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Federal appeals courts holds that open carry does not provide "reasonable suspicion"


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
Federal appeals courts holds that open carry does not provide "reasonable suspicion"



OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - A federal appeals court says Lincoln police did not have reasonable suspicion to stop and detain [an open carrier}.

The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' opinion Tuesday reverses the ruling of a federal judge, who last year dismissed Leroy Duffie's lawsuit against the city of Lincoln and several police officers.

the appeals court says given Nebraska's law allowing the open-carry of guns, [open carry] could not be construed as a crime . . .


Founder's Club Member
Dec 17, 2007
Bellevue, Washington, USA
The dissent seems to think that the combination of shyness and being armed is a threat. Even though the blowing imaginary smoke event happened without any evidence that the armed man even saw the person he "threatened".


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA


OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - A federal appeals court says Lincoln police did not have reasonable suspicion to stop and detain [an open carrier}.

The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' opinion Tuesday reverses the ruling of a federal judge, who last year dismissed Leroy Duffie's lawsuit against the city of Lincoln and several police officers.

the appeals court says given Nebraska's law allowing the open-carry of guns, [open carry] could not be construed as a crime . . .

This is precisely the same finding as Judge Black in St. John v. Alamogordo.

It's nice to see the appeals court upheld the LAW. The Federal judge just disqualified himself. He needs to resign. His line of "reasoning" is identical to that of stopping a person and detaining them for wearing a t-shirt that says, "I may have committed a crime; then again, I may not have." Do cops stop drivers because they have the potential to plow through a crowd of people? Do raid people while they're cooking breakfast because their kitchen knives might have be or have been used in a crime? Heck no. Yet that's precisely the gross lack of logic demonstrated by the Federal judge. Thank God for appeals courts.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
The dissent seems to think that the combination of shyness and being armed is a threat. Even though the blowing imaginary smoke event happened without any evidence that the armed man even saw the person he "threatened".

Just goes to show you why I do not look to .govs to stop violating my rights...cannot be trusted. If another judge would have seen it the same as the dissenting judge did then the dissent would be the ruling and not the dissent.

These people are evil.....ruling on rights? Pure evil.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
The dissenting Bobby E. Shepherd was appointed by George W. Bush. This judge needs to be removed from the bench.
Regardless, the possible terroristic threat did produce some result in the clerk because the clerk called the Lincoln Police Department to report the incident.
Now everything is a terroristic threat.

Slippery slope......
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Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
Good news for MO since we are in the 8th district.

I've not had any issues with OC in MO. I've only had 1 person ever even say anything negative and that was years ago. I knew the off limit places before and in 2014 the MO law changed to exempt CCW holders from local anti-OC ordinances. No one has asked to see my CCW even when OC in very anti-OC areas since the change. YMMV. Still nice to have this clarifying ruling to continue my uninterrupted exercise of my right.

Now if we can just get full OC preemption so no CCW required regardless.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Good news for MO since we are in the 8th district.

I've not had any issues with OC in MO. I've only had 1 person ever even say anything negative and that was years ago. I knew the off limit places before and in 2014 the MO law changed to exempt CCW holders from local anti-OC ordinances. No one has asked to see my CCW even when OC in very anti-OC areas since the change. YMMV. Still nice to have this clarifying ruling to continue my uninterrupted exercise of my right.

Good news indeed!

Now if we can just get full OC preemption so no CCW required regardless.

Exactly. It's not merely a federal law, it's the supreme Law of the Land, and just as the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled the Congressional mandate of our First Amendment applies to all states, counties, and cities, how much more the limitless bounds of the Second Amendment should apply to each and every man, woman, and child throughout these United States.

"...The right of the people to keep (own/possess) firearms and bear (carry, either on one's personal in any given format or even in spite of it) SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Yet there they go, they're at it today. Total, damned nincompoops.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
The dissenting Bobby E. Shepherd was appointed by George W. Bush. This judge needs to be removed from the bench.
Now everything is a terroristic threat.

Slippery slope......

Domestic enemies do not include those who are attempting to subvert the U.S.S. Enterprises' efforts.

After such fate and an appropriate response has been formulated Q.

However, the timelines for both patients were swift. Sad to say. :)
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