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'Good Samaritan' Kills Active Shooter in Texas Restaurant: Police

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


Jul 5, 2006
In other words, there is NO proper way to stop a threat.

On the contrary. By not buying into some movie-inspired fiction of false "honor", the good Samaritan minimized the risk to himself and his loved ones while protecting innocent lives.

From the article:

[After the good guy shot the bad guy,] "I don't think the [bad guy] shooter even knew where the rounds were coming from because he started shooting at the front door," [police Lt] Cook said, who described the scene as "chaotic."

One more evidence that when it is time for an LAC to draw a gun in defense of self or others, generally, the proper next thing is to shoot. Not to yell, not to threaten, but to shoot, putting bullets on target to end the threat to innocent life and limb. If the bad guy conveniently has left his six exposed as he poses an on going threat to innocent life and limb, so much the better for any LAC in a position to end that threat.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
On the contrary. By not buying into some movie-inspired fiction of false "honor", the good Samaritan minimized the risk to himself and his loved ones while protecting innocent lives.

I always thought movies were a lesson on how not to do it.

It is a good thing that BGs watch movies they seem use them as training films. One is most likely safer from a movie watching bad guy armed with a full auto then a cool hand armed with a revolver.

But then when bullets fly one is always endanger even a bad shot gets lucky now and then.

We could go on in length on how anti gun movies are. How many times has one seen perfectly good weapons laying around and the good guy choses hand to hand or non firearm weapons to continue the fight.


May 1, 2016
From the MSN site:Odd comment to make.

A different report from the Dallas news: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/arl...ded-arlington-restaurant-shooting-reports-say

Article cited above Title.
'Hero' stopped mass murder by crazed bar patron who was armed to the teeth, police say

Weaponry the bad had on him per the article cited above.
Authorities later found two loaded guns and two knives on Jones, Cook said Thursday.

I guess when I go out and have only one gun and one knife I am only armed to my upper or lower teeth? Not both sets?



Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Whatever works.. There exist no proper decorum for taking down a bad guy.. My .02


?!?! Of course, there is. Movies? Didn't you know? :)

<cue John Wayne voice from Rio Bravo>

"You want that gun? Pick it up. I wish you would."

Then, after Dean Martin shoots the blood-dripping killer out of the loft:

<more John Wayne voice, directed at the bad guy who wanted to pick up the gun>

"And, nobody walked in here, huh?"

<clonk> (sound of Winchester barrel across the bad-guy's face)

Dean Martin: "Chance!"

John Wayne: "Awww. I ain't gonna hurt him."

Movies!! Don't you get it? They're real! You gotta follow John Wayne decorum when taking down the bad guy.*


*Like in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: from across the street, after Pompey tosses him the rifle. Rance Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart) never knew, and Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin) never saw it coming. Ok, ok! I'll stop with the movies. :)
Last edited:


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
?!?! Of course, there is. Movies? Didn't you know? :)

<cue John Wayne voice from Rio Bravo>

"You want that gun? Pick it up. I wish you would."

Then, after Dean Martin shoots the blood-dripping killer out of the loft:

<more John Wayne voice, directed at the bad guy who wanted to pick up the gun>

"And, nobody walked in here, huh?"

<clonk> (sound of Winchester barrel across the bad-guy's face)

Dean Martin: "Chance!"

John Wayne: "Awww. I ain't gonna hurt him."

Movies!! Don't you get it? They're real! You gotta follow John Wayne decorum when taking down the bad guy.*


*Like in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: from across the street, after Pompey tosses him the rifle. Rance Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart) never knew, and Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin) never saw it coming. Ok, ok! I'll stop with the movies. :)

The Duke was "renowned" for using that Winchester as a fist, aka, across the face of the bad guys.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
?!?! Of course, there is. Movies? Didn't you know? :)

<cue John Wayne voice from Rio Bravo>

"You want that gun? Pick it up. I wish you would."

Then, after Dean Martin shoots the blood-dripping killer out of the loft:

<more John Wayne voice, directed at the bad guy who wanted to pick up the gun>

"And, nobody walked in here, huh?"

<clonk> (sound of Winchester barrel across the bad-guy's face)

Dean Martin: "Chance!"

John Wayne: "Awww. I ain't gonna hurt him."

Movies!! Don't you get it? They're real! You gotta follow John Wayne decorum when taking down the bad guy.*


*Like in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: from across the street, after Pompey tosses him the rifle. Rance Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart) never knew, and Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin) never saw it coming. Ok, ok! I'll stop with the movies. :)
Not all that and a bag of chips.

George Washington McLintock: I know, I know. I'm gonna use good judgement. I haven't lost my temper in forty years, but pilgrim you caused a lot of trouble this morning, might have got somebody killed... and somebody oughta belt you in the mouth. But I won't, I won't. The *hell* I won't![belts Jones in the mouth]
Just say'in. ;)


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
If I'm ever forced to have to use a firearm in defense, I hope I'm fortunate enough to go against an armed bad guy who's not facing me at the moment, too.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
?!?! Of course, there is. Movies? Didn't you know? :)

<cue John Wayne voice from Rio Bravo>

"You want that gun? Pick it up. I wish you would."

Then, after Dean Martin shoots the blood-dripping killer out of the loft:

<more John Wayne voice, directed at the bad guy who wanted to pick up the gun>

"And, nobody walked in here, huh?"

<clonk> (sound of Winchester barrel across the bad-guy's face)

Dean Martin: "Chance!"

John Wayne: "Awww. I ain't gonna hurt him."

Movies!! Don't you get it? They're real! You gotta follow John Wayne decorum when taking down the bad guy.*


*Like in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: from across the street, after Pompey tosses him the rifle. Rance Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart) never knew, and Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin) never saw it coming. Ok, ok! I'll stop with the movies. :)

" That's my steak," Valance


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2017
Somewhere over the rainbow
As a defensive condition, your option(s) would be....?

Consider moving with the grace of forked lightning.

Well of course if you're confident they are going to pull the trigger you better get into motion and hope you can get shots on target.

Since it's an imaginary situation, my foe isn't well versed in hitting moving targets.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Well of course if you're confident they are going to pull the trigger you better get into motion and hope you can get shots on target.

Since it's an imaginary situation, my foe isn't well versed in hitting moving targets.
I can't read his mind - I presume that he will shoot.

"This is not the time for manners and etiquette. You will kill them or they will kill you. Make a choice which one you want to happen."