. Our manager read the message and it spread through the crew like wildfire and they wanted permission to ban your group from our restaurant. I have done the research​ and​ I can find no evidence that your group is associated with any hate group. Nevertheless​,​ the damage is done and our crew is threatening to walk out if we allow you to hold your meeting at our restaurant. Furthermore, the person that sent us the message that started all of this has threatened to turn this into a social media lynching and start an organized boycott​ of​ our restaurant if we allow guns.

We have reached a compromise with the crew and they are OK with your meeting if you don't bring any firearms into our restaurant, so I respectively request that you do not.

I hope you understand and can empathize with the position we have been put in. We have been given the choice of either alienating your group and other gun enthusiasts or alienating most of our crew and who knows how many more people in (very liberal) Bellingham if we let firearms in and this goes viral. Regardless of the choice we make it seems clear that it will do damage to our business and I think it is pretty clear that the potential damage is far greater if we let you bring firearms into our establishment. So I will say again; I hope you understand our no-win predicament​ and why I am forced to make this choice​.

I would be happy to discuss this with you further. You can reach me at my office @ 360-428-8962

Thank you for your time,

Marc Sharrow, Owner
Round table Pizza, Bellingham"

While I can empathize with his predicament, this is definitely NOT what "I.... strongly support gun owner's rights​." looks like. It looks like the hundreds of people that I see standing on the capitol steps listening to the speeches of freedom while rain pours from the sky. It looks like the dozens of people gathered to man a phone bank educating people about the upcoming I-1639 vote. It looks like all of you who, like me, wear your gun for political reasons, and welcome friendly and respectful debate. It definitely does NOT look like allowing an anonymous messenger to say patently untruthful things about us, and then allow his own employees to tell him who he can and can not serve. I am disappointed that this individual will continue to believe, in his own mind, that he supports freedom, while simultaneously allowing the TRUE fascists to erode freedom. That said, we respect private property rights, so we will not darken his doorstep.

For my own amusement, I checked my credit card statement. I have spent almost $1,800 at this restaurant in the last 3 years. That ends now. I strongly encourage others to find a more friendly 2A environment for their pizza dollar.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Humm, you might wish to review your post 1534 from April 2018 [ https://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?93687-Whatcom-County-OC ] regarding your Applebee's event...and please note the moderator's edit comment which stated:

"Last edited by Grapeshot; 04-15-2018 at 07:40 AM. Reason: edited race comments"

Now if YOU personally espoused the same type of inappropriate sentiments on FB, then guess what...YOU are your own worst enemy and might wish to seek out the April's FB rhetoric YOU posted and attempt to delete them.

FYI whining in a new thread of your perceived mistreatment at the pizza joint, which by all intents and appearances was apparently caused by your own inappropriate comments...sorry your plight is falling on the unsympathetic deaf ears of this member.

might wish to edit your post in this thread...to reflect 'we had an active...' cuz if you think the word hasn't gotten around about the group, you are solely mistaken...your group is now associated by word of mouth as a negative group!
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Active reading, like active listening, is a very important skill.

Despite your condescension, I respectfully invite you to re-read the post. The owner stated that he could find no connection to any hateful ideaology in our group. The group in question, incidentally, is the Whatcom county members OF THIS VERY FORUM. BTW, I had no idea that my post in the other thread had been modified. There were no racist comments in my post.

I invite you to attend one of our gatherings so that you might take better measure of me. Your description of me as "whining" when I am simply advocating for the recognition of Constitutional rights says much more about you than it does me.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
We have a relatively active Open Carry community here in Whatcom county, and we gather occasionally to catch up with one another, chat about politics, and break bread together. I recently visited Round Table Pizza [snipp...] while open carrying, as I have many, many times before, and had a meal. I asked about securing their group room for an Open Carry meeting, advising them fully about who we were and what we stand for. They advised me that it would be no problem, and gave me a date and time. All was well until we posted our planned meeting. Then our pet troll called the restaurant, told them that we were part of a hate group, and threatened a boycott. This is the message that the owner sent:

"Hello, I am the owner of Round Table Pizza. A person named Brian made a reservation at our restaurant for Sunday, November 18th. I tried to call Brian but the phone number on the reservation is either wrong or disconnected so I am contacting ​y​our group here to address a serious problem with your reservation. First of all let me tell you that I am a firearm enthusiasts and I own several firearms​ and strongly support gun owner's rights​. That being said; I understand that many people who are not firearm enthusiasts have an ignorant and unjustified fear of firearms. It is within this light that we are put in a no-win ​situation.

A person sent a private message to our Facebook page claiming that allowing your group to bring firearms into our restaurant is a public safety issue and also that your group is a, or associated with "hate" groups such as the Proud Boys. Our manager read the message and it spread through the crew like wildfire and they wanted permission to ban your group from our restaurant. I have done the research​ and​ I can find no evidence that your group is associated with any hate group. Nevertheless​,​ the damage is done and our crew is threatening to walk out if we allow you to hold your meeting at our restaurant. Furthermore, the person that sent us the message that started all of this has threatened to turn this into a social media lynching and start an organized boycott​ of​ our restaurant if we allow guns.

We have reached a compromise with the crew and they are OK with your meeting if you don't bring any firearms into our restaurant, so I respectively request that you do not.

I hope you understand and can empathize with the position we have been put in. We have been given the choice of either alienating your group and other gun enthusiasts or alienating most of our crew and who knows how many more people in (very liberal) Bellingham if we let firearms in and this goes viral. Regardless of the choice we make it seems clear that it will do damage to our business and I think it is pretty clear that the potential damage is far greater if we let you bring firearms into our establishment. So I will say again; I hope you understand our no-win predicament​ and why I am forced to make this choice​.

I would be happy to discuss this with you further. You can reach me at my office @ snipped...

Thank you for your time,


While I can empathize with his predicament, this is definitely NOT what "I.... strongly support gun owner's rights​." looks like. It looks like the hundreds of people that I see standing on the capitol steps listening to the speeches of freedom while rain pours from the sky. It looks like the dozens of people gathered to man a phone bank educating people about the upcoming I-1639 vote. It looks like all of you who, like me, wear your gun for political reasons, and welcome friendly and respectful debate. It definitely does NOT look like allowing an anonymous messenger to say patently untruthful things about us, and then allow his own employees to tell him who he can and can not serve. I am disappointed that this individual will continue to believe, in his own mind, that he supports freedom, while simultaneously allowing the TRUE fascists to erode freedom. That said, we respect private property rights, so we will not darken his doorstep.

For my own amusement, I checked my credit card statement. I have spent almost $1,800 at this restaurant in the last 3 years. That ends now. I strongly encourage others to find a more friendly 2A environment for their pizza dollar.

Despite your condescension, I respectfully invite you to re-read the post. The owner stated that he could find no connection to any hateful ideaology in our group. The group in question, incidentally, is the Whatcom county members OF THIS VERY FORUM. BTW, I had no idea that my post in the other thread had been modified. There were no racist comments in my post.

I invite you to attend one of our gatherings so that you might take better measure of me. Your description of me as "whining" when I am simply advocating for the recognition of Constitutional rights says much more about you than it does me.

Might re-read your initial post...cuz

but first to respond to your second post...

1. The OCDO mod felt there was something inappropriate in your April 2018 post to censor, and did.

2. I have.

next point?

Humm, boomboy, your story includes such a complementary and wonderful description of the ‘pet troll’ (?) who you stated ‘called the restaurant’ ‘threatening a boycott’ yet you state the owner had a posting on their FB site about the Bellingham group.

This member must ask did you request if the owner removed the ‘offending’ FB post? If not, as previously stated, the community will continue to read about your group! [of course posting on this public forum ranting about the hate ‘commentary,’ real or perceived,

This member must ask why the necessity to make public slander with disparagingly commentary against the organization “...then allow his own employees to tell him who he can and can not serve.” Private property and their mgmt style isn’t your concern!

This member must inquire why, the name calling...”
allowing the TRUE fascists to erode freedom.”

[sidebar to assure we are using the term ‘fascists’ correctly:

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism]

so boomboy, the very term you are throwing around, by it’s very definition exhaults ‘...nation and often “race” above the individual!’ Interesting, especially in the underpinning of the premise espoused why the private establishment dis-invited your group.

This member wonders why a new thread was started to express your tirade against this establishment in your community?

sorry boomboy, thanks for asking me to re-read your post as my perspective is still valid and even more intact...you’re whining as well as engaging in disparaging a community business cuz you didn’t get your way, especially, since you have not stated you have taken positive steps to mitigate and begin repairing the community’s rumor mill.

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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Cannibalizing ourselves, just like the statist-progressive-fascists. How cute.

Humm big words...know what your sting of hyphenated words means:

Now let’s see dean...your words state: economic controls of highly centralized government through moderate political change that exhaults nation and race above the individual, through centalized autocratic government under a dictatorial leader under severe economic...

Surely that isn’t what you meant to articulate now was it?

concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/statism

relating to, or characterized by progress
b: making of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities

Progressive second def:
one believing in moderate political change and especially social improvement by governmental action

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism]

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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Sorry, I had to block him.

Wow, the threads look much nicer now that I have added "that member" to my ignore list. His boorish behavior only enhances the obvious lack of logic behind his arguments. A thesaurus is a poor substitute for reasoned and rational argument, not to mention treating people with whom you happen to disagree with a modicum of respect.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Wow, the threads look much nicer now that I have added "that member" to my ignore list. His boorish behavior only enhances the obvious lack of logic behind his arguments. A thesaurus is a poor substitute for reasoned and rational argument, not to mention treating people with whom you happen to disagree with a modicum of respect.

Noticed boomboy no mention of working towards remediating the PR disaster you have espoused and embellished into the public lime light your tale of woe...

tho i must unequivocally state i was totally unaware the terms thesaurus and dictionary were synonymous concepts.
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OC Freedom

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2014
ADA County, ID
Wow, the threads look much nicer now that I have added "that member" to my ignore list. His boorish behavior only enhances the obvious lack of logic behind his arguments. A thesaurus is a poor substitute for reasoned and rational argument, not to mention treating people with whom you happen to disagree with a modicum of respect.

That "member" in my opinion is the reason why the activity on this forum has diminished over time. If a person wanted to be treated like dirt, well that's what an employer is for. :D

I believe you handled the Round Table Pizza issue well. You are part of a group working to make a difference in the 2nd Amendment rights of Washington state. So thanks for the reports of what you are doing and keep up the good work.


Regular Member
Jun 13, 2007
, ,
Blocking members

It has been a year since I blocked that person also. OC dot com is so much better with out him


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
Although anybody from any state can post to any thread, there have been a few people that feel a need to reply to EVERY post. Some of "these" people even come over to the OK state thread now that I have moved.
I thought it was going to be a temporary move, after 1639 it may be permanent.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
To the current and past Whatcom county OC group...

terribly sorry nobody else used critical thinking to ascertain why boomboy felt the need to publicly lambaste the local eating establishment in a separate thread on this very public forum, especially calling out the commentary the establishment felt your illustrious group promoted hate, real or perceived, is now being entrenched in circulation of the local [not to mention nationally] community’s gossip & rumor mills for posterity!

As pointed out, there is objective evidence there was some type of commentary where the OCDO moderator ‘edited’ what he considered racial material from boomboy’s previous posts after Applebee’s disallowed your august group to meet in their eatery earlier this year.

I am truly sorry nobody else finds it strange that his post about the establishment sole purpose could have been to discredit/slander and incite disturbances for the establishment by publicly stating the owner’s phone number and email address, instead of just a simple concise statement the venue was changed due to a miscommunication which would have sufficed quite nicely!

That the ad hoc group doesn’t see the need to do PR damage control over boomboy’s latest public debacle is absolutely astounding! Oh wait, boomboy’s and others feel their way to deal with the issue, as they publicly stated, is to put the messenger on ‘ignore’, yepper that works.

Finally, perhaps, just perhaps, the exhibition of elementary playschool hurling of disconnected & meaningless epithets expressed by members of the group, again on this very public forum might just lend credence to the establishment’s owner & staff perception(s) as well as to the local and national communities about the Whatcom County group maturity level.
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
One man's poison is another man's pleasure. Reading between the lines sometimes exposes the message hidden in the massage. Or, bringing out the true color of many messages when woven together.

I have never placed anyone on ignore. Because doing so may deprive me of some information that could benefit me in some way. And, sometimes the messenger may not even know the wisdom they may be imparting.

We all have people and things that irritate us, but that irritation could deny you foresight.

I’m just say’n.
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