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Location assignements - new VSP troopers


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Must new Virginia State Troopers live in an area not familiar to them? Out of town so to speak.

I have heard this, but cannot confirm - no linky. :(

If this be the case, it would seem the VSP is hiring candidates with less than stellar integrity.

Also placing a hardship on family members who can't at the drop of a hat chase them to their new location.


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2007
Hampton, Va, ,
I don't have a cite, but can say a coworker was talking about a relative becoming a state trooper and had to move. There was a set number of years before they would be able to get an assignment back in the area they were from. He said It has to do with breaking local ties to the community and they would be less likely over a period of time to give former friends preferential treatment if they broke the law.

Found something but it doesn't explain why.


Under step 1 - "All candidates must be willing to relocate anywhere in the state of Virginia, ...."
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Placement is normally coming out of the academy is based on need in areas.

Need is often based on retirement, transfers, or other factors that create openings in certain areas.

Normally the openings that go to the academy are those that haven't been filled by transfers.

The academy might not know until just a couple weeks of graduation where the openings are.

There is often competition from areas for troopers coming out of the academy with each post/districts making the case that they should have them.

Then the openings are posted at the academy and the troopers coming out get to pick where they want to go most of the time by class rank.

So the chances of getting a "HOME" assignment is fairly slim.

Thus the rumors that new troopers are placed away from home areas.

As far as getting back "HOME" transfers are normally done on seniority, something a new trooper doesn't have.

So it can take years to get the assignment/area you want.
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